Charter of Nālimakui Council


We, the Kanaka Maoli, the Native people of Hawaiʻi, are unique by virtue of our ancestral ties to the ʻāina, our history,language, culture, knowledge and spirituality. The Nālimakui Council, representing Kanaka Maoli within the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu, envisions a University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu committed to the empowerment, advancement and self-determination of Kanaka Maoli, through distinctly Hawaiian instruction, research and service. Therefore, Nālimakui Council promotes the superior development of all aspects of Kanaka Maoli identity, including a pono spiritual, intellectual, cultural, economic and social well-being.

Article 1: Purpose and Function of the Council

The purpose of the Nālimakui Council of the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu is to provide a formal, independent voice and organization through which the Native Hawaiian faculty, administrators, and students of the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu can participate in the development and interpretation of systemwide policy and practice as it relates to Native Hawaiian programs, activities, initiatives, and issues.

Specifically, the Council will:

  1. Provide advice and information to the Chancellor of the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu on issues that have particular relevance for Native Hawaiians and for Native Hawaiian culture, language,and history .
  2. Work with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors at the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu and campus administration to position the University as one of the world’s foremost indigenous-serving universities.
  3. Promote the access and success of Native Hawaiian students in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs, and the increase in representation of Native Hawaiians in all facets of the Universityof Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu.
  4. Encourage and facilitate Native Hawaiian excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, publication, and service in all academic disciplines.
  5. Advocate for fairness and equity in all decisions and resource allocations related to NativeHawaiian programs and services.

Article 2: Organization and Membership

2.1 The Nālimakui Council is comprised of Native Hawaiians and those associated with the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu as faculty, staff, adjunct faculty, administration, and students who support Pūkoʻa Council’s mission and values.

2.2 Any person who qualifies for membership and who supports the Pukoʻa Council’s mission and values may become a general member of Nālimakui Council representing Kanaka Maoli at the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu.

2.3 Nālimakui Council members meet regularly and assume equal responsibility for the work of the Council.

2.4 The Nālimakui Council has no elected officers and reaches decisions on policies and recommendations through its Council, which consists of two Executive Council members and General members.

Article 3: Code of Conduct (Values)

3.1 The Pūkoʻa Council relies on a process where decisions are made by the Executive Council as a whole. The responsibility that normally belongs to a Chair or elected leader rotates throughout the members of the Executive Council as representatives of their member campus organizations. In light of this, this Pūkoʻa Code of Conduct is adopted to guide the Executive Council members in their responsibilities to themselves, their colleagues and the group as a whole.

3.2 The following values are adopted to guide Nālimakui Council’s actions:

  • a. Aloha aku, aloha mai. The actions of members of the council shall be founded in respect for each other and for the integrity of the group.
  • b. Mālama i kekahi i kekahi. Members will conduct themselves in a manner that promotes and sustains the well-being of Pūkoʻa Council, Nālimakui Council, as well as its individual members. Members who have greater experience with the group and understanding of its history have the responsibility to mentor others. Each member has the right to speak on behalf of the member’s campus organization with respect for the experience and knowledge of others.
  • c. Ma ka hana ka ʻike. All members should actively engage in the discussion, debate and deliberation of the issues and topics before the Pūkoʻa Council. Members have a responsibility for seeking positive solutions and accept kuleana for the actions required to realize their outcome. Through active engagement, individual members Pūkoʻa Council, and Nālimakui Council as a whole will gain experience, which will build our capacity to deal with future challenges.
  • d. Kūlia i ka nuʻu. In continuing the long tradition of our ancestors, Nālimakui Council strives for excellence in all of its actions.

Article 4: Miscellaneous

4 .1 Any matter not covered by this Charter shall be brought before the Pūkoʻa Executive Council and Nālimakui Council for resolution. This Charter is a living document and shall be reviewed periodically.

4.2 This Charter has been ratified by the Nālimakui Council members and Chancellor Gene Awakuni of the University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu.

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