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Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Economics

Associate Professor of Economics

Ph.D. Economics
University of Notre Dame, 2006


2015-Present: University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu, University of Hawai'i - Manoa


  • Principles and Intermediate theory
  • Money and Capital Markets
  • History of Economic Thought

T. Scheiding, More than Meets the Eye: Chemical Foundation Investments in the Journal of Chemical Education.  Bulletin for the History of Chemistry.  Forthcoming.

T. Scheiding, book review of “Keynes:  Useful Economics for the World Economy” by Peter Temin and David Vines. 2016. Journal of Economics. (Vol. 42, no. 1)

T. Scheiding, “Historical Ties:  Creating an Organization to Serve Physicists.”  Radiations.  Spring 2015.

T. Scheiding, chapter titled “Online Learning in Economics” in edited volume titled Critical Examinations of Distance Education Across Disciplines.  Edited by Abigail Scheg. 2014.

T. Scheiding, “Digital Divide in Scholarly Communication.”  Encyclopedia entry in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology.  IGI Global.  Forthcoming

T. Scheiding and E. Gentry (Franklin & Marshall College), Complementing the Curriculum with a Local Economy Center. International Journal for Pluralism and Economics Education. 6(1).  78-90.

T. Scheiding, Using Industrial Patronage to Manage Growth and Change in 20th Century American Physics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.  (Vol. 44, no. 4), 2013.  450-463.

T. Scheiding, Book review of “Pills, Power and Policy:  The Struggle for Drug Reform in Cold War America and its Consequences.”  Enterprise and Society.  (Vol. 14, no. 3), 2013.  647-649.

T. Scheiding, Book review of “Economics after the Crisis.”  Journal of Economics.  (Vol. 39, no. 2). 86.

T. Scheiding, B. Yadamsuren (University of Missouri), and L. Gantulga (Mongolian Academy of Sciences), Scholarly Communication in Mongolia, chapter titled “Where do Mongolian Scholars Go?” in edited volume titled Information Access and Library User Needs in Developing Countries.  Edited by Mohmammed Nasser Al-Suqri, Linda Lillard, and Naifa Eid Al-Saleem.  2013.

T. Scheiding, B. Yadamsuren (University of Missouri), and L. Gantulga (Mongolian Academy of Sciences), The Shaping of the Scholarly Communication System in Mongolia. East Asian Science, Technology, and Society:  An International Journal.  (Vol. 7), 2013.  1-23

T. Scheiding and T. Mata (University of Cambridge), The National Science Foundation and Economics.  Minerva.  (Vol. 50, no. 4), 2012.  423-449.

T. Scheiding, Paying for Physics Knowledge One Page at a Time, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2009. (Vol. 39, no. 2)

T. Scheiding, Explaining the Inability of Economists to Practice what they Preach: The Funding of the American Economic Review with Author Charges, The Journal of Economic Methodology. 2009. (Vol. 16, no. 1)

T. Scheiding, Book review of “The Making of an Economist, Redux” by David Colander. Journal of Economics. 2009. (Vol. 34, no. 2)

T. Scheiding, Book review of “When Work is Not Enough:  State and Federal Policies to Support Needy Workers” by Robert P. Stoker and Laura Wilson.  Review of Social Economy. 2008. (Vol. 66, no. 2)

T. Scheiding, The Role of Human Capital in Wealth Accumulation, University Avenue Undergraduate Journal of Economics. 2000. (Volume 3, No. 1)'s/ issue2000/Wealth_Accumulation.pdf

Awarded Virginia L. Owen Prize as outstanding paper of the year.

W. Testa, S. Sen, and T. Scheiding, Resources, Outcomes, and Funding of Public Schools, Chicago Fedletter (September, 1999)

  • June 2017: Stanford University, Hoover Institute Workshop on Political Economy
  • June 2006: National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Seminar, “Modern Mongolia.” University of Pennsylvania
  • Wye Fellow, Wye Faculty Seminar sponsored by the Aspen Institute.  Week-long discussion of the relationship between liberal education and citizenship

Paying to Publish – Using the Page Charge to Fund the Scholarly Communication Process. Advisor: Philip Mirowski

Economics of science, Mongolia

The Struggle for the Copyright in American Physics, Business History Conference, Embassy Suites (Denver, CO), March 2017

The Influence and Legacy of Anna Schwartz, Eastern Economics Association, Sheraton Times Square (New York, NY), February 2017

The Struggle to Create an Inclusive Economics Profession in Twentieth Century America, Missouri Valley Economics Association, Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch (St. Louis, MO), October 2016

The Curious Case of William Ripley, Eastern Economics Association Meetings, Washington Marriott Wardman Park (Washington, DC), February 2016

The Labor Market for Economists, Eastern Economics Association Meetings, Sheraton Times Square (New York, NY), February 2015

A Historical Perspective on the Buying and Selling of American Economists, Virginia Association of Economists, Roanoke College (Roanoke, VA), March 2014

A Historical Perspective on the Buying and Selling of American Economists, Missouri Valley Economic Association, Marriott Hotel (Kansas City, KS), October 2013

A Local Economy Center in a Business Curriculum, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, Marriott Hotel (Salt Lake City, UT), June 2013

The Ongoing Reform of Economics Education in Mongolia, American Economic Association National Teaching Conference, Renaissance Hotel (Chicago, IL), May 2013

Building an Army – The Development of Economics Labor Force, Midwest Economics Association, Sheraton Hotel (Columbus, OH), March 2013

Building an Army – The Development of Economics Labor Force, Missouri Valley Economic Association, Marriott Hotel (Memphis, TN), October 2012

Complementing the Curriculum with a Local Economy Center, Midwest Economics Association, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL), March 2012

The Incubation of Government Patronage in Medicine in Interwar America, Business History Conference, Hyatt Regency Penn’s Landing (Philadelphia, PA), March 2012

The Chemical Foundation as Academic-Industrial Interface, 1919-1941, Faculty talk at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, December 2011

The Incubation of Government Patronage in Medicine in Interwar America, History of Science Society, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel (Cleveland, OH), November 2011

The Only Disinterested Source of Funds:  Embedded Science, Lobbying, and the NSF’s Patronage of Social Science in the 1980s, Missouri Valley Economics Association, Kansas City Marriott Country Club (Kansas City, KS), October 2011

The Only Disinterested Source of Funds:  Embedded Science, Lobbying, and the NSF’s Patronage of Social Science in the 1980s, American Economic Association, Hyatt Regency (Denver, CO), January 2011

The Chemical Foundation as Academic-Industrial Interface, 1919-1941, History of Science Society Annual Meetings, Hyatt Regency Montreal (Montreal, Quebec), November 2010

The Only Disinterested Source of Funds:  Embedded Science, Lobbying, and the NSF’s Patronage of Social Science in the 1980s, Missouri Valley Economics Association, Hyatt Regency at St. Louis at the Arch (Saint Louis, MO), October 2010

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes you Stronger –Public Image, the State, and Research in Economics from 1970-1985, History of Economics Society, Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY), June 2010

Usage of Electronic Scholarly Communication Initiatives in Mongolia, American Center for Mongolian Studies Annual Meeting, Marriott Hotel (Philadelphia, PA), March 2010

Usage of Electronic Scholarly Communication Initiatives in Mongolia, Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Miami University (Oxford, OH), October 2009

Raising the Minimum Wage: The Pennsylvania Experience, Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology, Days Inn (State College, PA), October 2008

The Chemical Foundation as Research Benefactor in the Interwar Period, Missouri Valley Economic Association, Millennium Hotel (Saint Louis, MO), October 2008

Financing Research in Economics in the Twentieth Century, Department of Economics faculty brown bag, American University (Washington, DC), April 2008

Reading Between the Lines:  The Financing of AEA Publications and the Rise of Neoclassicism, Missouri Valley Economic Association, Kansas City Marriott Country Club (Kansas City, KS), October 2007

Government Paternalism and the Default Asset in a Defined Contribution Pension Plan, Eastern Economics Association, Crowne Plaza Manhattan (New York, NY), February 2007

Author Charges and the Scholarly Communication Process in Economics, “History of Economics Society Meetings,” History of Economics Society, Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA), June 2006

Using the Page Charge to Fund Scholarly Communication, “Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meetings,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Hilton Pasadena (Pasadena, CA), October 2005

The Consequences of an Author Funded Electronic Era of Scholarly Communication, “Mephistos Conference on the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, Technology, and Medicine,” Brown University Committee on Science and Technology Studies, Brown University (Providence,  Rhode Island), March 2005.

Towards an Understanding of Journals in Economics, “History of Economics Society Annual Meetings,” History of Economics Society, Duke University (Durham, North Carolina), July 2003.

Why Does the Government Want to Promote One Form of Electronic Publishing in the Natural Sciences?, “Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meetings,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Hilton Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI), October 2002.

Funding and the Transition to Electronic Publishing, “Erasmus University Summer School,” Erasmus Center in the History of Management and Economics, Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), June 2002

Comparative Analysis of Scholarly Communication Practices, “European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Meetings,” European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, University of Siena (Siena, Italy), November 2001

  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • CFA Society - Hawaii
  • Missouri Valley Economics Association
  • Business History Association