Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2021

as approved September 3, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Virtual Platform, chair Edward Keaunui presiding with the Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.  

Brenda Machosky, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Carmen Nolte – Odhiambo, Christine Mello, Eli Tsukayama, Gleniss Ka’iulani Akamine, Gloria Niles, Holly Itoga, James Burrell, Jon Magnussen, Jonathan Schwartz, Katie Landgraf, Ke’alohi Perry, Laurie James, Lo’ea Akiona, Lokelani Kenolio, Lynette Williamson, M. Kalikolani Correa, M. Takeshi Nakata, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Patricia Yu, Reed Young, Rian Barreras, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Sarah Glancy, Stephanie Kamai, Susan Young, Veny Liu, Edward Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Tom Hirshbrunner, Bonnie Bitman, Caton Liang, Stefanie Wilson, Maenette Benham, Jeff Moniz, Alan Rosenfeld, Michael Hayes, Katherine Aumer, Jan Javinar, Terri Ota.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Chancellor Benham.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2021

Circulated to Faculty Senate members. Approved with corrections.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Mahalo
    2. Save the date – Mon-Wed (Aug. 16-18, 2021) – Welcome Back.
      1. Mon and Tues – Variety of on-campus activities.
      2. Wed – Celebratory gathering in outside classroom (outside bldg C).
    3. Update on proposed investment initiatives (funded by Federal Funding)
      1. Workgroup recommendations with the Vice Chancellors and their units.
      2. Faculty, Staff, and Students putting proposals together for federal funding.
        1. Tier 1 proposals due Monday.
        2. Two groups reviewing.
          1. Federal Funding Advisory Council.
          2. Campus Executives
          3. Business Office will ensure proposals are eligible for federal funding/federal grant.
    4. Gradual reopening of UHWO campus – Refer to the weekly bulletins – primary ways for Chancellor to communicate.
    5. Legislature and budget
      1. 20-21 legislative session adjourned – Bills with the Governor for signature.
        1. Significant proposals being made about the budget
          1. Biennial – FY 22 (July 1, 2021) and FY23 (July 1, 2022)
          2. UHWO Reduction in G-fund (4.7%) – $1.08 million (FY 22), $1.08 million (FY 23) = $2.16 million
            1. Original reduction = $2.7 million
          3. UH System Proposed (G-base) – $47 million (FY 22), $42 million (FY 23)
            1. UHM reduction in G-fund – $30 million
          4. Good News: 7-campuses received positions
            1. UHWO – Two positions (Instructor I2) – Cyber Security
              1. Not requested by UHWO or on the approved list from the UHS BOR.
              2. Special interest – Senator Donavan Dela Cruz wants to invest in the cyber security program and the efforts of Early College preparing students for going into the program.
              3. UHWO request was to restore swept positions taken in April 2020 and for new positions for the Creative Media facility – UHWO did not receive either.
          5. Good News: Proposal by legislature – UHWO receive $3.5 million to use to renovate, improve, and modernize current facilities.
          6. Chancellor working with Budget and Finance Dept to prepare for FY 2022 – Updates via the weekly bulletins.
            1. Chancellor will communicate with FS Chair.
            2. Vice Chancellors will communicate with Directors and Division Chairs.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)
    1. Acknowledging Term End
      1. 369 applications for graduation. 247 participating in virtual ceremony, 169 in-person drive-thru, 86 volunteers.
    2. 2021 Fall Enrollment
      1.  Up 10% (new transfers, new freshman, continuing students – 8.3%)
      2. Increase number of new students – transfer and new student orientations.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor Kevin Ishida)
    1. Mahalo Sentiments.
    2. No report.
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)
    1. End of Semester Reminders
      1. Grades due May 11, 2021.
      2. 9-month faculty – on duty until Monday May 17, 2021.
    2. Summer Session Reminders
      1. Participation Verification – Email with instructions sent to faculty.
      2. Summer Session 1 – Reviewing for minimum enrollment – Wed. May 12, 2021
        1. Promote classes to ensure meeting threshold.
          1. Threshold based on who is teaching the class.
          2. Summer classes – self-supporting.
        2. Status of Fall 2021
          1. Instructors determined by Division Chair and Faculty
          2. 1700 students already enrolled.
    3. Mahalo Sentiments

IV. Faculty Senate Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Caton Liang
    1. ASUHWO Meeting
      1. SB 21-06 – Appropriate funds to support Aloha Aina – $5K Gardening Materials and Equipment
      2. SR 21-03 – Urging Laulima Training for all instructors – Advocate for more effective training. Better Laulima practices.
      3. General Election ratified – 11 students, Full Executive Board. Gabby Navalta – Next President.
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. ACCFSC Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2021
      1. Gen Ed Summer Institute
    2. BOR Meeting Agenda and Minutes – May 6, 2021 
    3. Committee Vacancies – Per Charter: Special Election (Re: sabbatical)
    4. Committee Chairs (including lecturer representatives) – Refer to Charter
    5. Announcements:
      1. FS Microsite ready to launch – Fall 2021
      2. Special Committee to review current Charter and Bylaws. If interested in participating, contact Ed.
        1. More information to follow.
    6. Mahalo Sentiments.
  3. Nomination for election of Faculty Senate Vice-chair

V. Unfinished Business

  1. Resolution 2008-01
    1. Motion to postpone discussion – Senator Kaiulani Akamine
      1. Postponed due to no action since last meeting.
    2. 2nd – Senator Katie Landgraf

VI. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No report.
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Brenda Machosky)
    1. Report provided.
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Reed Young) – No report.
    1. All Kuali applications for CC processed.
    2. Will process any remaining applications as they come through.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz) – No report
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes) – No report
    1. Due date for proposals – September 10, 2021
    2. Kuali system down – Proposals not accepted until August 2021.
    3. List of faculty who need to have focus designations renewed will be emailed prior to Fall semester
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai)
    1. Report provided
    2. External Reviewer Report completed for PUBA and SSCI.
      1. Program review will finalize their PUBA report on May 13, 2021.
    3. Humanities MOU – Per VCAA Moniz – In-progress.
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. Report provided
    2. Clear and efficient PLA processes discussed.
  8. Sustainability (C. Mello) – No report

VII. Announcements

  1. 2021 – 2022 Academic Year Faculty Senate Meeting Dates
    1. Sept. 3; Oct. 1; Nov. 5; and Dec. 3
    2. Feb. 4; Mar. 4; Apr. 1; and May 6
  2. Vice Chair FS Position (AY 22 and 23)
    1. Lisa Spencer

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

No motion.

Meeting adjourned at 12:22pm.

Lisa Spencer (Vice Chair/Recorder)