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Learn about doctor’s path to cultural learning


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff

Dr. Shana Sniffen will share her personal journey through medical training and clinical practice, which offered opportunities for cultural learning and diverse ways of healing, in the next Math + Science + X Seminar, “Medicine as a Path for Cultural Learning.”

The seminar is from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24, at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu campus in A225 or via Zoom; meeting ID is 944 2748 2975 and passcode is MSX2023.

Math + Science + X seminars help Mathematics, Natural, and Health Sciences faculty at the UH West O‘ahu promote fascinating, interesting, and current topics that are happening in STEM. STEM community members around the island, mainland, and within the university are invited to give presentations. Each seminar is geared to introduce UH West O‘ahu undergraduates, faculty, staff, and interested community members to a variety of research and career development or opportunities.

“Medicine as a Path for Cultural Learning” is open to UH West O‘ahu students, faculty, and staff, and to the general public. For more information, email

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff