Meeting Minutes
October 1, 2021

as approved November 5, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. Chair Edward Keaunui presiding with Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m.


Kaiu Akamine, Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, Bonnie Bittman, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, W. Matt Cavert, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Kealani Cook, David Dinh, Alphie Garcia, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Holly Itoga, Kawena Komeiji, Katie Landgraf, Brenda Machosky, Jon Magnussen, Joy Mahiko, Gloria Niles, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Lynette Williamson, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Ed Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Bradley Ashburn, AVCAA Alan Rosenfeld, Michael Hayes, Carrie Larger, Gabriel Navalta (ASUHWO), Stefanie Wilson, Chancellor Maenette Benham, Christy Mello, Terri Ota, Leslie Opulauoho, VCAA Jeff Moniz, Interim VCSA Jan Javinar, Rian-Angelic Barreras.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Chancellor M. Benham.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

I. Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2021

Circulated to Faculty Senate members.

Approved with changes.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Weekly Bulletin – Monday, 10/4/21
      1. Youtube video
    2. Enrollment/ In-person classes
      1. Enrollment is down. Fall 2020: 3,168 students, Fall 2021: 3,008 students (-5.1%).
        1. Factors:
          1. Beyond control – COVID-related, Impact of disparities created by the pandemic.
          2. Control – Add value to lives in community and neighbor islands.
            1. What we deliver and how.
      2. Return to campus – Spring 2022
        1. In-person and Hybrid
        2. All students (in-person or hybrid) must be vaccinated.
      3. Students fully vaccinated can register for Spring 2022
      4. 95% of faculty and staff are vaccinated.
        1. Verification – LumiSight (upload vaccination card or negative test)
      5. On-campus Faculty – Student Attendance Sheet
        1. Green check – cleared LumiSight
    3. COVID update.
      1. LumiSight
      2. COVID Hotline
      3. Weekly Bulletin
      4. Monthly Newsletter
      5. Website
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)
    1. Leslie Opulauoho’s Report
      1. Commencement – Saturday, December 11, 2021 (a.m.)
        1. Virtual Recorded Commencement
        2. Drive through Celebration
        3. Grad Apps – Faculty Assistance to encourage students
      2. E Ala Pono Participation
        1. Progress Week 3 – Follow ups.
        2. Progress Week 7 – October 11-20, 2021
    2. Jan’s Report
      1. Career Fair
      2. Enrollment
        1. New student numbers down. Continuing student numbers are up.
        2. Strategies to address enrollment (with VCAA).
        3. Segments – Non-traditional Adult Learner:
          1. Military-related
          2. Community College Transfer & Neighbor Island Students
          3. Adult Learners (i.e. career changers)
      3. Question (Sen. K. Cook) – Any data on percentage of students who want on-campus or hybrid?
        1. Chancellor response – Can provide statistics. FAQs in October Peahi Lono.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration
    1. No report
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)
    1. VCAA Moniz
      1. Return to Campus – Spring 2022
        1. Encourage return to campus; convert courses to hybrid and/or online (Spring 2022).
        2. Recommendation – Opt for Hybrid/Online Blend
          1. Flexibility and choice for students
          2. Faculty – Set in-person capacity; instructor-override (i.e. military students)
      2. Faculty Review Deadline
        1. 10/1 (4:30pm) – Tenure and Promotion
        2. 10/8 (4:30pm) – Contract Renewal
      3. Appreciation – Service of tenured faculty – DPC, FPC, and TPRC
    2. AVCAA Alan Rosenfeld
      1. Conducting 4 Student-Faculty focus groups with ASUHWO – students perspectives.
        1. Contact: Serina Makaiwa –
        2. Dates: 10/13, 14, 19, and 22, 2021
      2. Student retention – <62% (Fall 2021)

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Gabriel “Gabby” Navalta
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. Encourage Student-Faculty Focus Group Participation
    2. Appreciation – Dr. Katherine Aumer – Serving on University Budget Advisory Council.
    3. ACCFSC Report
      1. PIG (Permitted Interaction Group) Task Force Report
      2. Letter of Opposition developed by ACCFSC and will be presented at next BOR.
      3. Letter of Opposition from UHWO Faculty Senate. Using template from other campuses.
      4. ACCFSC Meetings – September 17, 2021
        1. Meeting Agenda
        2. Meeting Minutes DRAFT
        3. ACCFSC – Microsite
      5. Question (Kumu Kaiu)- Next BOR meeting – Thursday, October 18, 2021.
        1. BOR – Microsite
    4. Special Committee to review the Charter and By-Laws

V. New Business

  1. None

VI. Committee Reports or Announcements

Note: Chair Keaunui thanks all the FS Committees for their hard work and diligence in fulfilling their responsibilities.

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 
    1. Propose Course Syllabus Template
      1. Recommendations adopted.
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. August 2021 Meeting
    2. September 2021 Meeting
    3. 8 applications approved, award letters containing instructions will be distributed within the coming week.
    4. Second round – 10/18 (correction in BRC report)
    5. Sabbatical Survey – collect data – I4 and I5 Faculty
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Bradley Ashburn)
    1. Nov. 12 – deadline for courses.
    2. Guidelines on Laulima site.
    3. Recommendations adopted.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Recommendations adopted.
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes)
    1. Recommendations adopted.
  6. Program Review (Sen. Mark Hanson)
    1. Handbook – Improve collaborations with division being reviewed.
    2. Information only.
  7. Student Affairs (Kumu Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. Closing the PLA initiative loop and providing the next steps.
    2. Information only.
  8. Sustainability (Sen. Alphie Garcia)
    1. SF designation – course based, no renewals.
    2. Recommendations adopted.

VII. Announcements

  1. Fall 2021 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium – Dr. Camonia Graham-Tutt
    1. Microsite
  2. PechaKucha Brown Bag Presentation – Dr. Stefanie Wilson and OPDAS (Dr. G. Niles)
    1. Presenter Form

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

  1. Motion to move into Executive Session.  Motion made and second.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Lisa Spencer (Vice-Chair/Recorder)