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Dr. Aumer is an Associate Professor of Psychology. When she is not in the classroom or doing research, she loves spending time with her family and playing poker.
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Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Psychology

Katherine Aumer, Associate Professor of Psychology, received her B.A. in Psychology and her B.A. in Theatre from the University of Iowa and her Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Aumer is the head of The Emotions and Relationships Research Lab, which is dedicated to understanding the social and cultural factors that contribute to interpersonal hate, relationship satisfaction, and experiences of discrimination and prejudice. She has published several books and chapters on emotions and the methods of studying emotions and numerous articles regarding the application and exploration of emotions science, regulation, and care delivery. Her work has been published in Social Justice Research, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Relationships Research, The Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Journal of Relationships Research, Interpersona, International Society for Research on Emotion, and Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology, at the University of Texas at Austin, 2008

B.A. in Psychology, at the University of Iowa, 2003

B.A. in Theatre, at the University of Iowa, 2003

2023-present: Associate Professor of Psychology, at University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu

  • Responsibilities:
    • Teach and develop undergrad courses in Psychology and the Social Sciences Division.
    • Consulting Editor for the Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
    • Chair of Hawaii State Mental Health Council.
    • Vice Chair of Social and Behavioral Sciences UH IRB Committee.
    • Member of UH West Oʻahu Institutional Policy and Procedure Committee
    • Chair of Distance Education (DE) Committee
    • Previously served on the University Budget Advisory Committee

2020–2023: Assistant Professor of Psychology, at University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu

  • Responsibilities:
    • Teach undergrad courses in Psychology and the Social Sciences Division.
    • Consulting Editor for the Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
    • Committee member for Budget and Resource Committee (BRC).
    • Serving on the Hawaii State Mental Health Council.
    • Member of the UHWO Efficiencies Work Group.
    • Member of HEERF Hui
    • Member of the University Budget Advisory Committee.

2018–2020: Chair of the Psychology Department, at Hawai‘i Pacific University

  • Responsibilities: led the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation (established Aug. 5, 2019) and development of the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (PsyD) program at HPU. Provided guidance and plans for American Psychological Association (APA) accreditation for the PsyD program. Managed the recruitment, enrollment, and organization of the PsyD program. Collected data, wrote reports, and maintained Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC) accreditation of the Masters in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling program. Wrote program review reports for both the Bachelor's and Master’s program. Maintained and established budgets for the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs. Scheduled classes and peer reviews for adjuncts and full-time faculty. 

2016–2020: Associate Professor of Psychology, at Hawai‘i Pacific University

  • Taught undergraduate and graduate courses. Attended regional, national, and international conferences. Chaired symposia and presented posters at national and international conferences. Served as keynote speaker for various local conferences. Member of the Graduate Curriculum Committee (2019-2020) and served as the College of Liberal Arts Senator (2018-2020). Planned, prepared, and implemented an established paid parental leave policy for HPU faculty as part of Senator service (2018-2020).

2010–2016: Assistant Professor of Psychology, at Hawai‘i Pacific University

  • Taught undergraduate and graduate courses. Attended regional, national, and international conferences. Chaired symposia and presented posters at national and international conferences. Served as keynote speaker for various local conferences. Faculty advisor for student clubs and organizations. 

2008–2010: Lecturer at Kapi‘olani Community College

  • Taught undergraduate courses and attended faculty meetings.

2008–2010: Lecturer at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

  • Taught undergraduate courses.

University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu

  • SSCI 486P: Senior Project in Psychology
  • SSCI 210: Statistical Analysis I
  • PSY 352: Varieties of Sexual Expression
  • PSY 302: Psychology of Gender and Sex
  • PSY 260: Psychology of Personality
  • PSY 250: Social Psychology
  • PSY 212: Research Methods in Psychology

Hawaii Pacific University

  • PSY 6330: Diversity and Sociocultural Issues in Mental Health Counseling (graduate level)
  • PSY 6200: Research Methods in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (graduate level)
  • PSY 4970: Psychology Research Symposium
  • PSY 4925: Psychology Research Seminar
  • PSY 4240: Psychology of Dreams
  • PSY 3925: Research Seminar
  • PSY 3600: Psychology of Emotions
  • PSY 3340: Human Sexuality
  • PSY 3400: Lifespan
  • PSY 3300: Social Psychology
  • PSY 3440: Psychology of Gender
  • PSY 2200: Research Methods
  • PSY 2100: Statistics in Psychology

Edited Books

Aumer, K. (2017). The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships. Springer International Publishing.

Aumer, K. (2021). The Psychology of Extremism. Springer.

Book and Textbook Chapters

Aumer, K. & Erickson, M. (2022). The Good and Bad of Love and Hate. In Pismenny, A. and B. Brogaard (Eds), The Moral Psychology of Love, Rowman & Littlefield.

Aumer, K. & Erickson, M. (2021). Chapter 2. Shared Hatred: Bringing People Together and Creating Bonds in The Psychology of Extremism, Springer.

Aumer, K. (2021). Introduction in The Psychology of Extremism, Springer.

Aumer, K. (2021). Preface in The Psychology of Extremism, Springer.

Aumer, K., & Bahn, A. C. K. (2016). Hate in Intimate Relationships as a Self-protective Emotion. In The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships (pp. 131151). Springer International Publishing.

Aumer, K. (2016). Introduction In The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships (pp. 131–151). Springer International Publishing.

Aumer, K. (2017). Chapter 14: Descriptive Statistics. In Freberg, L. Editor, Research Methods in Psychological Science. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Top Hat.

Journal Articles

Aumer, K. (2024). Book review of: "The state you see: how government visibility creates political distrust and racial inequality" by Aaron Rosenthal, Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 2023, xv+ 261pp., (paperback), ISBN 9780472055999.

Aumer K, Curtis G.J., & Jonason P.K. (2024). Editorial: Rising stars in: evolutionary psychology 2022. Frontiers Psychology, 15:1376132. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1376132

Aumer, K., Erickson, M.A., & Tsukayama, E., (2023). Increased Depression in Hawaiʻi during COVID-19. Pacific Health, 6,

Aumer, K., Sato, J., Jaksuwijitkorn, M., Austli, M., Krizizke, J., Erickson, M. A., Gray, K., Fugett, N., & Blake, R. A. (2023). Mixed-methods analysis of cultural influences on the attitudes of love and hate. Current Psychology, 1-11.

Trevorrow, T., Scanlan, S., Aumer, K., Tsushima, V., Kim, B. S., & Harris, S. (2023). University students’ sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Hawaiʻi. Journal of American College Health, 1-11.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M. A., & Tsukayama, E. (2023). Social factors related to depression during COVID-19. Open Health, 4(1), 20220030.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M., Krizizke, J., Jaksuwitjitkorn, M., & Aab, J., (2022). Pet Attitudes Predicting Preferences for Pets over People. Pet Behaviour Science, 13,

Aumer, K. (2022). Book review of Darieck Scottʻs “Keeping It Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics”. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M. A., & Antonelli, R. (2022). Discovering a New Standard for Treating Depressive Symptoms. New England Journal of Medicine, Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 3(6).

Meyers, C., Aumer, K., Schriml, A., Janicki, C., Pauker, K., Chang, E., & Gaither, S., (2019). Microaggressions in Context: The Influence of Diversity on the Experience of Microaggressions. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Aumer, K., Blas, D., Huston, K., Mabuti, C., & Hsu, N. (2017). Assessing Racial Preferences in Movies: The Impact of Mere-Exposure and Social Identity Theory. Psychology, 8(09), 1314.

Williams, A., Oliver, C., Aumer, K., & Meyers, C., (2016). Racial Microaggressions and Perceptions of Internet Memes. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 424-432. doiP10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.067

Aumer, K., Janicki, C., Guzman, N., Pierson, N., Strand, S., & Totlund, H., (2016). Can’t Let it Go: Hate in Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Relationships Research, 7(2), 1523.

Aumer, K., Bahn, A., & Harris, S. (2015). Through the Looking Glass, Darkly: Perceptions of Hate in Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Relationships Research, 6, 17.

Aumer, K., Bellew, W., Ito, B., Hatfield, E., & Heck, R., (2014). The Happy Green Eyed Monogamist: Role of Jealousy and Compersion in Monogamous and Non-Traditional Relationships. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, 17, 115.

Aumer, K. (2014). The influence of culture and gender on sexual self-schemas and satisfaction in romantic relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29(3), 113.

Aumer, K., Hatfield, E., Swann, W., & Frey, R., (2011). Perspectives and Research on the Concept of Race within the Framework of Multiracial Identity, Interpersona, 5(2), 168203.

Li, N., Griskevicius, V., Durante, K. M., Jonason, P., Pasisz, D., & Aumer, K. (2009). An Evolutionary Perspective on Humor: Sexual Selection or Interest Indication? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 923936.

Aumer-Ryan, P. & Aumer-Ryan, K. (2009). Message and messenger: The carrier effect on judgments of credibility. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 45(1), 113.

Hatfield, E. & Rapson, R. L., and Aumer-Ryan, K. (2008).  Equity Theory: Social justice in love relationships.  Recent developments.  Social Justice Research.  New York: Springer

Aumer-Ryan, K & Hatfield, E. (2007). The design of everyday hate: A qualitative and quantitative examination. Interpersona, 1(2), 143172.

Aumer-Ryan, K., Hatfield, E. & Frey, R. (2007). Equity in Romantic Relationships: A “Cultural Universal” or a phenomena shaped by Self-Construal and Ethnicity? Interpersona. 1(1), 6175.

  • Race relations
  • Extremism
  • Psychology of Love & Hate
  • Behavioral Health
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Diversity and Cultural Issues

Aumer, K., Blake, R. A, Gray, K. & Ford, K. (2024, Jul 19). Mixed Methods Comparison of Relationships with Love vs those with Ambivalence for presentation at the 2024 APS Annual Convention, July 17-20, 2024, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

Aumer, K., Ford, K., Gray, K. & Blake, R. A. (2024, Jul 18). Methodological and Cultural Considerations when Studying Emotions: A Perspective from Hawaiʻi  for presentation at the 2024 APS Annual Convention, July 17-20, 2024, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

Aumer, K., Ford, K., Gray, K. & Blake, R. A. (2024, May 23). Alignment of Meta-Perceptions of Indigenous Loss Associated with Less Prejudice Towards Native Hawaiians for presentation at the 2024 APS Annual Convention, May 23 - 26, 2024, in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Aumer, K., Ford, K., Gray, K. & Blake, R. A. (2024, February 8th). Indigenous Loss: Meta-Perceptions not Hate Associated with Prejudice, for the 2024 SPSP Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.

Aumer, K., Ford, K., Gray, K. & Blake, R. A. (2023, August 9). Cultural Influences on the Attitudes of Love and Hate [Special Interest Presentation Presented]. The International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools & Institute’s (ICASSI) 56th Annual Rudolf Dreikurs International Summer Institute 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Aumer, K. (2023, Mar 22). Misinformation: Psychological Drivers and Inoculators. UHWO Misinformation Week 2023.

Aumer, K., Gray, K. Ford, K., Fugett, N., Blake, A. Hawaiian views of Love (2022, Nov 18) at the Annual Conference of the Hawaiʻi Psychological Association, Online.

Aumer, K. & Blake, R.A. Chairing flash talks at the Annual Conference of the Hawaiʻi Psychological Association 2022, Online.

Daniels, A., Aumer, K., Erickson, M., & Antonelli, R., (2022, September 24th). Discovering a New Standard for Treating Depressive Symptoms. 2022 Hawaiʻi Health Workforce Summit, Honolulu, HI.

Aumer, K., Gray, K., & Fugett, N. (2022, May 29). Cultural Influences on the Perception of Love and Hate. 2022 APS Virtual Convention, May 26-29, 2022.

Trevorrow, T., Scanlan, S., Aumer, K., Kim, B., Tsushima, T., & Harris,  S. (2022, April 6) Sleep during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Panel Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore.

Aumer, K., Ford, K., Fugett, N., Gray, K. (2022, March 30- April 2). Native Hawaiian views of Love and Hate. Poster Presentation, Society for Affective Science, Virtual (GatherTown).

Aumer, K., Erickson, E., Jaksuwitjitkorn, M., Sato, J., Gray, K. (2022, Feb 16-19). Culture Shapes Prosocial and Destructive Emotions. Symposium talk, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco.

Aumer, K. (2022, Feb 10). Psychology of Extremism. Virtual Lane Community College Workshops on Extremism and Violence, Oregon.

Gray, K., Fugett, N., & Aumer, K., (2021, Nov 17). Overcoming Hate. Virtual University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu Student Research and Creative Works Symposium.

Gray, K., Fugett, N., & Aumer, K., (2021, Nov 19). Overcoming Hate. Virtual Hawaiʻi Pacific University Student Research Dinner.

Aumer, K. (2021, August 4). Hate and Extremist Groups. UHWO Behavioral Intervention Team Annual Training Workshop.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M., Sato, J., Jaksuwitjitkorn, M., Austli, M., Krizizke, J., & Gray, K. (2021, April 28). Cross-cultural Examination of Hate. Western Psychological Association. Virtual Conference April 27-May 1, 2021.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M., Sato, J., Jaksuwitjitkorn, M., Austli, M., Krizizke, J., & Gray, K. (2021, April 13 and April 14 ). Cross-cultural Examination of Hate. Society for Affective Science. Virtual Conference April 13-14, 2021.

Krizizke, J., Sato, J., Jaksuwijitkorn, M., Austli, M., Erickson, M., Aumer, K. (2021, April). Passionate Love in the East vs West. (2021, April). Talk presented at the 9th Annual Hawaii Pacific University Capstone Symposium, Honolulu, HI.

Claudio, N., Dedrick, L., Krizizke, J., Lai, J., Sato, J, Erickson, M., Aumer, K. Views on the Attack on the United States Capitol Building. (2021, April). Talk presented at Chaminade University’s 7th Annual Psychology Students’ Research Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Krizizke, J., Jaksuwijitkorn, M., Åbb, J., Aumer, K., Erickson, M. (2021, April). Relationships with Pets and People. Talk presented at the 8th Annual Society for Affective Science Virtual Conference.

Krizizke, J., Jaksuwijitkorn, M., Åbb, J., Aumer, K., Erickson, M. (2021, April). Relationships with Pets and People. Talk presented at the 101st Annual Western Psychological Association Virtual Conference.

Aumer, K. (2021, March 19). Hate and Racism in Extremist Groups. Hawaii Pacific University Psychology Department Spring Symposium Zoom Event.

Aumer, K. (2020, November 5). Hate and Racism in Extremist Groups. New Zealand Psychological Society Web Event.

Aumer, K., Sato, J., Jaksuwijitkorn, M., Staples, B., & Kline, N. (2020, June-September). Hate and Self Protection. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Association for Psychological Sciences Virtual Conference.

Aumer, K., Daniels, A., Light, D., Hagblom, W., Erickson, M.A., Spittal, E., & Ponce, R., (2020, June-September). Hate in Extremist, Liberal, and Conservative Groups. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Association for Psychological Sciences Virtual Conference.

Aumer, K. & Krebs-Bahn, A. (2019, July). Eliminating Hate: What we think works vs. What does work. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

Aumer, K. (2019, May). Shared Hate Bringing people together. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Washington, D.C. Symposium Speaker and Chair.

Urstad, A., Brown, H., & Aumer, K. (2019, May). Exploring the Cognitive Components of Hate. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Washington, D.C. Symposium Speaker and Chair.

Davis, T. & Aumer, K. (2018, November). Psychology of Mathematics Education North America, Comparing Interdisciplinary Teaching Approaches, Poster Session, Greenville, SC.

Aumer, K., Ikejimba, D., Jordan, A., Quintua, J., & Erickson, M. A. (2018, May) Taking Identity to the Extreme: How Our Political and Social Identities Can Inform Our Beliefs of Group Membership and Perceptions of Each Other. Permeability of Extremist Group Membership. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, CA. Symposium Speaker and Chair.

Aumer, K., Erickson, M. A., & Fallis, T. (2018, May). Hawaii False Missile Alert: Perception of the Media, Self, and Others. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, CA.

Jordan, A., Ikejimba, D., Quintua, J., Aumer, K., & Erickson, M. A. (2018, May). Permeability of White Supremacist and Non-White Supremacist Groups Impacted By Perceived Conflict. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, CA.

Urstad, A., Johnson, L., Ishikawa, Y., Boyer, N., & Aumer, K. (2018, May). Resolving Feelings of Hate based on Targets of Hate. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, CA.

Green, S., Hays, D., & Aumer, K. (2018, May). Permeability of Sexual Orientation Groups. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, CA.

Aumer, K. (2017, May). Identity and Beliefs: How our Personal Beliefs Shape our Individual and Collective Identities. Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting in Boston. Symposium Speaker and Chair.

Haskell, S., Hsu, N., Massa, A., Nafziger, T., Skinner, C., Pierson, N., & Aumer, K. (2017, May). Classification of Hate: Emotion vs. Motivation. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Boston, MA.

Britt, M., Wapenski, K., Quintua, J., Hsu, N., Pierson, N., & Aumer, K. (2017, May). The Impact of Transitioning and Status on the Permeability of Race and Gender. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Boston, MA.

Hsu, N., Poirson, M., Pritchard, S., Rygge, V., & Aumer, K., (2016, May). Elements of Racial Identity in a Diverse Setting. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Chicago, IL.

Aumer, K. (2016, May). The Psychology of Monogamous and Non-Monogamous Relationships. Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting in Chicago. Symposium Chair and Speaker.

Aumer, K. (2015, May). Being a White Minority: Experiences of Microaggressions in Diverse Settings. Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting in New York. Keynote Speaker.

Bahn, A., Janicki, C., Guzman, N., Pierson, N., & Aumer, K. (2015, May). I loved hating you: Measuring the relationship between hate and love.  Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting in New York.

Blas, D., Mabuti, D., & Aumer, K., (2015, May). Assessing Racial Preferences in Movies. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting in New York.

Aumer, K., (2015, April). Methodological Approaches of studying Gender in Psychology.  Annual Psychology Conference at Hawaii Pacific University. Symposium Speaker.

Aumer, K. (2015, March). Being a White Minority: Experiences of Microaggressions in Diverse Settings.  Keynote Speaker at the Annual Research Conference at Brigham Young University. 

Aumer, K., & Hatfield, E., (2014, May). Design of Everyday Hate.  Paper presented at the annual Association of Psychological Sciences conference in San Francisco, CA.

Bellew, W., Ito, B., & Aumer, K. (2013, Aug.) Jealousy and Compersion in Polyamorous Relationships. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological Conference in Honolulu, HI.

Aumer, K., Ito, B., & Pauker, K., (2013, Aug.). Weighing the Costs and Benefits of your Identity; A Theory of Identity as Social Currency. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Conference in Honolulu, HI.

Li, N., & Aumer, K. (2013, June).  The Interest Indicator Model of Humor: How to Tell If Someone Likes You. Presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.

Aumer, K., Ito, B., & Pauker, K., (2013, Jan.). Weighing the Costs and Benefits of your Identity; A Theory of Identity as Social Currency. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Aumer, K., (2012, March). The Influence of Culture on Sexual Self-Schemas and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships. The Hawaii Pacific University Psychology Research Conference.  

Aumer, K., Phan, T., Cabe, J., & Nuno, A., (2012, Jan). The Influence of Culture on Sexual Self-Schemas and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Aumer, K. (2011). Importance of Research Experience in Graduate School Applications.  HPU Psychology Club Graduate Application Symposium.

Aumer, K. (2010). Importance of Research Experience in Graduate School Applications.  HPU Psychology Club Graduate Application Symposium.

Persinger, L., Taryn, P., & Aumer, K. (2010). Cultural differences in Sexual Personality. Hawaii Pacific University Psychology Student Conference. Honolulu, HI.

DeBois, M. & Aumer-Ryan, K. (2010). Investigation of Sexual Personality. Hawaii Pacific University Psychology Student Conference. Honolulu, HI.

Aumer-Ryan, P. R., & Aumer-Ryan, K. (2009). Caught Between Worlds: Social Effects of Dual-Group Membership. Proceedings of the Association of Psychological Sciences, San Francisco, California.

Aumer-Ryan, P. R., & Aumer-Ryan, K. (2008). Message and messenger: The carrier effect on judgments of credibility. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Columbus, OH.

Aumer-Ryan, K. (2007, June). Differences between Multiracials and Monoracials Conceptions of race. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences.

Aumer-Ryan, K., Li, N. & Hatfield, E. (2007, Jan). Mixed Reviews: Multiracials reconfiguring the concept of race. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Aumer-Ryan, K. & Frey, R. (2006 June). Women’s Graduate School Experience. Paper presented at the Political Psychology Conference.

Aumer-Ryan, K. (2006, Jan). The Design of Everyday Hate: Mixed Methods approach to Studying Everyday Hate. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Kotov, R., Aumer-Ryan, K., & Clark, L. A. (2003). Categories or continua:Taxometric analysis of personality disorders. Presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

  • Board member (Teaching, Research, and Education Division Representative) of the Hawaiʻi Psychological Association (2021-2024)
  • American Psychological Association (2018-present)
  • American Association of University Professors (2013-2020)
  • Association for Psychological Sciences (2008-present)
  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2006-present)
  • Society for the Study of Social Problems (2008-present)
  • International Society for Research on Emotions (2018-present)
  • Chair of Distance Education (DE) Committee (2024-now)
  • Member of UH West Oʻahu Institutional Policy and Procedure Committee (2024-now)
  • Co-advisor student clubs: Psychology Club and Psi Chi (2020-now)
  • Psychology representative for Social Sciences Division Vision/Mission Statement Committee (2021-now)
  • University Budget Advisory Committee (Aug 2021-2023)
  • SSCI Senator (2021-present)
  • Efficiencies Workgroup (Jan 2021- May2021)
  • HEERF Hui (Apr. 2021- Aug. 2021)
  • Budget and Resources Committee Member (2021-2024)