Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2021

as approved December 3, 2022

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. Chair Edward Keaunui presiding with Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:36 a.m.



Kaiu Akamine, Katherine Aumer, Bonnie Bittman, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, W. Matt Cavert, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Jayson Chun, Kealani Cook, David Dinh, Alphie Garcia, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Joshua Lelemia Irvine, Holly Itoga, Kawena Komeiji, Veny Liu, Brenda Machosky, Jon Magnussen, Michael Miranda, Gloria Niles, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Rouel Velasco, Lynette Williamson, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Ed Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Leslie Opulauoho, Alan Rosenfeld, Maenette Benham, Gabriel Navalta, Terri Ota, Stefanie Wilson, Rian-Angelica Barreras, Jeff Moniz, Carrie Larger, Garry Roy, Michael Hayes, Jan Javinar, Loea Akiona, Christy Mello, Sharla Hanaoka.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Lelemia Irvine.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2021.

Circulated to Faculty Senate members.


III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Communications (UHS, UHWO) – Reopening in Spring 2022, Vaccinations, Travel – Guidelines
      1. Listservs, UH Announcements, UHWO Weekly Bulletin
      2. Update website through Spring 2022 – access information from home page
      3. Vaccination rates – UHWO @ 91% (fully-vaccinated employees), 5% (tested weekly), 4% (unaccounted for)
    2. Modified In-person Graduation Ceremony
      1. ASUHWO proposed to commencement committee. Mitigation plan to City & County.
      2. Saturday, December 11, 2021
      3. Only fully vaccinated graduates and guests can be admitted to the graduation ceremony. No exemptions.
      4. Regalia – By those participating in modified ceremony.
      5. All faculty encouraged to participate – 1st in person since Fall 2019.
    3. In-person Convocation – January 2022
      1. More information to come.
    4. Bldg Planning and Facilities Updates
      1. Departments currently in E bldg. will move back to renovated bldgs by end of year.
      2. Bookstore – Open in Spring 2022 (January).
      3. Dining Hall – Under renovation; Not open in Spring 2022; Possible lunchwagon (Da Spot)?
      4. Coffee Shop – In Creative Media – No open date.
    5. Newsletter – Special thank you from Chancellor.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)
    1. Loea Akiona
      1. Virtual Career Fair – student participants from UH System as well as other local colleges.
      2. Virtual UHWO Graduate and Professional School Fair – Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021.
      3. Faculty and lecturers encourage (incentivize) your students to attend.
    2. Leslie Opulauoho:
      1. GE Redesign Group will be offering Town Hall Meetings in December and January for more information and discussion.
      2.  Ala Pono Progress Update 2 (Week 7)
        1. Sent: 695; Academic Prep (Noeau) – 142; Supportive Consult – ??; Completed: 354; Academic Perf (Advising) – 660; Good Job – 3,009; Technology Support (Advising) – ??; Overall: 51% rate (354/695); Faculty: 52% (110/212)
        2. Mahalo to John Ly from IT – creating the system to implement the Progress Update System.
        3. Mahalo to the instructors and faculty for their participation and support.
        4. 51% of fall 2021 courses AND 52% of instructor participation
      3. Fall 2021 Commencement Events (planned September & October)
        1. Graduation Applications – 331 received; 147/331 = 44% (responded YES Drive Thru)
        2. Business – 129 / Applied Sciences – 44; CM – 16 / Education – 6 / Humanities – 7 / Natural Sciences 4/Public Administration – 64/ Social Sciences – 64
        3.  Mid-October (C&C opening access) – ASUHWO – feedback from candidates (survey & forms)
        4.  Fri., October 29 – Pivot to Modified In-person Commencement
        5.  C&C Mitigation Plan submitted, Mon. 11/3/21
        6. Mahalo to ASUHWO initiating the plan; and Lynn Reyes & Leila Shimokawa for fine tuning before Chancellor Benham reviewed and approved plan.
        7. Comply with C&C guidelines
          1. potential TWO Ceremonies (Attendee #s, Social Distancing) Volunteers to Assist
          2. guidelines:  ALL attendees (no exceptions) – two or one dose by November 27, 2021
          3. fully vaccinated, wellness check, face coverings, social distance, remain seated, follow direction of ushers & security personnel
          4. Children under 5 – to meet C&C guidance (All Attendees Fully Vaccinated)
          5. Intent to Participate (331); 87 candidates/ 1654 guests (26% of graduates responded); 83 – yes (25%); 4-no
        8. Volunteers (Faculty):
          1. Faculty – assist with Graduate Check-In (line-up, processional & seated)
          2. Assist with Graduate Seating (seated, diploma cover & recessional) / Assist with Guests
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration 
    1. See report above by Chancellor
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)
    1. Gratitude –
      1. Responding to the call to return to campus in Spring 2022.
        1. 26.2% of courses will be in-person or hybrid with in-person portion.
      2. All faculty serving on DPC and FPC committees.

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Gabriel “Gabby” Navalta
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. BOR Testimony – Written Statement
      1. Mahalo to Faculty Specialists who provided testimony at BOR meeting – opposition to P.I.G. report.
    2. Gen Education Redesign Proposal – feedback form and email sent to faculty for recommendations or feedback.
      1. Faculty Senate Consultation
      2. Place-Based Capacities Proposal for General Education
      3. UHWO Sustainability Committee GE Place Based Draft Suggestions (C. Mello)
    3. UBAC (Advisory Committee) Report – Dr. Katherine Aumer
      1. Discussed challenges and future cuts, equity assessment across campuses, and future programs.
      2. Will meet again in December 2021.
      3. Questions or concerns –
      4. Representatives – Dr. Aumer, Dr. Leslie Rush, and Dr. Orlando Santiago-Garcia
  3. ACCFSC Meetings – September 17, 2021
    1. Meeting agenda:  09-17-2021 Meeting
    2. Draft minutes:  09-17-2021 Meeting
    3. Upcoming meeting agenda:  10-22-2021 Meeting
    4. Questions –
  4. FS Vice-chair announcements
    1. No report

V. New Business


VI. Committee Reports or Announcements

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 
    1. Amendments to Course Syllabus
      1. Office hours must be clearly identified (and the location) on syllabi. Office hours by appt. is not adequate.
      2. Add: Combined Course Sections in Laulima (delete statement if do not combine multiple sections of courses in Laulima) – Student notification.
    2. Recommendations Adopted
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. BRC funds Travel and NCE FY 2022 (revised)
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Bradley Ashburn)
    1. Recommendations Adopted.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Recommendations Adopted.
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes)
    1. Recommendations Adopted.
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai) – No report as of 11/4/21
    1. Committee Met.
    2. SSCI Internal Report Review
      1. Recommendations & Commendations developed and submitted to SSCI division.
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kumu Kaiulani Akamine) 
    1. SAC Report 9_14_21
    2. SAC Report 10_12_21
    3. Recommendations Adopted
  8. Sustainability (Christy Mello)
    2. Recommendations Approved.

VII. Announcements

  1. 10th Student Research and Creative Works Symposium
    1. Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 10am-5pm.

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

No motion.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:35 p.m.

Lisa Spencer (Vice-Chair/Recorder).