Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2021

as approved March 5, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Virtual Platform, chair Edward Keaunui presiding with the Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder, and Tom Hirsbrunner, Parliamentarian. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:36a.m.

Attendees: Brenda Machosky, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Carmen Nolte – Odhiambo, Christine Mello, Eli Tsukayama, Gleniss Ka’iulani Akamine, Gloria Niles, Holly Itoga, James Burrell, Jayson Chun, Jon Magnussen, Jonathan Schwartz, Joshua Lelemia Irvine, Katie Landgraf, Kealani Cook, Ke’alohi Perry, Laurie James, Leslie Lopez, Lo’ea Akiona, Lokelani Kenolio, Lynette Williamson, Mark Hanson, Mark Hopper, Michael Miranda, Patricia Yu, Paula Major, Rebecca Carino, Rebecca Romine, Reed Young, Rian Barreras, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Stephanie Kamai, Susan Young, Thomas Scheiding, Veny Liu, Xochitl Mota-Back, Ed Keaunui, Chair, Lisa Spencer, Vice-Chair, Tom Hirsbrunner, Parliamentarian, Maenette Benham, Albie Miles, Alan Rosenfeld, Bonnie Bittman, Caton Liang (ASUHWO), Jan Javinar, Jeff Moniz, Katherine Aumer, Kevin Ishida, Laurie Sumiye, Leslie Opulauoho, Michael Hayes, Stefanie Wilson, Terri Ota, Sarah Glancy (added).


I. Opening Protocol


II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

  1. Minutes of the December 4, 2020, Faculty Senate Meeting
    • Circulated to Faculty Senate members.
    • Approved as posted.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Workgroups – 4: Business Model (Chair Keaunui, W. Kahumoku) – Mission Driven decisions; Student Recruitment/Student Retention (VC Javinar, R. Young); Student Learning (VC Moniz, Div. Chair M. Heller) – all Academic Div Chairs; Campus Efficiencies (VC Ishida)
      1. Diversity of representation from across instructional faculty, student support, administration, and students.
      2. Refer to newsletters for more information about the workgroups.
    2. COVID-19 – COVID response team following up on calls and positive people. Majority not been to campus. Provide support, especially to students – family situations, academics.
      1. Prepare for vaccinations – behind DOE vaccination schedule.
        1. Leeward CC – vaccination site – may have open slots.
          1. UHWO and CCs have priority for slots.
          2. Email from Chancellor based on priority list (1a, 1b) to fill slots.
          3. Students (level 2)
          4. Feb-March – Vaccinations available
      2. If able to get vaccination through other means, please go and get one. Let Chris Neves know so you will be removed from UHWO priority list.
    3. Acknowledgements –
      1. Creative Media faculty and staff and Communications staff – Hawaii News Now
      2. Faculty working with Melissa Saul – Extramural funding (NSF, NEA, Title III, federal and state opportunities) – IES (Institute for Engaged Scholarship): Hiring consultant to assist faculty with their grants.
      3. Federal monies to higher education institutions – CARES – 2020 (1st of three), supplemental monies to carry between distributions.
        1. Only utilize money on initiatives due to the direct impact by pandemic – stringent parameters – learning and teaching support, professional development.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)
    1. Presentation by L. Opulauolo
      1. E Ala Pono – Progress Update 1 (January 25 – 31)
        1. Mahalo! – 92 faculty participated (increase of 8% from Fall 20 to Spring 21)
        2. Noted: 70% increase in Supportive Counseling Flags; 40% decreases in flags for Preparedness and Performance.
      2. E Ala Pono – Progress Update 2 (March 1 – 10, 2021)
        1. Prior to Last Day to Drop No Refund w/ “W”; Leave of Absence (LOA) – Monday, March 29, 2021
      3. Encourage students graduating this spring 2021 to submit: Graduation Application by Friday, February 12, 2021
    2. Presentation by J. Javinar
      1. Enrollment – 2,932 students (48 students less this Spring as opposed to last Spring)
        1. Decrease 40+ students due to withdrawals – last two weeks – cause?
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)
    1. Faculty Review – grateful to eligible faculty who served on TPRCs.
      1. T&P applicants have been informed of the TPRC recommendations.
      2. Contract Renewal applicants – decisions have been made. VCAA in the process of notifying faculty of the decisions.
      3. Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty (Post-tenure review) – 7. Should receive word from VCAA shortly.
      4. Comment: Very high-quality faculty and great value provided to the community.
    2. Student Academic Grievance Procedure –
      1. Leslie Lopez – Chair of Academic Grievance Committee
      2. Revise the Student Academic Grievance Procedure for UHWO
      3. FS retains right to review revisions.
      4. Per VCAA – needs revisions (clarify workflow, address gaps in procedure)
    3. Workgroup – Student Learning
      1. Division chairs on workgroup + others
      2. Entails – renewal of Academic Plan in light of current and future conditions.
      3. Post pandemic paper – D. Lassner
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor Kevin Ishida)
    1. Damage due to high winds – damage stabilized – repair in next week or so – notification email regarding repairs.

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Caton Liang
    1. ASUHWO Senate continues in its efforts to provide value to students and partner with them in attaining success.
    2. Virtual presence – virtual events, safe spaces to engage, “Discord” server (soft launch) – keep students connected.
    3. Advocacy for students – serve campus wide committees and task forces/workgroups – Student voices included in institutional decisions and gives students agency in issues that impact their education.
    4. Initiatives – benefit the student body (LSAT program, daycare center).
    5. Celebrate the success of the African American history course.
    6. Explore opportunities to provide scholarships to students.
    7. General Elections for next academic year.
    8. Link to presentation script.
  2. Chair Welcome – FS Meeting Update in April from 4/2-4/9
    1. Mahalo – working through COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for your support.
      1. Shared Governance & Transparency
      2. Focus – Students.
      3. Continue conversation with faculty, staff, administration, students – 21st century learner.
  3. ACCFSC Update – Fri. Jan. 22, 2021 9am (Zoom) – Lisa Spencer
    1. Guest Speaker – Dr. Christine Beaule – General Education – Committee Chair (UHM)
      1. GE 2021 Summer Institute Proposal
      2. GE Program Review Recommendations
      3. To mitigate budget shortfalls – Begin with review of GenEd programs:
        1.  Relevance
        2. Meeting future needs of students
        3. Reimagining the GenEd programs – theme-based curriculum
        4. Integrative experience
        5. Note – not to re-do curriculum but, “rethink” current curriculum and add opportunities.
    2. Policy Updates
      1. EP Small Undergraduate and Graduate Courses – departments can give “exceptions” reporting justifications before the beginning of the semester.
      2. EP 12.205 Faculty “Assigning for purchase” their works to their students – Per UHPA – Conflict of Interest Form will now ask faculty that assigned their text to submit required protocol.
        1. This update satisfies the ethics requirement.
        2. The document will be shared at the next ACCFSC Meeting.
  4. UH West Oʻahu’s Pueo Stewardship Task Force: Reframing & Budgeting
    1. Next meeting – reports will be available from the work groups.
    2. Anything before the meeting will be communicated through Chair Keaunui.

V. New Business

  1. Academic Grievance – Commission Special Committee (Leslie Lopez)
    1. Create special committee to review and revise current procedures (Chair – Leslie Lopez)
    2. Committee members to be determined.
    3. Current Student Academic Grievance Procedure
    4. Recommendations.

VI. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No Report.
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Brenda Machosky)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. Role of BRC – To revisit/discuss at Faculty Executive Session in February 2021.
        1. Committee not meeting a majority of the items listed in the charter.
      2. Committee report adopted.
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Reed Young)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. Gloria Niles discussed new workflow for Kuali.
        1. Designations (Focus, DE, Experimental) – Summer/Fall 2021 – Last deadline to upload to Kuali – Feb. 12, 2021
        2. No submissions to workflow in Kuali after 3/1/21
        3. Submission accepted after 8/1/21.
        4. First submissions for next academic year due 9/10/21
      2. Corrections, additions, emails to push proposals along by deadline – R. Young, G. Niles.
    2. Committee report adopted.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. Expiring designations for DE (Spring 2021) – must be approved to offer in Summer/Fall 2021.
        1. DE designation not needed for Hybrid courses.
    2. Committee report adopted.
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes) – No Report
    1. Application for GE focus designation due 2/12/21.
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. PUBA division – external review process.
    2. Committee report adopted.
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. Semester Focus – PLA – CLEP, Course designations connecting to staff exams.
        1. Presentation at Div. Chairs Meeting and ASUHWO.
        2. PLA coordinator – Co-chair in both Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.
      2. Committee report adopted.
  8. Sustainability (Albie Miles)
    1. Committee report distributed to Faculty Senate.
      1. UN SDGs Launch Program – Teacher career pathways that align with UN SDGs.
      2. Student Basic Needs online clearinghouse –
      3. Food distributions continue.
    2. Committee report adopted.

VII. Announcements

  1. UHWO Law Society Club – Parliamentarian 101 (flyer)

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permiting)

I. Faculty agreed to enter Executive Session.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:30pm.

Submitted by Vice Chair/Recorder Lisa Spencer