Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2023

as approved October 6, 2023

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held in a hybrid format with approximately half attending in person and half via Zoom Platform. FS Chair Akamine presiding with Brenda Machosky Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:37 a.m.

In-Person: Ka’iulani Akamine, Lo’ea Akiona, Harald Barkoff, Bonnie Bittman, Maenette Benham, James Burrell, Matt Cavert, Olivia George, Samantha Giridhar, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Ariel Gruenthal-Rankin, Cathay Ikeda, Holly Itoga, Lea Kini, Soledad Lencihas, Sa’ili Lilomaiava-Doktos, David McDonald, Lindsey Millerd, Leslie Opulauoho, Garry Roy, Dan Smith, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Dee Uwono, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Lynette Williamson

Online: Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, Carina Chernisky, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Kim Compoc, Kealani Cook, Summer DeBruyne, David Dinh, Michael Furuto, Alphie Garcia, Michiko Joseph, Edward G E K Keaunui, Katie Landgraf, Carrie Larger, Wendell Lee, Jon Magnussen, Joy Mahiko, Monique Mironesco, Sen. Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo,Terri Ota, Mike Pak, Ke’alohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, Tom Scheiding, Anita Tanner, Patricia Yu, Stefanie Wilson

I. Opening Protocol

  1. Mele Honouliuli (Led by Nāulu Faculty)
  2. Land Acknowledgement provided by Academic Affairs Committee representative Joanne Chinen-Moore


II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

No corrections. Approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Mahalo to all who participated in convocation. The opening table presentations provided opportunities for people to meet and for new faculty and staff to gain information.
    2. Mahalo to Student Services faculty and staff who have been managing donations to Maui Fire victims.
    3. No report on budget yet as BOR will meet on Thursday September 21. Referred to BOR website for information. Once the FY24 budget is accepted, Chancellor will disaggregate the budget to UHWO 24 FY academic budget and then present it to the campus via a hybrid modality (also recorded). This will be provided after full approval of the budgets.
    4. Himi Uri exhibit coming to UHWO Library, about the relationship between Okinawa and Hawai`i during and after World War II. Mahalo to Carina Chernisky and library staff.
    5. Department of Energy will be on campus September 21, with an informational meeting 12:00-1:30, hosted by Rick Jones and Camonia Graham-Tutt. DOE is seeking paid interns across disciplines for 10 weeks on sites in the Pacific and the US Continent.
    6. White House initiative for AANAPISI scheduled for the last week of September. Details to be announced.
    7. Please read weekly bulletins from the Chancellor.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administrative Affairs (Vice Chancellor David McDonald)
    1. Library has begun re-opening in stages. Mahalo to everyone for cooperation.
    2. Coffee shop coming to campus, tentative opening of “The 831 Café” on September 18 in the Creative Media Building.
    3. New Human Resources Director Celia Remillard introduced and said a few words. Will be reaching out.
    4.  Everyone is encouraged to reach out to Joe Long in Facilities to report anything that needs attention on campus.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Vice Chancellor Dee Uwono)
    1. Mahalo to everyone who participated in calling students over the summer to encourage re-enrollment. Evaluating the process and looking to improve it moving forward.
    2. Enrollment management is the focus of the coming year, recruiting and retaining students with a “whole village” approach from the campus.
    3. Admissions Director Michelle Cohen resigned. Requesting patience as we fill this position.
    4. Currently conducting participant verification.
    5. E Ala Pono, focused on retention, dates will be announced soon.
    6. E Ala Pono– Progress Update 1 and 2 (Fall 2022)
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice Chancellor Harald Barkhoff
    1. Starting to work on Spring 2024 classes.

IV. Faculty Senate Chair Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Lindsey Millerd
    1. There are currently five members of the ASUHWO senate, Vice President: Mikaela Eaton; Public Administration Senator: Danielle Ethan Bantilan; Senior Class Senator: Jasika Gouveia; Caucus Ambassador: Kanoelani Bagorio. There are 16 vacant positions. Request to Faculty to encourage students to serve.
    2. Two summer events:
      1. Summer Bash (water fun day)
      2. Heading Westbound Fair in conjunction with Native Hawaiian Student Success.
    3. Welcome Week events included Welcome Week festivities with SAFB goodies and a coffee hour first two days of school with a talk story to learn what students wanted at UHWO: they want coffee on campus and other food and drink options, longer hours at the gym and library, more social events like concerts, dances and markets, cheaper school merchandise and mentorship opportunities.
    4. First General ASUHWO Senate Meeting, Sept. 2 at 4pm and the next meeting is on Sept. 15. Meetings are open to all students and staff.
  2. Faculty Senate Chair Report
    1. ACCFSC Updates
      1. Maui Updates
      2. SCR 201 Policy Feedback requested during the month of September from Janice Yamada, VP for Academic Strategy. Revised the following policies: RP9.206, EP 9.201, RP 9.214, RP 9.213, EP 5.221, RP 9.202. Revised versions should be received later today. BOR plans to finalize and approve the policy during the November meeting.
    2. BOR Updates – Transitioning New BOR rep Neil Abercrombie for ACCFSC.
    3. Campus Updates
      1. UHWO 2023-04 Resolution update
        1.  Approved and adopted at the last FS meeting of 2023-24 not recommended by VCAA Moniz and not approved by Chancellor Benham. These included expanding compensation for Faculty Senate positions. Chair notes that this was an important registration of faculty sentiment on this issue and may be helpful in future contract negotiations.
        2. Recognition of Outgoing, Continuing, and Incoming Faculty Senate Standing Committee Chairs
          1. Academic Affairs and Planning – Sen. Ross Prizzia – many years
          2. Budget and Resources:
            1. Acting Chair Brenda Machosky transitioning to Thomas Schielding. No Vice Chair at this time.
          3. Curriculum:
            1. Chair Masahide Kato and Vice Chair Holly Itoga transitioning to Chair Lisa Spencer and Vice Chair Sen. Carina Cernisky
          4. Distance Education
            1. Chair Jonathan Schwartz transitioning to Chair Lynnette Williamson
          5. General Education
            1. Chair Sen. Cathy Ikeda and Vice Chair Sen. Megan Ross
          6. Program Review
            1. Chair Stephanie Kamai and Vice Chair Mark Hanson transitioning to Chair Sen. Kealani Cook
          7. Student Affairs
            1. Sen. Katie Landgraf
          8. Sustainability
            1. Chair Christie Mellow to Chair Sen. Rouel Velasco
        3. Institute for Research and Engaged Scholarship (Lea Kinikini, Director IRES)
          1. Call for Research and Grant Proposals. IRES provides institutional support and resources for faculty. As IRES Director, Lea Kinikini partners with the fiscal office to support writing of grants, developing the pre-award phase, and then looking for funding sources. Biggest grants are Title III and NSF. Due date for January is in December, ideally for Spring semester expenditure. October and March – opportunities of support to present papers.
          2. 4-5 travel grants to present at National Engaged Scholarship Conference RTRF funding support.
          3. IRES meets quarterly with two faculty representatives (Camonia Graham-Tutt and Esther Widiasih).
          4. Financial stats: 41 projects, 26 PIs, executives are often the PIs on the grants
          5. Developed a faculty handbook for the process.
          6. Advanced grant-writing course available . Next cohort starts in October, open to staff and faculty. Taking expressions of interest (EOI) until 09/15/23

V. Committee Reports or Announcements

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No report
  2. Budget and Resources – (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. Request for additional funding through BRC (system-level) – approved at $100,000 budget for research travel through June 30, 2023.
    2. First meeting late September, two application rounds (Fall mid-October, early Spring). If planning any trips at all, start eTravel process, even if the conference is late in the AY.
  3. Curriculum – (Sen. Carina Cernisky) – No report but reminders.
    1. Reminder upcoming deadlines. Next big deadline is 9/8 Friday. Deadlines are firm, but there may be a need for exceptions which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    2. Based on feedback about streamlining the approval process, the Division liaison will review each proposal before it goes to full committees
  4. Distance Education – (Lynette Williamson) – No report
  5. General Education – (Sen. Cathy Ikeda) – No report
  6. Program Review – (Sen. Kealani Cook) – No report
  7. Student Affairs – (Sen. Katie Landgraf) – No report
  8. Sustainability – (Sen Rouel Velasco)
    1. Update: meetings are held last Tuesday of the month at 8:30am – 9:30am



VII. Announcements

  1. Lynette Williamson: There is a workshop today, September 1, 2023 on Syllabi Cloverleaf Equity and Social Justice Workshop
  2. Sen. Carina Cernisky: Library exhibition Ka Puna O Kalo`i – opening reception on September 5, 2023
  3. Loea Akiona:
    A. Career Internship Fair on 10/5/23
    B. Legislative internship program is now open with apps due 9/18, and information sessions happening now.

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (Time Permitting)

No motion to move to executive session.

IX. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 12:32 p.m.

Brenda Machosky, Vice Chair/Recorder