Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
The mission of the UH West Oʻahu Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is to promote a safe and effective learning and working environment for the UH West Oʻahu community.
To carry out its mission, the UH West Oʻahu BIT will:
- Assist individuals of concern and campus community members affected by the concerning behavior reported; and
- Address behavioral issues and concerns at the lowest levels to mitigate risk; and
- Recommend appropriate intervention strategies; and
- Gather and document information and assess situations involving individuals of concern; and
- Connect individuals of concern with internal and external resources when necessary; and
- Monitor individuals of concern who have been identified by the BIT when present on the UH West O‘ahu campus; and
- Identify individuals whose behavior is considered a health and safety issue and address the issue(s) appropriately in the best interest of the University; and
- Assist the Campus Crisis Management Team (CCMT), when necessary, in accordance with EP 9.210, Workplace Non-Violence Policy; and
- Provide “emergency removal” assessments in accordance with the Title IX implementing regulations and the interim policy on sexual harassment (EP 1.204) and its interim accompanying procedures (AP 1.204) on cases involving sexual harassment; and
- Build campus awareness on BIT reporting and BIT processes within the campus community; and
- Collaborate with external community partners such as Threat Team Hawaiʻi (TTH), and other BIT/threat assessment teams throughout the state when dealing with health and safety issues, as deemed appropriate; and
- Keep accurate and appropriate records in accordance with state and federal laws, policies and process.
Need to report an individual of concern?
When to contact BIT
Contact the BIT with concerns about the physical, emotional, and behavioral well-being or safety of a UH West Oʻahu student, faculty, staff or community member, including (but not limited to):
- Self-injurious or erratic behavior
- Disruptive patterns of behavior
- Displaced anger, changes in demeanor or any other concerning behavior, whether in person or online
Referrals to the BIT should never be considered an emergency. If you do have an emergency, call UH West Oʻahu Campus Security at (808) 689-2911.
For any inquiries or questions, contact us at or our BIT Leadership team: