Upon graduation from undergraduate studies I was an accountant for a few years but then returned to school to obtain an M.B.A. from the University of Kentucky. Then I was accepted into the Doctoral program for Business Administration with a major in finance; minor in statistics.
D.B.A. Finance with a minor in Statistics
University of Kentucky, August 1988
M.B.A. Concentration in Finance
University of Kentucky, August 1985
B.S. Accounting
University of Kentucky, May 1980
August 2016-Present: Professor of Finance, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
Fall 2013-August 2016: Associate Professor of Finance, Risk Management and Insurance, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
Fall 2011-August 2013: Professor of Finance
Western New England University
Fall 1997-Fall 2011: Associate Professor of Finance, College of Business
Western New England University
Fall 1996-Spring 1997: Assistant Professor of Finance, College of Business
Western New England University
Fall 1993-Spring 1996: Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Management University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Fall 1992-Spring 1993: Visiting Lecturer, School of Management and Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Administration
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Summer 1993: Lecturer, International College of Hospitality Administration
Brig, Switzerland
Fall 1988-Spring 1992: Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Fall 1985-Spring 1988: Teaching Assistant, Department of Finance
University of Kentucky
- Corporate Finance
- Business Finance
- Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
- Personal Finance
- Senior Case Studies (Accounting and Finance)
S. K. Lee and William Bosworth (2017), “Mandated or Spontaneous Board Diversity, Does it Matter?” Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 29, Number 1.
S. K. Lee, W. Bosworth, and F. Kudo (2015) “Independence Levels of Board Compensation Committees”, Managerial Finance, Fall.
S. K. Lee and W. Bosworth (2014) “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Roles of Insider and Institutional Holders,” Journal of Finance Issues, Note; Volume 13/Number 2.
S. K. Lee (2013) “Repealing Classified Boards: What Is the Motivation?”, Journal of Finance Issues, Volume 11/Number 2.
S. K. Lee (2010) “Women on the Board: Diversity and Firm Performance”, Journal of the Academy of Finance, Volume 8/Number 2, pp. 150-158.
S. K. Lee (2008), “Board Independence and Firm Performance: Case of Small-Cap Firms”, Journal of the Academy of Finance, Volume 6/ Number 2, pp. 187-195.
S. K. Lee, W. Bosworth, and A. Gulati (2008), “Does it Pay to Pay More to New Hires? The Cost and Effectiveness of New CEO’s”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Volume 6/ Number 8, pp. 337-346.
S. K. Lee and Nathan Schwartz (2008), “Survey of S & P 500 CFO’s on Capital Budgeting: Practice vs. Classroom” Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, On-Line Journal, Summer 2008.
S. K. Lee and L. R. Carlson (2007), “The Changing Board of Directors: Board Independence in S & P 500 Firms”, Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, Volume 11/ Number 1, pp. 31-42.
S. K. Lee, and Greg Filbeck (2000), "Financial Management Techniques in Family Businesses," Family Business Review, September 2000, Vol. XIII, No. 3, 201 - 216.
S. K. Lee and J. Pawlukiewicz (1999), “Poison Pills: 1980’s vs. 1990’s,” American Business Review, January 2000, Vol. XVIII, No. 1.
S.L. (Lee) Bojanic and D. Officer (1994), “Corporate Takeover Barriers: Valuation and Firm Performance, “The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, June.
S.L. (Lee) Bojanic and D. Officer (1990), “The Valuation Consequences of Additional Takeover Barriers,” Financial Management: FM Letters, Volume 19/Number3, pp. 7 – 8.