Capstone FAQs

UH West Oʻahu students are required to complete a capstone course in their specific degree and concentration area. A capstone course is the culminating scholastic effort and experience that asks students to incorporate the terms and concepts learned in their various classes to demonstrate the skills and knowledge learned in their area of study. This experience varies depending upon the student’s interest area and is completed in the final semester of the study.

Capstone experiences are meant for students in their last semester of study before graduation. Exceptions to this include double concentration students who need to fulfill more than one capstone requirement.
Prerequisites for a capstone class include completion or concurrent enrollment in ENG 200 or equivalent and completion of an upper division (300 or 400 level) writing intensive (WI) course.
Students planning to graduate and enroll in a Senior Capstone Course should meet with an Academic Advisor for a degree audit/graduation check.

A Senior Project (BUSA 486) is a research paper or business plan on an approved topic.
An Administrative Practicum (BUSA 490) is a minimum 120 hour internship field experience at an approved practicum site.

Students who are considering the different capstone options can speak to their Faculty Advisor.
Faculty Advisors are assigned to students based on their program of study and are an excellent source of information. The name and contact information of the assigned faculty advisor can be viewed in the STAR Degree Check under the academic standing tab through MyUH.

Students preparing for graduation and considering a capstone course should contact their Academic Advisor for a degree audit. 


Students should contact their Academic Advisor to review their graduation requirements and determine a projected graduation date. 


  • Completion of ENG 200, ENG 209, or equivalent
  • Prior completion of 1 (one) upper-division (300 or 400 level) Writing Intensive (WI) course
  • Completion or concurrent enrollment of concentration requirements
  • Completion or concurrent enrollment of degree requirements
  • BUSA: Completion or concurrent enrollment in BUSA 435 Strategic Management
  • APSC: Completion of ITS 410 IT Project Management


Students must take their capstone course in their final, graduating semester.
Double concentration students may complete one capstone course a semester early, provided that they meet the prerequisites.


A registration override is required for any student to register for a capstone course.

Students must get Department Approval from the Business Division Capstone Coordinator in order to receive a registration override.
Registration requests are submitted through the online Capstone Registration Request form. 

Refer to the Capstone Registration Information page for details. 

An email notification is sent to students from uhwobusa@hawaii.edu after their request has been submitted through the online form, reviewed, and their override is completed.
Registration into Capstone Course sections is done on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students should not wait until the first week of the semester to register for a capstone course.
Students planning to graduate and enroll into a capstone course should contact the Business Division Capstone Coordinator as early in the registration process as possible.

The Business Division uses an online form for Capstone Registration requests.
Practicum: Students doing a practicum will also need to submit forms prior to the start of the semester. Refer to the Practicum Information page.

Students should refer to Students should refer to Class Availability and/or STAR GPS to review the capstone course options, sections, and meeting dates and times. 

Each capstone instructor will conduct their course differently. Instructors will provide more, detailed information about assignments, expectations, and course schedule in the class syllabus.

Distance Education

There currently is no specific section for Distance Education students.

Pre-Covid 19: There will be a section restricted for Distance Education students residing on the neighbor islands each semester. See the course availability page for further details.

Double Concentration or Major

Students must complete one capstone for each concentration. Students who have declared multiple concentrations must complete one capstone course for each concentration.

Students will also need to submit two separate capstone registration requests, even when completing them in the same semester.

Double concentration students may be able to complete one capstone requirement the semester before graduation, if the prerequisites are met. (See eligibility for further information.)
Students are also able to take both capstone courses in their last semester, at the same time.

Business Administration students can repeat either BUSA 486 and BUSA 490 for two concentrations. BUSA 488 cannot be repeated

Double concentration/major Cybersecurity students must do one Senior Project and one Senior Practicum.

Double concentration or major students can take both required capstone courses in the same semester. You can take them from the same professor in the same section, or choose a different section/professor for each.

BUSA 486 - Senior Project

Senior Project instructors will provide more, detailed information about assignments, expectations, and course schedule in the class syllabus.

Identify potential project topics that meet your objectives and goals and rank them according to preference. Consider doing preliminary research into the projects or business plans and discussing potential topics with your Faculty Advisor or Professors.
Senior project topics are subject to approval by the instructor. Consider the types of projects you would do at a job or think about a business plan or idea that you would like to explore and make a list of objectives and goals.
It is recommended that you have a topic chosen by the start of the semester.

Students will complete a research paper or business plan* based on original or library research related to a particular problem or issue in their concentration area. Although the senior project is usually in a student’s concentration, students may select topics that require multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary study.
Senior project topics are subject to approval by the instructor.

*Business Administration students have an option of creating a Business Plan for their Senior Project.

Students will be evaluated through a combination of requirements including, but not limited to, assignments, meetings throughout the semester, and the final project and presentation.  Instructors will provide more, detailed information about assignments, expectations, and course schedule in the class syllabus.

BUSA 488 - Senior Case Studies

Individual and team participation for each case is very important. Students will work primarily in a team setting to read, analyze and identify major issues and root causes of problems surrounding a company’s future as presented in each case study. After a short lecture the students will then group into teams to discuss the issues and identify problems and come up with recommended solution(s), providing evidence based data. The professor’s role is as a facilitator and he will propose questions to the teams.

This class will typically meet in-person, once a week throughout the semester.

Students will complete writing assignments and will make team presentations justifying their recommendations and supporting arguments to the professor. The professor will then challenge each presenter with questions about their recommendations. It is important to note that there is no one “correct” answer … the professor will evaluate each team on how well they back up their position in providing a convincing argument.

BUSA 490 - Administrative Practicum Internships

In internship must be at a business or organization where the student is able to perform entry-level work, relevant to his/her concentration area. We recommend students are assigned a project to work on during the internship.

Students do not need to already have a internship to make a capstone registration request for a 490 Practicum course.

Students must be enrolled in a 490 Practicum course during the same semester an internship is done in order for the internship to be considered as a practicum.

minimum of 120 hours of work in the practicum site is required during the semester. Over the 15 week semester, that would be an average of 8-10 hours per week. Students can and are welcome to work more hours, which would allow for more experience.

The 120 work hour count can start on the first day of the semester. The student has until the last day of instruction (end of Week 15) for the semester to complete the 120 work hour requirement.

Internships can be done at a variety of organizations or businesses. The emphasis lies on the proposed duties for a practicum. Does the position allow the student to experience an entry-level position?

Students have to submit a Practicum Proposal prior to the start of the semester for review. 

A copy of the Practicum Proposal Forms are shared with students who are granted registration overrides for a Practicum course. 

See Practicum Site Information page for more information.

Students can also visit the UH West Oahu Career Services page.

Students can work in a variety of business and organizations. Internships should be related to the students’ concentration area. Practicum sites are subject to approval by the instructor. Most students find their own internships or practicum sites. However, placement assistance can be provided. The student can also request for and arrange resume review and/or interview preparation with a member of the BUSA Faculty and Staff.

A practicum site must be confirmed before the Last day to Add/Drop courses for the semester.

Practicum placements may be paid or unpaid, as determined by the practicum site.

Students will be evaluated through evaluation a combination of requirements including, but not limited to, written assignments, meetings throughout the semester, evaluations by the site supervisor, and the final report and presentation. The completion of the term of an internship does not guarantee a successful grade or credit. Instructors will provide more, detailed information about assignments, expectations, and course schedule in the class syllabus.

There are a few considerations that need to be made:

1. The 120 hour minimum requirement is related to the three-credits students receive for completing one course
2. Internship duties must be related to the concentration.So, in order for one internship to count towards two capstone requirements, duties must be related and distributed to the two concentrations and a total of 240 work hours must be completed.

Students who do not confirm a practicum site by the first day of the semester and submit all required forms will be moved to Senior Project so that they can continue to complete their capstone requirement.

Did not find the answer to your question on this page? Submit an inquiry to the BUSA Capstone Coordinator here.