Published five books, numerous chapters in books and over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals and was a Senior Editor for the journal Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy until 2016 and peer reviewer for the Journal of Environmental Economics, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, and the American Review of Public Administration.
Ph.D. Political Science (specializing in Public Administration)
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 1971
East-West Center Fellowship (grantee) in Comparative Administration, 1966-1970
M.S. Education and Political Science
State University of New York, New Paltz, New York, 1966
B.A. Social Science and Education
State University of New York, New Paltz, New York, 1964
2003-Present: Director, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (DPEM)
2010-2012: Chair, Division of Public Administration
2004-2010: Chair, Professional Studies Division (Public and Business Administration)
1985: Present Full Professor, Public Administration, University of Hawaii - West Oahu
1996-2002: Chair, Professional Studies Division (Public and Business Administration)
1981: University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu (Tenured)
1980-1985: Associate Professor, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
1976-1980: Assistant Professor, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
Creation Of Internet/Online Courses and Other Teaching Innovations:
- PUBA 464 Terrorism and Emergency Management
- PubAd 102: Introduction to Disaster and Emergency Management, Internet on-line, Summer 2008.
- PubAd 310: Research Methods for Public Administration, Internet on-line, Summer2007.
- PubAd 464: Terrorism and Emergency Management, Internet on-line, Summer 2007.
- PubAd 367: Labor Management in the Public Sector, Internet on-line, Spring 2006.
- PubAd/BusAd/PolSc 460: Environmental Policy, Politics and Administration, Internet on-line, Fall 2004.
- PubAd/BusAd 461: Social Dimensions of Disaster Response, Internet on-line, Spring 2004.
- PubAd 352: Comparative Public Administration, Internet on-line, Fall 2003.
- PubAd/PolSc 306: Principles of Public Administration, Internet on-line, Spring 2003.
- PubAd/BusAd 351: Human Resources Administration, Internet on-line, Spring 2002 – Fall 2003. (including video streaming lectures).
- PubAd/BusAd 355: Labor Management Relations, Internet on-line, Fall, 2000 – Spring 2001 (Adapted to ALN, Fall 2001; Upgraded to WebCT 4, 2002 – 2003).
- PubAd/BusAd 351: Human Resources Management, Hawai‘i Interactive Television System (HITS) and WebCT, Fall 2002.
- Learning Community – PubAd 306: Principles of Public Administration (Fall 1997 and Fall 1998) with UH West O‘ahu Social Science and Humanities Division and Leeward Community College (9 Credit Course, team-taught with 5 other Professors funded by President’s Educational Improvement Fund (EIF) grant.
Electronic Publications:
- Principles of Public Administration, A Study Guide, Revised 2002, WebCT and World Wide Web. (98 pages, including tables and graphs)
- Comparative Public Administration, A Study Guide, Revised 2001, WebCT and World Wide Web. (102 pages, including tables, graphs, and cases)
- Human Resource Management, Book review for Amazon.com, 8ed, 1999, by Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall, October 2000.
- Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, Book review for Amazon.com, 6ed, 2000, by Michael Carrell and Christina Heavrin, Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Labor Management Relations: A Study Guide, Revised 1999, University of Hawai‘i–West Oahu, Leeward Community College, 1997, WebCT and World Wide Web, 1999.
- Human Relations in Managements: A Study Guide, Revised 1999, University of Hawaii–West Oahu, Leeward Community College, 1997, WebCT and World Wide Web, 1999.
Prizzia, R., & Levy, J. (2018). Towards Climate Security and Sustainable Security in the Asia-Pacific Region. In A. J. Masys & L. S. F. Lin (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Security Challenges: Managing Black Swans and Persistent Threats (pp. 41–64). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61729-9_3
Levy, J., & Prizzia, R. (2018). From Data Modeling to Algorithmic Modeling in the Big Data Era: Water Resources Security in the Asia-Pacific Region under Conditions of Climate Change. In A. J. Masys & L. S. F. Lin (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Security Challenges: Managing Black Swans and Persistent Threats (pp. 197–220). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61729-9_9
Prizzia, R. (2016). Climate Change and Disaster Forensics. In Disaster Forensics: Understanding Root Cause and Complex Causality (pp. 223-247). Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41849-0_9
Prizzia, R., Yu, P., & Levy, J. (2016). Economic Disruptions, Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Forensic Analysis: The Hawaii Business Recovery Center (HIBRC) Project. In Disaster Forensics: Understanding Root Cause and Complex Causality (pp. 315-334). Springer nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41849-0_13
“Climate Change and Disaster Management”, Text Book, 232pp, Sentia Publishers, August 2015
“Continual Improvement in Crisis Management” in Encyclopedia of Crisis Management by J. Geoffrey Golson, K. Bradley Penuel, Matt Statler, Ryan Hagen, SAGE Reference Publication, April, 2013.
“Maritime Shipping Security” in Encyclopedia of Crisis Management by J. Geoffrey Golson, K. Bradley Penuel, Matt Statler, Ryan Hagen, SAGE Reference Publication, March, 2013.
“The Strategic Role of Hawaii in Disaster Coordination in the Asia-Pacific”, Journal of Emergency Management, Vol.10, No. 3, May/June 2012.
“The Role of the International Community” in the book Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Volumes I and II edited by Frank Shanty and published by ABC-CLIO, August, 2011.
“Disaster Management in the Asia -Pacific Region: The Role of Hawai‘i”, International Homeland Security Journal, April, 2011.
“Hospital Preparedness”, Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief, SAGE Reference Publication, 2011.
“Consumer Behavior and Environmental Quality in Hawai‘i”, Co-author Derrek Choy, Management of Environmental Quality, (Vol. 21, no. 3), 2010.
“Environmental Consumerism and the Role of the Hybrid in Hawai‘i”, Co-author Derrek Choy International Management Review, April, 2010.
“The Role of GIS in Disaster Management in Hawaii, Public Manager, August,2009.
“The Role of Coordination in Disaster Management,” Chapter 5, Section Introduction, Theoretical Constructs, and Conceptual Foundations, in
The Disaster Management Handbook, edited by Jack Pinkowski, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2008.
“The Role of Training in Disaster Management: The Case of Hawaii,” Chapter 28, Section VI. Planning, Prevention, Preparedness, in the Disaster Management Handbook, Edited by Jack Pinkowski, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2008.
“The Role of Training and Technology in Disaster Response,” Co-author Gary Helfand, Journal of Transaction in Emergency Management, Emergency Management Institute of the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (published in Mandarin and English), Beijing, March, 2008.
“Catastrophe Readiness and Response in Hawaii: The Role of Coordination and Training,” Chapter published in e-book version on the FEMA Higher Education web-site, 2007. (Hardcopy book version published in April, 2008).
“Sustainable Development in an International Perspective,” chapter in Handbook of Globalization and the Environment, edited by K. V. Tahi, D. Rahm and J.D. Goggburn, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2007.
“An International Perspective of the Impact of Privatization on Women Workers,” Reprinted chapter in book, Privatization- Global Perspectives”, ICFAI Books, 2007.
“Agency Coordination and the Role of the Media in Disaster Management,” International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2006.
“Coordinating Disaster Prevention and Management in Hawaii,” Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2006, pp. 275-285.
“The Day After: Rebuilding Main Street, USA,” Co-author Gary Helfand, chapter in book, When Terrorism Strikes Home, Defending The United States, edited by James Fagin, Pearson Education, Inc. (Allyn and Bacon), 2006.
“An International Perspective of the Impact of Privatization on Women Workers,” Journal of International Women Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, Nov., 2005, pp. 55-68.
“Social Dimensions of Disaster Management in Hawaii: The Role of Agency Coordination, Emergency Managers and the Media,” International Journal of Environmental Economics, Fall, 2005.
“Community Involvement in Protecting the Environment: The Role of Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs),” The Innovation Journal, (Special Issue on Citizen Engagement and Empowerment), March, 2005.
“Emergency Management and Disaster Response in Hawaii: The Role of Medical Centers and the Media,” Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, Fall, 2004.
“Reducing Workplace Stress: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies for Increased Productivity,” Co-author Gary Helfand, chapter in Handbook of Public Productivity, Marcel Dekker, Spring, 2004.
“Citizen Participation in Environmental Administration: The Role of Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs),” Natural Resources and Environmental Administration, Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring, 2004.
“An International Perspective of Privatization: The Need to Balance Economic and Social Performance,” American Review of Public Administration, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2003.
“Globalization, Privatization and Environmental Protection: An International Perspective,” The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2003.
Legal Terms and Concepts in Industrial Relations, Co-authors Michael D’Auria and Gary Helfand, Prentice Hall, 2003.
“The Impact of Development and Privatization on Environmental Protection: An International Perspective,” Environment, Development, and Sustainability, An International Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2002.
“Privatization and Social Responsibility: A Critical Evaluation of Economic Performance,” International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2001.
“Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management in Hawaii,” Co-author Gary Helfand, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2001.
“Natural Attenuation as a Viable Remediation Method,” Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 2001.
“A Viable Business Sector for the Marshall Islands,” Pacific Economic Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 1, Asia Pacific Press, August, 1999.
“The Emergence of Natural Attenuation as a Remediation Method for Hazardous Wastes and Groundwater Pollution,” Natural Resources and Environmental Administration, Vol. 20, No. 2, February, 1999.
“Participation Management,” International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration, West View Press, a Division of Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 1998.
“Career Development,” International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration, West View Press, a Division of Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 1998.
“Labor-Management Cooperation,” International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration, West View Press, a Division of Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 1998.
"Mental Health Services for Native Hawaiians" ,Co Author, Noreen Mokuau, Journal of Health and Human Resources
Administration, Summer, 1991.
King Chulalongkorn and the Reorganization of Thailand’s Provincial Administration, Anuson Walter Vella, edited by Ronald D. Renard, Payap University, Chiang O, Thailand and Southeast Asia Papers, University of Hawaii 1986.
Oppositional Forces in Thailand, Journal of Asian Affairs, Spring 1985.
Thailand in Transition: The Role of Oppositional Forces, University of Hawaii Press, 124 pp, 1985.
“Patterns of Political Opposition in Southeast Asia” Journal of Asian
Affairs, Fall, 1983.
Thailand: Elections 1979 and the New Government, Asia Quarterly, 1980/2 pp 112-126.
Problems of Thai Democracy (in Thai) with Narong Sinsawasdi, (my contribution was 35%) Thammasat University Press, 1974, 1st ed., 205 pp. Subsequent editions 1976, 1978, 1980.
The Thai Labor Movement: A Brief Overview, Asia Quarterly, 1978/2, pp 93-108.
“Evolution of the Thai Communist Movement”, Thai Journal of Political Science, Political Association of Thammasat University, 1978.
Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia: The Problems of Assimilation and Economic Control, Continuity and Change in China, published by Centre d’Etude de Sud-Est Asiatique et de l’ Extreme-Orient, 1976.
Thailand: Elections and Coalition Government (Part I), Asia Quarterly 1976/3, pp 192-208.
Thailand: Elections and Coalition Government (Part II), Asia Quarterly, 1976/4, pp 281-295.
The Power of the Workers and The Future of Thailand, Thammasat University Press (in Thai language, 210 pages, hard cover), 1975.
"Thailand: New Social Forces and Re-emerging Socialist Principles," Asia Quarterly, 1975/4, PP. 343-365.
Mobilization of the “Phuu Noi" and the Future of Thailand, Prae Pattaya Publishers (in Thai), Bangkok, 105 p. 1975.
Thailand: Student Activism and Political Change with Narong Sinsawasdi (my contribution was 70%), Allied Printer, D.K. Books, and Bangkok Post 1974 1st ed., 222 pp.
"Prospects for Democracy in Thailand," Pacific Asian Affairs Council Journal (PAAC), June 1973.
Manpower Survey Project: A Survey of Industry Opinion, August 1973, 127 pp (available at University of Hawaii Library, reference section).
"The Use of Quantitative Techniques in Explaining Student Activism and Administrative Response," Thai Journal of Public Administration, Spring 1972 (in Thai and English).
"The Role of Surveys and Quantitative Techniques in Progress Planning,", selected Chapter in book Research In Public Administration, published by N.I .D.A. (National Institute of Public Administration), Bangkok, Thailand. Spring, 1972.
“King Chulalongkorn and the Reorganization of Thailand's Provincial Administration," East-West Center Review, Vol. IV, No.3) April 1968, pp. 49-65.
Awards and Honors:
2004-2005: University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents Faculty Merit Award
1987: University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching
1981: University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents Faculty Merit Award
1966-1971: University of Hawai‘i East-West Center Scholarship Award