Meet local author Joseph Han, author of “Nuclear Family: A Novel” — a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice — at a special reading next month at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu.
Han will be the featured guest at the Mostly Monthly Reading Series event, which will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18, at UH West O‘ahu’s James & Abigail Campbell Library, second-floor exhibition space.
Han will read from his recently published novel and take questions from the audience. Dry snacks will be provided and there will be prize drawings.
A description of the novel by publisher Counterpoint Press states: “Set in the months leading up to the 2018 nuclear missile false alarm, a Korean American family living in Hawai’i faces the fallout of their eldest son’s attempt to run across the Demilitarized Zone into North Korea in this ‘fresh, inventive, and at times, hilarious novel’ (Kaui Hart Hemmings, author of ‘The Descendants’).”
The Mostly Monthly Reading Series is presented in collaboration between the library and faculty host Andy Godefroy, an English lecturer at UH West O‘ahu. The first event was hosted in 2013 and the last event was on Nov. 20, 2019; a planned reading for March 2020 did not take place.
Godefroy said he started the series as a way to introduce local literature to UH West O‘ahu students as well as introduce the campus to the local literary community.
“In addition to these goals I also feel like on-campus events are essential to build a connected student body and thought these readings would be a great way to bring people together,” Godefroy said. “Through the years the series has done a great job of getting students excited about both reading fiction and writing fiction.”
The Mostly Monthly Reading Series event featuring Han is open to UH West O‘ahu students, faculty, and staff, and the general public. Anyone who has questions or would like more info may email