Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2021

as approved February 4, 2022

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. Chair Edward Keaunui presiding with Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m.


Kaiu Akamine, Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, W. Matt Cavert, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Jayson Chun, Kealani Cook, David Dinh, Alphie Garcia, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Holly Itoga, Kawena Komeiji, Katie Landgraf, Veny Liu, Jon Magnussen, Michael Miranda, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Rebecca Romine, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Lynette Williamson, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Ed Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Leslie Opulauoho, Alan Rosenfeld, Maenette Benham, Gabriel Navalta, Terri Ota, Stefanie Wilson, Jeff Moniz, Carrie Larger, Garry Roy, Michael Hayes, Jan Javinar, Monique Mironesco, Bradley Ashburn.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Chancellor Maenette Benham.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

Meeting Minutes – November 5, 2021.

Circulated to Faculty Senate members.


III. Administrative Reports

I. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)

A. Graduation – two modified graduations – Saturday, December 11, 2021.

B. PD/Convocation Day – Wednesday, January 5, 2022 – Welcome Back to Campus format.

1. Faculty return to work – Monday, January 3, 2022

2. Classes Start – January 10, 2022

3. Recordings of messages will be available.

C. President’s Message – Full Capacity – Begin Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2021

1. Spring 2022 – Vaccination, Exempt, or Negative Test

2. LumiSight daily.

3. Require: Masks indoors

D. Thank you – IRES Search Committee – Dr. L. Kinikini (Welcome)

II. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)

A. Leslie Opulauoho – Commencement

1. Additional volunteers needed – sign-up to receive parking pass.

2. Campus closed to non-participants and volunteers.

3. Website will have FAQs and volunteers will receive additional information.

4. More information or questions, email Leslie (

B. Final Grades – Due Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 before midnight.

III. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)

A. VCA Search – Finalist: Brian Furuto

1. Invitation: Coffee Hour – Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021, 2:15-3:15p.m., Naulu Center

2. Link to Brian’s CV/resume – Weekly Newsletter

B. Faculty Evaluations – 30 total (Academic Affairs)

1. T&/orP – 10 faculty; Contract Renewal – 20 faculty.

2. TPRC committees – Appointments forthcoming.

IV. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration

A. See report above by VCAA Moniz.

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

I. ASUHWO Update – President Gabriel “Gabby” Navalta

II. FS Chair’s Report – Chair Edward Keaunui

A. No UBAC Report. Next meeting – Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021.

B. (Chat Chancellor Benham) Bookstore – Opening Soon; Da Spot – Open for Lunch – Spring 2022; Lunchwagon to campus

C. ACCFSC – Policy changes; Work-life survey for 2022-23; GenEd Redesign Committee for visit to different Faculty Senates; Statement to the BOR for faculty representation on the BOR; BOR report.

D. UHWO Policy Advisory Committee (infographic) – Terri Ota

1. Institutionalize and structure UHWO official policies.

2. Website:

3. 2022 – Executive Committee meeting of standing committee chairs to meet and discuss the Policy Advisory Committee processes and procedures.

E. Charter, By-laws

1. Jan/Feb 2022 – Review Charter & By-laws – volunteers will be requested, including Chair and Co-chair


V. New Business

I. Service Learning Resolution – Co-chair Monique Mironesco

A. Attach a SL designation to 490 courses – Senior Capstone – for all classes except BUSA who requested to be excluded. Course-based and not instructor-based. Permanent.

1. Debate:

a. M. Hanson proposed an amendment to language – Add “and concentrations that want to opt-out”.

b. T. Ota asked – Tracking? Which concentrations? – Clarification and response by Dr. Mironesco.

2. M. Mironesco – Second

3. Debate on the amendment of the resolution – none.

4. Objection on the amendment of the resolution – none.

5. Objection to the amended resolution – none.

6. Amended resolution adopted by unanimous consent.

II. Gen Ed Focus Designation Resolution – Chair Michael Hayes

A. Make all GenEd focus designations as course-based designations with a five-year duration.

1. Debate:

a. L. Axtell-Thompson – Faculty authorized to teach the focus designation (ETH, WI, OC, SI, HAP) should go through training on what that focus means and how it should/could be taught in the classroom. Suggests language that says “authorized following appropriate training in that particular focus designation”. M. Hayes responded.

b. M. Hanson – Does all faculty teaching a course with a focus designation required to teach the course with the designation? M. Hayes responded: Not required to teach (option) designation.

c. T. Ota – Can you define authorized faculty? (related to debate (a.)) Are all focus designations going to have training and how do you know who had training? M. Hayes responded – List available for those who have been trained in certain designations; no training has been decided for some designations; division responsibility; no absolute decision made regarding training.

d. L. Opulauoho – Discussion still need to continue before finalizing the processes for the resolution – focus, designations, graduation requirements, academic freedom, etc.

e. L. Axtell-Thompson – Changes reflected in the resolution? Open-ended to make changes to the resolution in the future. W. Puette responded – parliamentarian process.

1. Suggested amendment – “Resolved that instructors will be authorized to teach a course with a focus designation with authorization to be further defined and any potential requirements for authorization to be further defined.”

Resolved, That any instructor is authorized to teach a course with a focus designation, with requirements of authorization to be further discussed and defined by focus sub-committees and divisions.

f. Second to the amendment – M. Hayes

g. Discussion on the proposed amendment:

i. M. Hanson – Uncomfortable with open-ended nature of amendment which could establish any kind of training or work for the faculty to get the courses they need to be authorized to teach. More details need to be added to the amendment.

ii. K. Akamine – Agree with Sen. Hanson. This process requires further discussions to ensure all of the processes required to move forward. Propose that the proposed amendment and resolution move back to the GenEd committee for further discussion and clarification.

Second – M. Hanson.

h. Objection to the proposal to move amendment and resolution back to committee – None.

i. Resolution and pending proposed amendment, without objection, is being moved back to the GenEd committee.

2. W. Puette – Provided guidance on formatting, parliamentarian processes, and formatting of resolution.


VI. Committee Reports or Announcements

I. Academic Affairs and Planning – No Report (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 

II. Budget and Resources (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)

III. Curriculum (Sen. Bradley Ashburn)

A. Preparing a response to the Resolution (2010-05) regarding C/NC as a grading option.

B. Recommendations contained in the report was adopted.

IV. Distance Education – No Report (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)

V. General Education – No Report (Michael Hayes)

VI. Program Review (Sen. Mark Hanson)

VII. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)

VIII. Sustainability (Sen. Alphie Garcia)

VII. Announcements


VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

No motion.

Meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m.

Lisa Spencer (Vice Chair/Recorder).