Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2021

as approved April 9, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Virtual Platform, chair Edward Keaunui presiding with the Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:33a.m.

Attendees: Brenda Machosky, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Carmen Nolte – Odhiambo, Christine Mello, David Dinh, Eli Tsukayama, Gleniss Ka’iulani Akamine, Gloria Niles, Holly Itoga, James Burrell, Jayson Chun, Jon Magnussen, Jonathan Schwartz, Joshua Lelemia Irvine, Katie Landgraf, Kealani Cook, Ke’alohi Perry, Laurie James, Lo’ea Akiona, Lynette Williamson, M. Kalikolani Correa, M. Takeshi Nakata, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Patricia Yu, Paula Major, Rebecca Carino, Reed Young, Rian Barreras, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Sarah Glancy, Stephanie Kamai, Susan Young, Thomas Scheiding, Veny Liu, Ed Keaunui, Chair, Lisa Spencer, Vice-Chair, Maenette Benham, Albie Miles, Alan Rosenfeld, Caton Liang (ASUHWO), Jeff Moniz, Kevin Ishida, Stefanie Wilson, Michael Hayes.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Joshua Lelemia Irvine.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

  1. Minutes of the February 5, 2021 Faculty Senate Meeting circulated to Faculty Senate members.
    1. Change/Update: Sen Sarah Glancy present at Feb. 5, 2021 meeting – Add to attendee list.
    2. Approved as amended.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Reminder – Vaccination
      1. Chris Neves ( – Assisting with getting people on the list and invited (first shot).
      2. Directors and Division Chairs resent system letter – last chance to get invitation – email Chris Neves if interested in first shot.
      3. City & County to send out invitation for second shot. UHWO has no control over schedules.
      4. Contact Chris Neves if you have questions.
    2. Coming to campus
      1. Closed to public
      2. Open to faculty and staff.
      3. Wear lanyard with ID
        1. Lanyard or ID – Annette (
      4. Reopening
        1. Update COVID-19 process.
        2. More information in April and May 2021.
        3. Full opening – Fall semester.
        4. Follow C&C Gathering – Tier 3.
          1. 10 people (max) in classroom or what rooms can accommodate with physical distancing.
        5. WorkGroups (4)
          1. Student Focus (J. Javinar & R. Young)
            1. Student recruitment and student retention.
            2. Focus: Military, Returning Adults, Transfer from CC.
            3. Develop strategies to foster success and increase persistence so students stay and complete on time.
          2. Student Learning (J. Moniz & M. Heller)
            1. Focus: Short programs, stackable certificates, credentials; Looking at blended, hybrid models; Stepping up PLA – Prior Learning Assessments (i.e. CLEP).
            2. Emphasizing innovation – how do we do what we do so well.
          3. Business
            1. Went back and looked at all the recommendations from the task force.
            2. Took prior business model from 2018 Strategic Action Plan and did deep dive.
            3. 1st Draft (W. Kahumoku, E. Keaunui) – will start to vet with the other workgroups and other groups across the campus – refine, test.
          4. Campus Efficiencies
            1. Reviewed task force recommendations.
            2. Brainstorming – refining work – automating processes – going paperless – ease the workload- cross-train.
          5. End of March to provide implementable activities moving forward into Fall semester.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Loea Akiona)
    1. E Ala Pono – Progress Updates –
      1. Please encourage faculty participation to complete by Wednesday, March 10, 12 midnight
      2. Early data:  645 course sections / 167 have been completed
      3. Available Flags:  
        1. Performance (refer to Success Advisors) – 238
        2. Preparedness (refer to No’eau Center) – 63
        3. Supportive Consult (refer to Counseling) – 17
    2. Commencement – Spring 2021
      1. Please encourage your students to submit their Grad Applications (if they haven’t already) AND submit their RSVPs for the Virtual Celebration by March 12, 2021
      2. Graduation Applications = 358
      3. Student RSVP (Virtual Celebration) = 68
      4. What are we doing at UH West O’ahu to celebrate our graduates?
        1. Virtual Commencement Celebration
          1. Saturday, May 8, 2021
          2. 9:00 am
        2. “In Addition to” . . . . Drive Thru Celebration 
        3. How can faculty and staff participate and celebrate our graduates?
          1. Zoom Celebrations Collage (video)
            1. Join Divisional Meetings during March and early April to record 10-15 seconds
            2. Join campus groups to participate in scheduled Zoom Celebration Recording dates (pending)
            3. Join the “In Addition to” events that are still being planned. . . more info will be available by the end of March.
      5. If anyone has any questions about E Ala Pono or Spring Commencement, please email Leslie Opulauoho at
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Associate Vice-Chancellor Alan Rosenfeld)
    1. Fall 2020 – All time high in student head count enrollment (3168) and number of graduates (300+).
    2. Surveys –
      1. RISC (Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges) – all degree seeking students (March 1, 2021)
      2. IRR (Institutional Report for Reaffirmation) – WASUC final cumulative – on-sight visit 2022.
        1. Anonymous survey – end of March – April 23 – all members of the campus community to participate.
        2. Town Hall
        3. Additional information at next FS meeting.
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor Kevin Ishida)
    1. No new updates.


IV. Faculty Senate Report

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Canton Liang
    1. Not in attendance – Report filed.
  2. Chairs Report – Edward Keaunui
    1. Communication lines continue to be open at all levels of the campus community.
    2. Invaluable information concerning faculty will always come from the Division Chairs and Academic Affairs.
    3. Lecturers reach out to your respective division contacts to gain insight or contact Ed.
    4. Attend all meetings to represent the Faculty Senate.
    5. May – Upcoming Committee Chair Elections – more information to follow.
      1. May – Vice Chair Elections
      2. August – Constituency Elections – more information forthcoming
    6. Dr. Leslie Lopez – Student Academic Grievance Special Committee – Provide recommendations for campus student grievance process.
    7. FS Parliamentarian – In need of assistance to find a volunteer to take on the position – Send email if interested – – Dr. W. Puitt has agreed to mentor the parliamentarian as necessary.
    8. Send all correspondence to
  3. ACCFSC Update 2/19/21
    1. Legislative Updates: 
      1. SB590 – Restricts the eligible membership of the UH optional retirement system to employees of the Board of Regents.
      2. SB1328 – Limits the award of academic tenure to positions whose primary duties are instructional. (Deferred Discussion)
      3. SB1394 – Requires that twenty-five per cent of a University of Hawaii research faculty’s salary be paid out of the extramural funds and research and training revolving fund generated by the unit at which the faculty works or holds tenure. (Deferred Discussion)
      4. Discussion on removing the management of Mauna Kea from the University. (Legislators do not seem to understand the University). 
    2. The Board of Regents created a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to address the issue of tenure and review the tenure process (make the system better, remove the abuses). 
      1. The intent is not to discontinue tenure but clarify the tenure process and present this to the legislature.
      2. Christian Fern (UHPA) will be one of the members representing the faculty.
    3. E.P 12.205 Faculty “assigning for purchase” their works to their students. Conflict of Interest process still being developed.
    4. Gen Ed Summer Institute (BOR Meeting Materials) – Process still being worked out. Potential for compensation for participants. Questionnaires will be sent to the Faculty Senate to determine campus representation. One person per campus.
      1. Plan is to develop a proposal during summer 2021, Review by campuses in FY 21-22, and Implementation in FY 22-23.
      2. Discussions continue.
    5. President Lassner was present to answer questions from the membership on the GenEd Initiative, Budget, Enrollment, Philanthropy, and positions.
  4. UH West O’ahu’s Work Groups
    1. No updates beyond what was shared by other presenters.

V. New Business

  1. Dr. Reed Young Curriculum Committee Chair – Resolution regarding Senior Capstone Guidelines
    1. Resolution updated. Not vetted through a parliamentarian. Would like to defer until vetted through a non-partisan parliamentarian.
      1. Original 2008. 2019 request to update (A. Rosenfeld).
      2. Resolution was circulated to the FS.
      3. Debate – None.
      4. Objections to adopting resolution – None.
      5. Resolution is passed.
    2. (Chair Keaunui) Executive session or Executive committee – Process for looking for a parliamentarian.

VI. Committee Report

  1. Curriculum (Sen. Reed Young)
    1. Committee report adopted.
  2. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 
    1. Teaching Evaluation Question – Comments, Recommendations, and concerns from the committee – No conclusion – request input from Academic Affairs and Distance Ed.
  3. Budget and Resources (Thomas Scheiding)
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Committee report adopted.
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes)
    1. Committee report adopted.
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai)
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. PLA Initiative – meeting with ASUHWO on 3/10/21.
    2. More information in the April meeting.
  8. Sustainability (Albie Miles)
    1. Committee Report Adopted.

VII. Announcements

  1. Dr. Camonia Graham-TuttSpring 2021 Student Research & Creative Works Virtual Symposium

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

No motion.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:26pm. 

Submitted by Vice Chair/Recorder Lisa Spencer