Rick began his education career as a Geology Lab Instructor at the University of Wyoming as an undergraduate student back in 1983. After earning is B.S. in Geology, he found himself in the Sudan in the mid 80’s as part of a NGO working to develop safe and stable drinking water in several refugee camps. By default, he became the health and sanitation instructor, understanding for the first time how a little education can have life changing impacts on someone…himself included. This experience changed his career path and he went back to school and picked up an education degree, a B.S. in Secondary Science Education, as well as a Masters in Natural Science while he managed a science-teaching lab and providing science outreach to local elementary schools around the state of Wyoming.
After student teaching in Torrington, Wyoming, he got his own classroom in 1990, teaching middle school science in Lihue, Hawai‘i. Since 1990 he has taught all sciences at both the middle school and high schools, leaving the public school classroom in 2010 to take his current position at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu where he teachers both science content courses including Geology in Face-to-Face format and Meteorology and Oceanography online and science education methods courses. He also supervises methods practicum students.
In his 34 years of teaching he has been very fortunate to work with fantastic peers and students, which has made the job a joy and allowed him to do some pretty wonderful things like sit on Boards of Director for state and national science education organizations, journey to Antarctica and the South Pole as a NSF-TEA, where he researched trends in global warming, actively participating in El Nino Research in the South Pacific in 1998 and 2010 as a NOAA Teacher at Sea, received his National Board Certification in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Science, was the “Science Guy” in Billings, Montana for the local CBS affiliate for five years, and was an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow with the United States Department of Energy in Washington, D.C. where he was one of the lead developers of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Challenge portion of the National Science Bowl. Rick has been lucky enough to be honored with several prestigious awards for teaching excellence. Including the 1996 National Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science for Montana, in 1997 a Tandy Technology Scholar, and in 2002 as a Shell Teaching Award semi-finalist and the University of Hawai‘i Regents Award for Teaching Excellence in 2014.
In addition to all of these professional, educational, and associated endeavors, Rick has vintage Volkswagen convertible that he drives everyday to the beautiful University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu campus where in addition to his science and science education courses he sponsors a monthly community education course in Applied Geometry, were he can follow his artistic dreams as a quilter. Beyond the classroom he dabbles in kitchen chemistry, investigating ways to brew the ultimate chocolate honey nut-brown and Pineapple Honey summer ales. He adds that, occasionally he even has the time to do a few “Honey Do’s” for his very understanding and long suffering wife MaryAnn, and most recently went to South Africa for a month to provide Professional Development to Science teachers with his 30 year old son Casey, a recent graduate with his Masters in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Colorado in Boulder.
Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education Specialization
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 2009
M.S. Natural Science, Geology/Geography Emphasis
University of Wyoming Laramie, WY, 1990
B.S. Secondary Science Education
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1989
B.S. Geology
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1984
August 1, 2020-Present: Professor, Science Education
Division of Education, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
January 17, 2022-Present: Interim Director UHWO Veterans Center of Excellence, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
September 30, 2018-Present: Director UHWO Veterans Empowered Through STEM (V.E.T.S.) Program, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
August 1, 2015-July 31, 2020: Associate Professor, Science Education
Division of Education, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
August 1, 2010-July 31, 2015: Assistant Professor, Science Education
Division of Education, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu
September 2009-December 2009: Adjunct Professor of Science Methods
College of Education, Montana State University - Billings, MT
May 2002-May 2009: Doctoral Fellow. Fellow in Residence (June 2004 – July 2005)
Center for Learning and Teaching in the West Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
- EDEE 464 Elementary Science Methods
- EDEE 466 Block 3 Practicum/Seminar
- EDEE 490 Elementary Student Teaching Supervision
- EDML 458 Middle Level Science Methods
- EDSE 457 Secondary Biological Science Methods
- EDSE 458 Secondary General Science Methods
- EDSE 490 Secondary Science Student Teaching Supervision
- BIOL 499 Secondary Biology: Critical Content for the 21st Century
- GEOl 122 Introduction to Earth Science
- GEOL 399 Secondary Earth Sciences: Critical Content for the 21st Century
- MET 101 Introduction to Atmospheric Science
- MET 209 Introduction to Climate Studies
- OCN 201 Science of the Sea
Jones, R. (2022). “NESTA Nuggets: Teaching Topographic Maps and Topographic Profiles”, The Earth Scientist, 39(1), pp 5-10. NESTA, Dexter, MI. https://nesta.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/Advocacy/TES/2021-2026/22-1%20Spring%20TES.pdf
Mendez, F., Jones, R., & Scolavino, R. (2021). “Using NSTA as Your Textbook”, Poster presented during the virtual poster session at the 2021 International Conference of the Association of Science Teacher Education, Jan. 14, 2021. https://theaste.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ASTE_2021_Using_NSTA_as_Your_Textbook_Poster_FM-RJ-RS.pdf
Jones, R. (2019). “Ocean/Climate Literacy, and Action at Hale Kula and Beyond”, The Earth Scientist, 35(2), pp 40-44. NESTA, Fort Collins, CO.
Jones, R. (2018). “But Can I Use This On Monday Morning? Adapting Professional Development Curriculum in Atmospheric Science For Immediate Use In The Classroom”, Poster 148 presented at the 27th Symposium on Education, 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 8, 2018, Austin, TX.
Jones, R. (2017). Present Paper (311-5) at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, “But Can I Use This On Monday Morning? Adapting Professional Development Curriculum in Atmospheric Science For Immediate Use In The Classroom”, as part of Technical Session T-311: Translating Professional Development Experiences into the Classroom I, Seattle, WA, 10/25/17.
Jones, R. (2017). “A Three-Year Success Story: AMS Climate Studies for the Diverse Student Population at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu”, Poster 181 presented at the 26rd Symposium on Education, 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 23, 2017, Seattle, WA. https://ams.confex.com/ams/97Annual/webprogram/Paper312869.html
Jones, R., Gill, T., Quesada, D., & Hedquist, B. (2015). Present Paper (ED11F-05) at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, “Downscaling Climate Science to the Classroom: Diverse Opportunities for Teaching Climate Science in Diverse Ways to Diverse Undergraduate Populations” as part of ED11F: Climate Literacy in Multidisciplinary Higher Education, San Francisco, CA, 12/14-19/15.
Quesada, D., Jones, R., Hedquist, B., Gill, T., & Sheermohamed, J. (2015). “Diversity in Support of Diversity: Diversity of Offerings of AMS Climate Studies for a Diversity of Student Populations”, Poster 127 presented at the 24rd Symposium on Education, 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 5, 2015, Phoenix, AZ. https://ams.confex.com/ams/95Annual/webprogram/Paper265376.html
Jones, R. (2014). “A Study of the Result of the Initial Offering of an Online Climate Course at a Minority Serving Institution”, Poster 210 presented at the 23rd Symposium on Education, 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Feb. 3, 2014, Atlanta, GA. https://ams.confex.com/ams/94Annual/webprogram/Handout/Paper234688/AMS%20Poster011714.pdf
Jones, R. (2013). “Leverage your Professional Development Experience”, The Earth Scientist, 29(1), pp 24-18. NESTA, Liverpool, NY.
Jones, R.(2012). “Investigation the Mercalli Intensity Scale through ‘Lived Experience’”, Science Scope. 36 (4), NSTA Press, Arlington, VA.
Jones, R. (2011). Telescopes-for-Teachers T4T: Galileoscopes in Montana, The Earth Scientist, 27(3), pp 17-19. NESTA, Liverpool, NY.
Bangert, A. & Jones, R. 2010. “Two Montana Teachers at Sea”, The Earth Scientist. 26 (1), NESTA, Liverpool, NY.
Jones, R., & Swanson, E. 2009. “Understanding Elementary Teachers’ Use of Science Teaching Time: Lessons from the Big Sky Science Partnership”, Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations. 11. Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition, Richmond, VA. http://www.math.vcu.edu/g1/journal/Journal_11/10_Jones_Swanson.pdf
Jones, R., & Bangert, A. 2006. “The CSI Effect: Changing the Face of Science”, Science Scope. 30 (3), NSTA Press, Arlington, VA.
Walden, V., Ellison, M., Brandt, R., Town, M., Hudson, S., & Jones, R. 2005. “Properties of Super-Cooled Water Clouds over South Pole”. In the proceedings of the 8th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography. http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/87694.pdf
Clark, T. & Jones, R. 2004. “Fuel-Cell Drivers Wanted”. Science Scope. 27 (9), NSTA Press, Arlington, VA.
Walden, V., Warren, S., Spinhirne, J., Heymsfield, A., Brandt, R., Rowe, P., Town, S., Hudson, S., & Jones, R. 2001. “The South Pole Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Lidar Experiment (SPARCLE). In the proceedings of the 6th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography. http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/19970.pdf
The Image of Scientist at Work, through the eyes of the pre-service educator; researching the changing mental models of female students in regards to science and science teaching.
Continued work and research focused on understanding student learning and naive conceptions, designing effective professional development for teachers of Hawaiian Students
Office of Naval Research Grant of $638,108.00, to establish the UHWO Veterans Empowered Through STEM (VETS) Program within the UHWO PUEO Prototyping Lab at the UH West O‘ahu STEM Center of Excellence (2018–2021).
Office of Naval Research Grant of $275,000.00, to establish the PUEO Prototyping Lab at the UH West O‘ahu STEM Center of Excellence (2015–2017).
Office of Naval Research Grant of $245,000.00 with Co-PI’s Sheryle Proper and Keith Sakuda, to establish a Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Center of Excellence and Facilities Management Degree Program at the UH West O‘ahu (2014-2015).
Center for Learning and Teaching in the West (CLTW) Fellowship. Fellowship includes tuition, books, laboratory fees, and research stipends up to $60,000.00 (2002-2009).
Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow – US Dept. of Energy stipend $50,000.00 (2002-2003).
Billings Clinic Research Division, $70,000.00 equipment grant for MacIntosh Computer Lab (1998).
National Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, $7,500.00 Grant from the National Science Foundation (1996).
- CLTW Doctoral Fellow (May 2002 – May 2009) Fellow in Residence (June 2004 – July 2005), Center for Learning and Teaching in the West - Montana State University Bozeman, MT, http://cltw.org/
- Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow (August 2002 – July 2003), United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC
Science Teaching Time and Practice, and Factors Influencing Elementary Teachers’ Decisions about Both in Rural and Reservation Schools, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (2009).
- Natural Sciences: Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics
- Science Education: Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary
Water Education In Wyoming, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (1990).
Presented “NSTA Science Update: Earthquakes, What’s Shakin?”, September 15, 2022:
Presented “The American Eclipse” August 19 and 20, 2019 at Fort Laramie National Historic Park, Fort Laramie, WY. Presented program for locals, tourists and park service employees in preparation for experiencing the path of totality during the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 that would include Fort Laramie. Presented “NSTA Science Update: Kilauea Summit and Lower East Rift Volcanic Eruptions”, April 23, 2019
Presented “Using NSTA Resources and the Learning Center as Your Online Textbook”, March 9, 2017
Presented “Printing and UHWO’s PUEO Prototyping Lab at The Brown Bag Series seminar (February 17, 2017)
Presented MSI-REaCH at University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu during the MSI-REACH Virtual Meeting (January 16, 2017)
Presented and participated in Faculty Panel, STEM Initiatives and Opportunities at University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu (January 4, 2017)
Presented Creating Successful General Education and Curriculum Proposals with Pearl DeSure, Monica LaBriola, and Terri Ota at The Brown Bag Series seminar, (February 2, 2016)
Presented “Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) or ‘You did what during vacation?’” at the Math + Science = X Seminar (November 20, 2015)
Presented “Fun With Science” for the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu Freshman Bridge Program, (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Presented “Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) or ‘You did what during vacation?’” at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Friday Seminar Series B (October 16, 2015)
Lead presenter for the August 2013 NOAA Western Regional Climate Stewards Webinar. I provided a summary overview and up-date on my Sea Urchins for Reefs Futures (SURF) project-year one (2013)
Represent Hawaii at the National Congress on Science Education (NCSE) in San Juan, PR (2013)
Presented “Giving Creativity A Chance: Moving Beyond The Spring Research Paper” at the 37th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference at the East West Center (2013)
Presenter “Case Study: NOAA Climate Stewards on Oahu” Climate Change Here and Now: Impacts on Pacific Islands, Coastlines, and Ocean, Waikiki Aquarium (April 28, 2012)
Presenter “The Face of Science Through the Eyes of Future Teachers” International Conference on Education (January 5, 2012)
Presenter “Climate Science and Earth Science through the Curriculum” NSTA Regional Conference, Seattle, WA (December 7-10, 2011)
Presenter “El Nino/La Nina and global climate” HaSTA Annual Conference (October 22, 2011)
Presenter “Giving Creativity a Change: Moving Beyond the Term Paper” Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference (May 28, 2011)
Presenter “I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet: Understanding the Mercalli Scale through ‘Lived’ Experience” NSTA National Conference, San Francisco, CA (March 11-15, 2011)
Online Course Facilitator, Local Implementation Team (LIT) Leader and online mentor for three American Meteorology Society on-line college courses for K-14 teachers offered through State University of New York – Brockport: Real Time Weather, 3 semester graduate credits; Water in the Earth System, 3 semester graduate credits: Real Time Ocean Studies, 3 semester graduate credits: Real Time Climate Studies, 3 semester graduate credits. (Fall 2000 –Present).
Alternative Energy in the Classroom, North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT), Cullowhee, NC, (Summer 2004).
Adjunct Professor, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, Math and Science Integration for Teachers, 1 semester graduate credit (Summer 1996, 1997).
Adjunct Professor, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, Processes of Earth Science for Elementary Teachers, 2 semester graduate credits (Summer 1989-1995). Field Oriented Activities in Environmental Science for Teachers, 2 semester graduate credits (Summer 1990 – 1995).
KTVQ-2 “Science Guy”, weekly presentation of hands-on minds-on science on local CBS affiliate morning news program. (February 1997 – June 2002).
Presenter, “Science in the Extreme with Robert Ballard”, Billings, MT. (October 1999).
Presenter, “Science at the Bottom of the World”, Montana State University – Billings. (March 2003).
Presenter, “Making Science ‘reel’”, 1994 American Fisheries Society Regional Conference, Billings, MT
Major Workshops:
- Presented paper “Downscaling Climate Science to the Classroom: Diverse Opportunities for Teaching Climate Science in Diverse Ways to Diverse Undergraduate Populations” at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting the San Francisco, CA (2015)
- Present four sessions as co-lead for NESTA/Windows to the Universe Earth Science Workshop Day: NESTA Shares: Innovative Ways to Teach About Weather Observation and Weather Hazards, NESTA Shares: Innovative Ways to Teach About Climate and Climate Change, NESTA and CIESIN Share: Exploring a Compendium of Online Resources for Teaching Earth Science, NESTA Shares: Innovative Way to Teach About Minerals, Rocks, and Resources at the NSTA Regional Conference in Reno, NV (2015)
- Hawai‘i State Representative for the ETS Multi-state Middle School Science Standard Setting Study, Princeton, NJ (2014)
- Present four sessions as co-lead for NESTA/Windows to the Universe Earth Science Workshop Day: How Weird Can It Get? Developing Weather and Climate Literacy, Earth Science Rocks! Using Earth Science Activities to Engage Students as Scientists, Harnessing the Power of Earth System Science for Developing Science Practices and Crosscutting Concepts, Using Data in the Earth and Space Science Classroom to Engage Students as Real Scientists at the NSTA Regional Conference in Long Beach, CA (2014)
- Present poster “A Study of the Results of the Initial Offering of an Online Climate Course at a Minority Serving Institution” at the 94th Annual AMS Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2014)
- Present four sessions as lead for NESTA/Windows to the Universe Earth Science Workshop Day: (Effective Approaches for Addressing the Next Generation Science Standards in the Earth and Space Science Classroom, Effective Strategies for Sharing Climate Change Science and Energy Consumption Implications in the Classroom, High-Impact Classroom Earth Science in a STEM World, Using Natural Hazards as a Hook in the Earth and Space Science Classroom at the NSTA Regional Conference in Portland, OR (2013)
- Present stand alone session #328 “Investigating the Mercalli Intensity Scale and three sessions as lead for NESTA/Windows to the Universe Earth Science Workshop Day: Climate Change Classroom Tool Kit, Activities Across the Earth System, Let’s Get Well Grounded! at the NSTA Regional Conference in Phoenix, AZ (2012)
- Presenter for Title II Professional Development Workshops The Intersection of Multiple Literacies: English Language Arts, Science, and Technology (2011 – 2012)
- Presenter for Title II Professional Development Workshops: Literacy in the Content Areas: English, Math & Science (2010 – 2011)
- BSSP Science Content and Pedagogy Workshops (Summer 2007 – Spring 2010)
- Crow and Northern Cheyenne Science Inquiry Group (Fall 2004 – Spring 2007)
- Workshop presenter at Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain American Educational Research Association, Jackson Hole, WY. (2005, 2007, 2009, 2011)
- Workshop presenter at National Association Research in Science Teaching Conference, Dallas, TX. (2005)
- Workshop presenter at 13 NSTA Regional and National Conventions (1996 - 2016)
- Workshop presenter at Montana Education Conference (1992 – 2009)
- Workshop presenter at Virginia Association of Science Teachers Conference (2004)
- Wyoming Association of Science Teachers Conference (2003-2004)
- Idaho Association of Science Teachers Conference (2003)
- Workshop Presenter at NSTA Global Summit on Science, San Francisco, CA. (1996)
- Facilitator, CBL-TI82 Science/Math Integration Workshops, Lewistown, Big Timber, and Billings, MT (1996-1997)
- Workshop presenter, Science Extravaganza, Museum of the Rockies (1995 – 1998)
- Workshop presenter, Outreach and Enrichment programs at Billings Elementary Schools (1992 – 2010)
- Trainer, Jason VII District Trainer for High School Educators (1996)
- Trainer, Metnet for STEP Early Career Participants (1995 -1996)
- Facilitator, 1994 Montana Science and Math Education Community Dialogues
- Workshop presenter, Montana Environmental Education Convention (1994, 1998)
- Presenter, AGATE Discovery Day, MSU - Billings (1993, 1995)
Center for Learning and Teaching in the West (CLTW) Fellowship. Fellowship includes tuition, books, laboratory fees, and research stipends up to $50,000.00 (2002-2009)
Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow – US Dept. of Energy stipend $50,000.00 (2002 - 2003)
UH System Chemical and Biological Laboratory Safety Certification, Renewal 2024
Ladder Safety Certification Course, Renewal 2023
Certificate of Training in Radiation Safety, University of Hawai‘i Radiation Safety Committee, September 13, 2016, renewal December, 2019.
Sustainable Facility Professional Credential, International Facilities Management Association, August 31, 2016
Certified Building Operator Level II, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council, May 18, 2016
Certified Building Operator Level I, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council, June 11, 2015
• Participated as Science Faculty in the 2017 Teachers Across Borders Southern Africa (TABSA) https://tab-sa.org Professional Development program for Mathematics and Science teachers in Southern Africa. Presented Inquiry based and hands-on/minds-on science aligned to the South African Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).
• Science Teachers Aboard Research Ships (STARS) Hawai‘i Ocean Time-series (HOT) Cruise 251 to Station ALOHA (A Long-Term Oligotrophic Habitat Assessment), (April 2013)
• NOAA - Teacher at Sea Alumni - Global Climate Research, (January 2010)
• TEA - Teacher Experiencing Antarctica - Atmospheric Research South Pole Station (2000), http://www.metnet.mt.gov/Special/Antarctica/HTM/Antarctica.shtml
• NOAA - Teacher at Sea - Global Climate Research, (1998 and 2010), montanateachersatsea@blogspot.com
- Hawai‘i Advanced 5-12 Science Teaching License AL004726, Issued 09/01/11 valid through 08/31/2015
- Montana, Class 1 Professional, Folio Number 56713, Broadfield Science 5-12, Earth Science (1991 – Present), renewed 01/11 valid through 06/30/2016
- National Board Certified Teacher, Adolescence and Young Adulthood/Science, Certificate Number 220006698 (11/2000 – 11/2010)
- Certified Building Operator Level I, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council, June 11, 2015
- Certified Building Operator Level II, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council, May 18, 2016
- Sustainable Facility Professional Credential, International Facilities Management Association, August 31, 2016
• 2011-Present: Albert Einstein Fellows Alumni Association, Charter Member and Organizational Board
Recorder (2012-Present)
• 2010-2017: University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly
Member of the Board University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu Representative (2013-2017)
Building Representative PAU 123 (2012-2014)
Delegate to the National Education Association National Assembly (2012)
• 1990-1991, 2010-Present: Hawaii Science Teachers Association
Past President (2014-2015)
National Delegate Congress Science Education, San Juan, PR (July 2015)
President (2013-2014)
President Elect and Conference Chair (2012-2013)
University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu Division of Education Liaison (2011-Present)
• 1993-Present: National Earth Science Teachers Association Past President (2022-2023) President (2020-2022)
President-Elect (2018-2020)
Appointed Board Member (2013-2017)
Hawai‘i State Contact (2013-Present)
Elected Board Member (2011-2013)
Editor E-News (2011-2014)
North Central Regional Director (2006-2011)
• 1988-Present: National Science Teachers Association Director Post-Secondary Science Teaching Division (2022-2025)
District XVI Director (2019-2021) Committee on Preservice Science Teaching (2019-2021)
Committee on College Science Teaching (2014-2017)
District XV Director (2001-2004)
• 1994-Present: Phi Delta Kappa, Yellowstone Valley Chapter
Vice President-Membership (1996-1998)
• 2007-Present: American Meteorological Society
• 1991-Present: Montana Science Teachers Association
President (2001-2003) Life Member
President Elect and Conference Chair (1998-2001)
Secretary (1996-1998)
Region 5 Director (1992-1996)
• 1997-Present: Association Presidential Awardees Science Teaching
District 8 Director (2003-2009)
• 1997-Present: Montana Association of Presidential Awardees
• 1988-Present: National Education Association
• 1991-Present: Montana Education Association/Montana Federation of Teachers
January 2022-Present: Interim Director UHWO Veterans Center of Excellence at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu. Responsibilities include establishment and furnishing of the Veterans Center of Excellence, supervision and assigning tasks to veteran student assistant, principal writing of 2022 Veterans Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) plan for UHWO (nine of eleven Certificate Programs Recognized), recruitment of Veteran students, cultivation of relationships with USVET Hawaii and other organizations, day to day management of the center.
2018-Present: Created and Direct the UHWO VETS Program within the Pueo Prototyping Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu STEM Center of Excellence. Continued supervision and day to day management of the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu 2D and 3D Engineering and Design Laboratory
2014-Present: Constructed and supervise Pueo Prototyping Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu STEM Center of Excellence. Management of University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu’s 2D and 3D Engineering and Design Laboratory
2010-2011: General Education Committee
2011-2017: Curriculum Committee, 2013-2017: Chair or Vice Chair
2014-2016: Academic Development Plan Committee
2012-2015: Educational Effectiveness Review (EER/WASC) Committee
2015-2017: Faculty Senate
2014-2016: Strategic Planning Committee
2017-Present: IAEL/F - Strategic Action Planning Committee
2018-Present: Academic Affairs and Planning Committee
Numerous Search Committees (Education, Biology, Geology, Physics, Oceanography, Facilities Management, Engineering)