Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2022

as approved November 4, 2022

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. FS Chair Akamine presiding with Lisa Spencer Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m.


Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, Bonnie Bittman, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, W. Matt Cavert, JoanneChinen-Moore, Kealani Cook, David Dinh, Suzanne Finney, Michael Furuto, Alphie Garcia, Mark Hanson, Holly Itoga, Michiko Joseph, Kawena Komeji, Wendell Lee, Joseph Mareko, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Michael Pak, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Garry Roy, Jonathan Schwartz, Daniel Smith, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Peiyong Yu, Lisa Spencer, Ka’iu Akamine, Edward Keaunui, Leslie Opulauoho, Stefanie Wilson, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Megan Ross, Cathy Ikeda, Maenette Benham, Lynette Williamson, Masahide Kato, Loea Akiona, Jon Magnussen, Jan Javinar, Terri Ota, Christy Mello, James Oshiro, Alan Rosenfeld.

I. Opening Protocol

  1. Mele Honouliuli
  2. Land Acknowledgement

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

  1. Minutes of the Sept. 2, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting.
    1. Circulated to Faculty Senate members.
    2. No corrections. Approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Mahalo to Security Officer Fia for assistance to ensure nearby brush fire did not affect the UHWO campus or accessway.
    2. Announcements:
      1. Healthy Minds Network Survey
        1. Two different versions – Faculty/Staff, Students
        2. Purpose: Better understand the health and wellbeing of the UHWO community. Used to change policies, processes, services, and strengthen programs offered at UHWO (students, faculty/staff).
        3. Begins 10/17/22 – Invitation link from Healthy Minds network.
        4. Closes 11/14/22
        5. Confidential
        6. Report – Spring 2023
      2. Participate in UH System Strategic Planning Town Halls
        1. Aligns with UHWO strategic plan
      3. Executive Management Search
        1. Vice Chancellor of Administration – 3 candidates
        2. Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs – Permanent
      4. Biennium Budget Process – UBAC
        1. Resource request to Legislature – for Fall 2024.
        2. Draft request for consideration
          1. 23 positions, $1.6 million
          2. Focus: Health & Wellness, Teacher Preparation, Digital Economy (creative media), Student Success Support (recruitment, retention, & transfer), and Campus Support.
      5. Congratulations to Dr. Alan Rosenfeld – AVP Academic Planning and Policy (UH System).
        1. Last day at UHWO – 10/14/22
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA Alan Rosenfeld)
    1. Contract Renewal, Tenure & Promotion applications
      1. T&P deadline extended due to portal issues
        1. Friday, October 14, 2022 at 4:30 pm.
    2. Campbell-Kapolei Complex activity
      1. October 28, 2022
      2. 1,250 students expected
      3. 80-100 Employers
      4. In-person, on-campus
    3. GenEd redesign town halls
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (VCSA Jan Javinar, Loea Akiona and Leslie Opulauoho)
    1. Upcoming Activities
      1. UH System IT/Intel Fair
        1. Website:
        2. Student Registration:
      2. UHWO Career/Internship Fair
        1. Student Registration:
        2. Participating Organizations:
      3. Ask an Agent Over Coffee
    2. E Ala Pono Student Success
      1. E Ala Pono – Part 1 – completed
        1. Mahalo Instructor Participation during Fall 2022 (Progress Update
        2. Faculty Participation – 46%
        3. Courses – 40%
      2. E Ala Pono – Part 2
        1. *Please complete by 10/19 11:55 pm
        2. Withdraw from courses with NO refund and a “W” grade – October 31
      3. Fall 2022 Commencement
        1. Saturday, December 12, 2022, 9-10:30am, UHWO Courtyard
          1. 300 unduplicated Graduation Applications received 9/23 (students are still submitting)
          2. Candidates will be invited to register participation in the optional ceremony – Deadline:  Thurs., 11/10, 4pm
          3. 3-Day Grad Fest Events (Tues – Thurs)Candidates:11/15; 11/16 and 11/17 (varied hours)
        2. 3-day Graduation Fest – 11/15 – 11/17/22 (Varied hours)
          1. PMOH Headshots; Picking up Regalia, Parking Passes and Guest Tickets
          2. Graduate School Fair
        3. Need Campus Representation (all hands-on deck from all areas Administration, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs)
          1. Assist Setup, Implement and Cleanup
          2. Faculty Processional
          3. More information and signup will be posted by early November.

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update –
    1. Pending interviews.
    2. Concern – Trying to build ASUHWO
    3. Email from Rouel Velasco to Faculty/Staff – Nominations
    4. Office hours – Tuesday, 1-3pm.
  2. FS Chairs Report
    1. Higher Education Act Requirements for Title IV eligibility (Presentation by James Oshiro – Financial Aid)
      1. Fall 2023 – 50% of courses must be available in-person or hybrid due to accreditation and federal funding requirement.
      2. More discussions with Executive Management and what this ruling means for UHWO forthcoming.
    2. General Education Redesign Proposal (Dr. Bonnie Bittman and Leslie Opulauoho)
      1. pp. 18-28 Current and proposed requirements – Tables – Foundations, Diversification, and Focus
        1. Require: Hawaii Place of Learning course.
        2. Modification: 2 to 1 diversification course.
        3. Modification: WI courses from 3 to 2.
      2. p. 33 – 36 Campus level development
      3. p. 78 UHWO course requirement modifications
      4. Town Hall (registration required with email address)
      5. Anonymous Feedback link located on the website.
    3. UBAC (Dr. Katherine Aumer)
      1. Budget, Scholarships, and Biennium (2024-2025 Fiscal Year).
      2. Divisions proposals vetted and submitted to UH system.
      3. UBAC members did not review proposals submitted for UHWO.
    4. ACCFSC Updates
      1. Reduce BOR standing committees (7 to 4)
      2. Dr. A. Rosenfeld – System Liaison
      3. Faculty life survey – draft results
      4. Email privacy policy EP 2.210
      5. GenEd Proposal
      6. Strategic Plan Town Hall
        1. 10/14/22 – 1-2:30pm – For students
    5. BOR Update
      1. President Lassner
        1. Overall UH Enrollment down by 2.8% (does not include non-credit programs).
        2. UHM largest freshman class (3,000+).
        3. Westside schools (UHWO, LCC) have the lowest percentage of students with on-campus classes.
        4. UH – $130 million – extra-mural funding.
          1. $4.6 million anonymous donation towards indigenous innovation.
        5. Held at Windward CC – enrollment down by less than 1%.
          1. Creative pivots –
            1. 8-week cohort pathways (2 classes at a time).
            2. Redesign Hawaii Loa programs – Target Halaus outside of the state.
            3. Asynchronous learning
        6. Campus Updates – Standing Committees
          1. Looking for volunteers to represent on standing committees – Oral Communication, Curriculum Committee.

V. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No report
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Michiko Joseph)
    1. Review application process.
    2. Round #1 – Due 10/17/22
  3. Curriculum Committee (Sen. Holly Itoga)
    1. OPDAS training for Kuali – 10/28/22 – 3-4:30pm
    2. Nov. 11, 2022 – Courses are due for the 2023-2024 catalog
    3. Course Approvals and Recommendations adopted.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Course Approvals and Recommendations adopted.
  5. General Education Committee (Sen. Megan Ross)
    1. Nov. 11, 2022 – Kuali deadline for renewals, foundations, and diversification for AY 2023-2024 due.
    2. Course Approvals and Recommendations adopted.
  6. Program Review (Sen. Mark Hanson) – No report.
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Joseph Mareko)
    1. Use of EdReady – option for additional placement testing
  8. Sustainability (Sen. Christy Mello)
    1. Drafting a FS Resolution – Sustainability on campus:
      1. Reducing food waste
      2. Adding solar to campus (parking lot/buildings)
      3. Implementing/ensuring a sustainable process for collecting and processing paper waste
      4. Tracking sustainability metrics
    2. Encourage students to submit something for the Student Sustainable Pitch competition.

VI. Announcements

  1. Fall 2022 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium (jpeg).
    1. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022 – 9am – 5pm
    2. C-225
  2. UH IT & Intelligence Virtual Career Fair
    1. Friday, Oct. 14, 2022
  3. UHWO Career & Internship Fair
    1. Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022
  4. AY 22-23 Faculty Senate Dates: 11/4, 12/2 and 2/3, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5

VII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (Time Permitting)

No motion to move to Executive Session.


Meeting adjourned at 12:57 p.m.

Lisa Spencer, Vice Chair/Recorder.