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Business Administration
Associate Professor

Dr. Burrell is an Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science with instructional and research assignments in the Cybersecurity and Information Security and Assurance programs. He holds an affiliated academic appointment with a graduate public policy program and graduate research fellow for a cyber security policy & governance program. His previous academic service includes instruction and research at graduate electrical and computer engineering and computer science programs at public and private universities. He is the founding director for a cyber security research laboratory supported by a federal grant award sponsored by Department of Defense (DoD)/National Security Agency (NSA). Recognition and certifications include Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member of the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP).

Ph.D., Information and Computer Science
Ed.S., Information and Computer Science
M.S., Telecommunications Engineering
B.S., Electrical Engineering

University of Hawaii - West Oahu
Assistant Professor

University of Hawaii - West Oahu
Associate Professor

APSC 486 - Senior Project-FMGT/ISA/IT
CYBR 486 - Senior Project: Cyber Ops
ICS 101 - Digital Tools for Info World
ISA 340 - Intro to Digital Forensics
ISA 480C - Topics in ISA: Communications
ISA 480I - Topics in ISA: Investigations

Publications with Institutional Affiliation Attributed to University of Hawaii

Considerations for Cyberspace Security

Healthcare Integrated Analytics Data Platform Security and Privacy Considerations