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Public Administration
Professor and Director of Health Care Administration

Dr. Kristina Lu is Professor and Chair of the Public Administration Division and Director of the Health Care Administration Program at the University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu. Dr. Lu teaches courses in public administration, health care administration, health policy and organizational behavior. Her primary areas of research are in health care, long-term care, and public health policy and management. Her publications focus on the political, economic, organizational, and management implications in the complex and evolving health care environment. In particular, she has developed new models for describing the roles of managers in health and long-term care organizations. Dr. Lu has chaired and presented her work at various local, regional, national and international conferences. She actively participates in university, community and professional service and has chaired numerous committees. 

Ph.D. Public Administration, Area of Concentration: Health Services Administration
Florida International University

M.P.H. Public Health
University of Miami

B.A. Biological Sciences
Florida International University

August 1, 2012-Present: Chair and Professor, Division of Public Administration.
Professor and Director of Health Care Administration
University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu

August 1, 2010: Promoted to Full Professor of Public Administration, Health Care Administration
University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu

July 2006-July 31, 2010: Associate Professor of Public Administration, Health Care Administration
University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu 

August 2000-July 2006: Assistant Professor of Health Services Administration
Florida International University

  • PUBA 340 Administrative Decision Making
  • PUBA 486 Senior Project
  • PUBA 490 Administrative Practicum for PUBA students
  • PUBA 490B Administrative Practicum for HCA Certificate students
  • PUBA 101 Introduction to Health Care Administration
  • PUBA 301 Health Care Administration
  • PUBA 302 Health Policy, Politics and Law
  • PUBA 307 Community Health Analysis
  • PUBA 318 Managed Care
  • PUBA 319 Long-Term Care
  • PUBA 446 Contemporary Issues in Health Care
  • PUBA 476 Health Care Marketing
  • PUBA 477 Ethics in Health Care Administration
  • PUBA 480 Organizational Behavior

Refereed Publications

Young, S. and Lu, K. (in press). Educational Interventions to Increase Cultural Competence for Nursing Students. International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior.

Young, S. and Guo, K.L. (2016). Cultural Diversity Training: The necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. The Health Care Manager. 35(2): 94-102.

Castillo, R.J. and Guo, K.L. (2016). Implications of DSM-V for Health Care Organizations and Mental Health Policy. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration.

Liu, S.S., Lu, R.J. and Guo, K.L. (2014). “Using a Social Entrepreneurial Approach to Enhance the Financial and Social Value of Health Care Organizations”. Journal of Health Care Finance. 40(3): 31-46.

Agno, C.F and Guo, K.L. (2013). Electronic Health Systems: Challenges Faced by Hospital-Based Providers”. The Health Care Manager. 32(3): 246-252.

Guo, K.L. and McGee, D. (2013). “Improving Quality in Long-Term Care Facilities Through Regulations and Enforcement”. The Health Care Manager. 31(2):121-131.

Guo, K.L. and Castillo, R.J. (2012). The U.S. Long Term Care System: Development and Expansion of Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities as an Innovative Model for Aging in Place. Ageing International. 37(2): 210-227.

Guo, K.L. (2011). “Developing Models and Strategies for Successful Negotiations for Health Care Managers”. Journal of the American Academy of Business. 17(1): 25-32.

Castillo, R.J. and Guo, K.L. (2011). A Framework for Cultural Competence in Health Care Organizations. The Health Care Manager. 30(3): 1-10.

Guo, K.L. (2011). “Risk Management and Quality Management in Long-Term Care Organizations: A Collaborative Model”. Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy.

Guo, K.L. (2010). The Entrepreneurial Manager in Health Care Organizations. The Business Review, Cambridge. 15(2): 11-18.

Guo, K.L. (2010). Consumer Directed Health Care: Implications for Health Care Organizations and Managers. The Health Care Manager. 29(2): 126-132.

Guo, K.L. (2010). Consumer Directed Health Care: Understanding Its Value in Health Care Reform. The Health Care Manager. 29(1) 29-33.

Guo, K.L. (2009). Effective Communication in Health Care: Strategies to Improve Communication Skills for Managers. The Business Review, Cambridge, 12(2): 8-17.

Guo, K.L. (2009). Core Competencies of the Entrepreneurial Leader in Health Care Organizations. The Health Care Manager. 28(1): 19-29.

Guo, K.L. (2008). Quality of Health Care in the U.S. Managed Care System: Comparing and Highlighting Successful States. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 21(3): 236-248.

Guo, K.L. (2008). DECIDE: A Decision Making Model for More Effective Decision Making for Health Care Managers. The Health Care Manager. 27(2): 118-127.

Guo, K.L. (2008). Aging of the U.S. Population and Its Impact on the Health Care System. The Business Review, Cambridge, 9(2): 246-252.

Guo, K.L. and Company, J.D. (2007). Leaders in Hospital-Based Social Work: The Roles and Functions of Directors of Social Work in the Case Management Model. Leadership in Health Services. 20(2): 124-133.

Guo, K.L. (2007). The Entrepreneurial Health Care Manager: Managing Innovation and Change.   The Business Review, Cambridge. 7(2): 175-178.

Guo, K.L. and Calderon, A. (2007). Roles, Skills, and Competencies of Middle Managers in Occupational Therapy. The Health Care Manager. 26(1): 74-83.

Guo, K.L. (2006). Entrepreneurship management in health services: An integrative model. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 28(4): 504-530.

Guo, K.L. and Sanchez, Y. (2006). Entrepreneurship at the state level: A case study of Massachusetts’ prescription drug program for seniors. International Journal of Public Administration. 29: 489-499.

Guo, K.L. and Anderson, D. (2005). The new health care paradigm: Roles and competencies of leaders in the service line management approach. Leadership in Health Services. Vol. 18(4): 12-20.

Guo, K.L. (2004). Leadership processes for reengineering changes to the health care Industry. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 18(6): 435-446.

Torres, E.J. and Guo, K.L. (2004). Quality improvement techniques to improve patient satisfaction. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 17(6): 334-338.

Guo, K.L. (2004). Organizational and management strategies in response to U.S. market trends. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 18(5): 370-379.

Guo, K.L. (2004). Rising health care costs and cost containment strategies: A comparison of the fifty states. The Business Review, Cambridge, 3(1): 21-29.

Guo, K.L. (2003). An assessment tool for developing healthcare managerial skills and roles. Journal of Healthcare Management. 48(6): 367-376.

Guo, K.L. (2003). Applying entrepreneurship to health care organizations. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. 6(1): 45-53.

Guo, K.L. (2003). Market-focused management: A model for U.S. academic health centers. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 17(2): 88-101.

Guo, K.L. (2003). A study of the skills and roles of senior level health care managers. The Health Care Manager. 22(2): 152-158.

Guo, K.L. (2002). Course Content on Managed Care: The Graduate Program in Health Services Administration at Florida International University. The Journal of the American Academy of Business. 2(1): 129-134.

Guo, K.L. (2002). Roles of managers in academic health centers: Strategies for the managed care environment. The Health Care Manager. 20(3): 43-58.

Guo K.L. (2001). Survival of academic medical centers in the managed care environment: The roles of CEOs. Managed Care Quarterly. 9(4): 5-8.


Book Chapters

Chapters in a Refereed Book

Guo, K.L. (2011). Workplace communication. In Organizational Behavior for Health Care. 2nd Edition. N. Borkowski (Ed). MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp. 71-102.

Guo, K.L. and Sanchez, Y. (2009). Workplace Communication. In N. Borkowski (Ed). Organizational Behavior, Theory and Design. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp. 71-101.

Buss, T.F., Redburn, F.S., and Guo, K.L. (2006).“Modernizing Democracy: An Overview of the Issues.” In: Modernizing Democracy: Innovations     in Citizen Participation Strategies. Eds.T.F. Buss, F.S. Redburn and K.L. Guo. M.E. Sharpe Publications, pp. 3-28.

Guo, K.L. and Sanchez, Y. (2005). Workplace communication. In Organizational Behavior for Health Care. N. Borkowski. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 77-110.   Received the 2005 American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award.


Edited Book

Modernizing Democracy: Innovations in Citizen Participation Strategies. (2006). Eds.T.F. Buss, F.S. Redburn and K.L. Guo. M.E. Sharpe Publications.


Editor, Special Issues in Refereed Journals

Guo, K.L. and Buss, T.F. (2006). Entrepreneurship in health and human services organizations: A symposium. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 28(4): 468-471.

Guo, K.L. and Buss, T.F. (2006). A symposium on contemporary entrepreneurship.   International Journal of Public Administration. 29: 277-278.

Guo, K.L. (2004). “A Special Issue: Quality improvement: Implications for health care managers,” The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.  (6): 291-293.

Guo, K.L. “Aging and Long-Term Care: Challenges and Reforms”. Keynote Speaker. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 1-3, 2012.

Guo, K.L. “Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in Public Administration”. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 1-3, 2012.

Guo, K.L. “Successful Negotiation Strategies for Health Care Managers”. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2-5, 2011.

Guo, K.L. “The Entrepreneurial Manager in Health Care Organizations” Keynote Speaker. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Hawaii, June 9-12, 2010.

Guo, K.L. “Health Care Reform Legislation: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Hawaii, June 9-12, 2010.

Guo, K.L. “Communication Strategies for More Effective Managers” Keynote Speaker.  The International Business and Management Research Conference. Hawaii, June 3-6, 2009.

Guo, K.L. “Effective Communication in Health Care: Strategies to Improve Communication Skills for Managers”. The International Business and Management Research Conference. Hawaii, June 3-6, 2009.

Guo, K.L. “Long-Term Care and Medicare Reform Proposals”. The International Business and Management Research Conference, Hawaii, June 5-8, 2008.

Guo, K.L. "The Entrepreneurial Health Care Manager”. The International Business and Management Research Conference, Hawaii, June 1-4, 2007.

Guo, K.L. “Entrepreneurship in Health Services”. The Entrepreneurial Academy. FIU’s Eugenio Pino and Family Global Entrepreneurship Center. February 16, 2006.

Guo, K.L. “Utilizing Case Studies to Teach Entrepreneurship in Health Services”. Experiential Classroom on Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Teaching and Research at Syracuse University sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation on Entrepreneurship, 2005.

Guo, K.L. “Rising U.S. Health Care Costs and Cost Containment Strategies”. The Economics & International Business Research Conference, Miami, FL. December 16-19, 2004.

Guo, K.L. “Curriculum challenges in an undergraduate health services administration program: The development of management and leadership courses,” The International Academy of Business Disciplines, Orlando, Florida, April 3-6, 2003.

Guo, K.L. “Organizational and management strategies for the U.S. health care market,” The Economics and International Business Research Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, December 17-22, 2002.

Guo, K.L. “U.S. health care trends,” Second International Seminar on Hospital Administration. Sponsored by the FIU’s Latin American and Caribbean Center, Miami Beach, Florida, October 22-25, 2002.

Guo, K.L. “Managed health care: Ethical, financial, legal and management issues,” First Seminar on Health Care Plans and Insurance Administration. The Latin American and Caribbean Center’s Institute for International Professional Services, Miami, Florida, April 16-19, 2002.

Guo, K.L. “A tool for assessing managerial potential of health care practitioners,” The Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 31st Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 20-22, 2002.


2008-2009 Participated in the year-long UH President's Emerging Leadership Program (PELP)

2017-present      Co-Facilitator of UHWO’s Long Range Academic Development Plan Work Group

2017 -present      Co-Facilitator of UHWO’s Strategic Planning Work Group

2017-present    Member, UHWO’s Long Range Facilities Development Plan Work Group

2016-present   Member of the Advisory Board, UH-Manoa's Department of Public Administration

2016-2017, 2010-2011   Member, Referee Panel for the University of Hawaii System

2015-2017    Member, Chancellor’s Committee on Student Enrollment and Academic Success

2015-2017  Chair, UHWO Academic Grievance Committee

2013-2016   Chair of the Search Committees for various positions in Health Sciences and Health Care Administration

2011-2012, 2007-2009 Member, UHWO Assessment Committee

2011-2012, 2007-2008 Member, UHWO Academic Development Plan Committe

2008-2011 Member, UHWO Academic Affairs and Planning Committee

2008-2009 Member, UHWO Faculty Senate

2007-2008 Member of the BAS Learning Outcomes Committee

2006-2008 Member, UHWO Curriculum Committee

2006 Member, New Kapolei Campus Space and Planning Committee

2006-present Faculty Advisor for students in the Health Care Administration program