UHWO Campus Insights
Chancellor Maenette Benham
Chancellor Maenette Benham

Chancellor's Welcome

Emerging from modest origins in 1976 as a tiny upper-division institution known as West O‘ahu College, UH West O‘ahu has transformed itself into a permanent and prominent fixture on the ‘Ewa Plain of O‘ahu. The addition of lower-division curricula in 2007 and the grand opening of our state-of-the-art physical plant in O‘ahu’s “second city” of Kapolei in 2012 have allowed us to more effectively engage the diverse communities of Leeward O‘ahu.

In 2017/2018 UH West O‘ahu is the fastest-growing public baccalaureate college in the United States. We offer students a variety of baccalaureate degree options with signature programs that address the demands of the 21st-century economy, including creative media, cybersecurity, health science, hospitality and tourism, sustainable community food systems and teaching preparation. Our principal focus is a commitment to learning and teaching, to transmit and generate knowledge that prepares students to transform knowledge into action. We prepare students not for a specific vocation but for a successful life in a dynamically-changing world.

The UH West Oʻahu Strategic Action Plan, 2018-2028, sets an aspirational course for the future of our university. Our blueprint to build poʻokela/ educational excellence presents overarching Impact Strategies (goals) that rely on every member of our ʻohana/family – students, staff, faculty, alumni, administration, and our community partners – to “Pūpūkahi i Holomua,” to participate and contribute to our collective success!

Our Vision and Mission call us to advance knowledge that transforms lives, thereby providing every graduate an opportunity to apply wisdom and skill to improve their communities. This strategic plan supports our commitment to enhance the student learning experience; enrich the life and vitality of the families and communities we serve; and expand our engaged scholarship opportunities; strengthen mālama honua/ stewardship of our world; and foster pilina/relationships that create valueadded networks.

In addition, the plan sets out a business model that guides decisionmaking to determine what activities we should or should not pursue. It also presents a set of performance indicators that will be measured to ascertain our progress and help us to operationalize, implement, and prioritize our actions. The plan is also the basis for our land development efforts that will require a comprehensive, dedicated fundraising campaign. Our hana lawelawe/good work of service and diligence is not an additional task but an intentional approach that will help us individually and collectively reach our goals. As an indigenous-serving institution, we are grounded in the core value of kauhale/home as we strive to be responsible stewards of this precious ʻāina/land while making higher education more accessible to the people of Hawai‘i.

E mālama pono kākou,

Maenette K.P. Benham
Chancellor, UH West O‘ahu

Kūlana O Kapolei

Kūlana O Kapolei extends the work of Hawaiʻi Papa O Ke Ao, the UH System committee tasked to indigenize our campuses. UH West O‘ahu continues to be a Hawaiian Place of Learning. Collaboration with cultural practitioners, kūpuna, and visionary thought leaders as well as strengthening the relational spirit that exists between our faculty, staff, students, and communities have allowed us to advance Hawaiian language use, ʻōiwi leadership, as well as community engagement and development. Highlights of the current work:

We are strengthening an Aloha presence on this campus

  • Oli Wehe and Oli Mahalo at all events—empowering all faculty, staff, students to participate
  • Oli E Hō Mai and Oli Honouliuli—being taught to all students, faculty, and staff
  • Strengthen commitment to ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi/Hawaiian Language instruction—partnering with community colleges to expand services
  • Akeakamai Speaker series—showcasing Hawaiian scholars
  • ʻAha Pūlama—gathering formally to discuss contemporary issues and solutions
  • ʻImi Naʻauao research—facilitating with community partners
  • Kupuna-in-Residence program—establishing kūpuna voice in the leadership of this campus
  • ʻŌiwi Leadership Institute—creating space to grow ʻōiwi leadership
  • Hui Hoʻopili ʻĀina—partnering with Kamehameha Schools to support Hawaiian students through Makalapua Naʻauao
Community Development
  • ʻĀina-Based Education—expanding partnerships with Kamehameha Schools, Dept. of Education, and others to increase its use.
  • UH West O‘ahu as a Professional Development hub—with the Dept. of Education partnership to “grow-our-own” teachers
  • Service Learning—working with community to increase knowledge of Wahi Pana and Wahi Punahele
  • Hawaiian Center for Sustainable Community Food Systems—bringing sustainability to reality


An Overview of this Strategic Action Plan

This 10-Year Strategic Action Plan is unique in its approach to achieving three significant and integrated outcomes—Sustainability Aloha ʻĀina, Innovation and Transformation, and ʻŌiwi Leadership. It integrates a solid grounding in the host culture of these islands, a robust student-focused, transdisciplinary educational experience, and state-of-the-art facilities. This plan ensures that our work will be directly aligned with the UH Board of Regents’ Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan (IAFP), the UH System Strategic Directions, and various accreditation requirements. Finally, this Strategic Action Plan seals our commitment to improving the welfare of students, their families, and the wider community through ʻōiwi leadership and decision making that ensures we remain responsible stewards of this ʻāina and educators of our people.

Organizational Structure

To support the implementation of the 2018-2028 Strategic Plan, this university is organized into three major units.

A tree diagram where the top is 'Office of Chancellor', then three children: 'Office of Academic Affairs', 'Office of Administrative Affairs', 'Office of Student Affairs'.

Office of Academic Affairs
Develops, organizes, and evaluates academic programs, instructional faculty, accreditation, assessment, and other academic support activities.

Office of Administrative Affairs
Exercises control and coordinates non-academic administrative and support functions including budgeting/fiscal, human resources, facilities, auxiliary services, and information management.

Office of Student Affairs
Develops, organizes, plans, and evaluates programs and activities that help students enter college and encourage their engagement and retention to graduation, while preparing for their future careers.

Academic Kauhale (Proposed)

Business Administration
  • Accounting
  • Facilities Management
  • Finance
  • General Business Administration
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Computing, Electronics and networking Technology
  • Culinary Management
  • Information Security and Assurance
  • Information Technology

  • English
  • Hawaiian-Pacific Studies
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy

Public Administration
  • Community Health
  • Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management
  • Health Care Administration
  • General Public Administration
  • Justice Administration

Social Sciences
  • Anthropology
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Sustainable Community Food Systems

  • Elementary Education
  • Middle-Level Education
  • Secondary Education

Natural & Health Sciences*
  • Community Health
  • Respiratory Care
  • Applied Mathematics*
  • Health Information Management*
  • Long Term Care*
  • Native Hawaiian & Indigenous Health & Healing*
  • Pre-Health Professions*

Academy for Creative Media*
  • Creative Media

* Proposed

Academic Structure

The University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu holds a Carnegie Classification as a “Baccalaureate College—Diverse Fields” and focuses on academic excellence in undergraduate education grounded in the Pahuhopu—Institutional Values. Our institution offers a variety of baccalaureate degree paths that provide opportunities for people residing in Leeward O‘ahu and beyond to develop promising careers within a rapidly evolving and increasingly global economy. At the same time, our robust distance education program enables us to effectively serve neighbor island residents as well as full-time working adults. Many of the college’s signature degree programs reside in the applied and technical fields as we strive to respond to the needs of local employers.

The combination of UH West O‘ahu’s streamlined organizational structure and interdisciplinary major-with-concentration degree configuration provides our school with a unique level of flexibility and cost-efficiency. We maintain a long-standing commitment to working with the UH Community Colleges to generate articulation agreements that provide varied baccalaureate options to students who have completed their associate’s degrees. We also function as a feeder for the graduate degree programs available at UH Mānoa, our research university partner. More recently, the development of our Early College Program has allowed us to construct vertically aligned degree pathways that facilitate a more seamless transition to college for local high school students.

Opportunities & Challenges

As UH West Oʻahu plans for its future, the following opportunities and challenges will impact our ability to fulfill our 10-year goals.


The university’s new leadership provides an opportunity to forge a direction that will help the campus fulfill its mission and vision. UH West O’ahu has been involved in charting a new map that enhances available assets, resources, and partnerships.

Emerging trends in education
UH West O‘ahu can strengthen its telecommunications and information technologies, thereby providing high-quality education, training, and services anytime and anywhere.

Creating a niche
UH West O‘ahu must continue to recruit diverse students, faculty, and staff as well as offer innovative baccalaureate and select graduate degree programs. Engagement in sought-after-fields can establish this campus as a regional anchor institution that positively contributes to Hawaiʻi’s economy and quality of life.

Enrollment and retention
To reach 8,000 students by 2028, this plan must market to, recruit, and retain more students from this region and beyond. A comprehensive marketing campaign should target traditional and non-traditional students, especially those from under-represented populations. New certification, baccalaureate, and graduate degree programs will open doors to more working adults, active military, and neighbor islanders. Increasing support — financial aid opportunities and advising, a strengthened sense of belonging, work study and internships, evening and weekend programs, and others — will enable more students to afford higher education.

Land development
UH West O‘ahu is committed to the principle of aloha ʻāina through cultural landscaping while utilizing its land holdings to expand current facilities, meet academic program needs, and become a critical source of revenue.

Collaboration and partnerships
By forming and strengthening partnerships across the UH System and with other educational institutions, we can meet the needs of the 21st Century labor market and become a vital contributor to the region and state’s economy. Extension and outreach programs as well as extending campus life into the surrounding communities provide promising ways that will add vitality to both campus and community.


UH West O‘ahu strives to maintain affordable access for Hawaiʻi’s residents while also taking into account tuition rates at competitive institutions. General funds, allocated by the State Legislature and the UH System, are not enough to sufficiently fund current operations and the future expansion of this campus. Also, we rely heavily on temporary grant monies to supplement the budget and pay for programs and positions. Many of these activities (and staff) cannot be sustained and are lost when the grant ends.

Facilities and infrastructure
The campus population has outgrown its facilities. We do not have enough classrooms or offices to accommodate our expanding student population. UH West O‘ahu now rents off-campus accomodations which in turn, reduces the efficiency of campus operations (e.g. fiscal, human resources, and external relations occupy offices a mile away). Though UH West O‘ahu continues to find innovative ways to provide its services, even with the new buildings opening soon, the facilities will still be insufficient.

Enrollment and retention
To continue to grow, UH West O‘ahu will need to create new programs, degrees, and offerings to draw traditional and non-traditional students while developing a comprehensive student-centered program to increase student retention.

Distinguished from other 4-year institutions
With its focus on applied, technical, and professional programs, our campus is charged with serving this region by embracing innovation and providing needed technical and management skills. UH West O‘ahu has a number of signature degree and certificate programs to include: Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, Creative Media, Risk Management and Insurance, Health Sciences, Forensic Anthropology, Sustainable Community Food Systems, and Information Security and Assurance/Cybersecurity. We also need to expand Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, and Bachelor of Science degree programs to support the needs of this region (i.e. health services, health sciences, STEM, natural and life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering).

Guiding Documents

This Strategic Action Plan connects UH West O‘ahu’s impact strategies (high-level goals) and their accompanying tactics (strategic objectives) to the University of Hawaiʻi’s Strategic Priorities. We provide a short description of each of these important documents.

Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan (IAFP approved 4.21.17)
The UH Board of Regents IAFP provides a strategic vision that aligns and leverages the unique mission, capabilities, and resources of each campus while reducing unnecessary duplication and increasing collaboration. In the current fiscal environment, this can enable more effective and efficient use of finances, buildings and land, and human resources across the UH System to advance the higher education goals of the State of Hawai‘i.

UH System Strategic Directions
The UH System Strategic Directions, 2015-2021, guides university priorities to achieve outcomes directed by the UH Board of Regents. There are five goal areas: Hawaiʻi Graduation Initiative (HGI), Hawaiʻi Innovation Initiative (HII), 21st Century Facilities (21CF), Mission-Focused System (MFS), and High Performing System (HPS). The university stands firmly committed to advancing these directions in concert with core values of academic rigor and excellence, integrity and service, as well as aloha and respect.

Accreditation Standards
UH West O’ahu is committed to continuous improvement in all areas of the campus and demonstrates this commitment via our engagement in the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and other accreditation processes. On March 6, 2015, the Commission reaffirmed UH West O’ahu’s accreditation for seven years.

An instructor looking over a students shoulder, assisting with classwork.

Alignment Analysis

Evaluation Metrics with Policies, Learning Themes, & Accreditation Criteria

Ensuring that UH West Oʻahu’s Impact Strategies: Increasing Student Success & Engagement; Advancing Dynamic and Integrated Learning Experiences, and Strengthening our Assets and Infrastructure align with the Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan, University of Hawaiʻi Strategic Directions (Hawaiʻi Graduation Initiative, Hawaiʻi Innovation Initiative, 21st Century Facilities, Mission-Focused System, High Performing System), Hawaiʻi Papa O Ke Ao, UH West O’ahu’s Theory of Distinctiveness (Sustainability, Innovation, Leadership), and WASC Senior College and University Commission.

IAFP - Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan, University of Hawai'i Strategic Directions, HGI - Hawai'i Graduation Initiative,
HI2 - Hawai'i Innovation Initiative, 21CF - 21st Century Facilities, MFS - Mission-Focused System, HPS - High Performing System,
HPOKA - Hawai'i, Papa O Ke Ao, Sustainability, Oiwi, Leadership, WSCUC - WASC Senior College and University Commission

This evaluation model and associated data will ensure that UH West Oʻahu’s programs, initiatives, activities will help to achieve its impact strategies and tactics; advance student growth; address the needs of the community; attain UH System measures/metrics; and accomplish program purpose(s) all toward its strategic outcomes of sustainability, innovation, and leadership, in alignment with UH System goals, plans, and strategic directions.

Evaluation Process

This evaluation process is designed to achieve the three impact strategies. Based on the Kellogg Foundation's (2004) logic model, the process focuses on achieving the expected outcomes which correspond to UH System’s pertinent metrics. Data will be collected and analyzed accordingly to help UH West O‘ahu further refine and improve the effectiveness of programs and practices. In the move toward fostering “a dymanic learning environment rooted in Native Hawaiian values,” UH West O‘ahu will implement evaluation methods to continually improve on what we do for our students and communities.

A computer generated rendition of a new building on campus.

Our Vision for

UH West O‘ahu
Campus Lands

Campus Land Description
The University Makai Lands (approximately 500 acres) is located makai of Farrington Highway – roughly 300 acres are designated as the UH West Oʻahu Campus Lands, with the remaining 200 acres designated as the University District Lands for private development. The current UH West O‘ahu campus sits on roughly 40 acres and will include approximately 297,000 gross square feet of space in seven buildings, including the new Administration and Health Science Facility and the upcoming Creative Media Facility. The campus is anticipated to grow to accommodate a student headcount population of 8,000, with possible expansion to accommodate 20,000 students, requiring an additional 882,000 gross square feet and 2,472,000 gross square feet, respectively.

A description of the UH West O‘ahu Campus Lands zones is provided below:

Innovation Zone
This creative node serves as a gateway to the campus, providing a mixed-use environment where students can collaborate with start-up accelerators, entrepreneurs, and investors. This would be the home of both the Education Hale and Business Hale.

Professional Studies Zone
Looking forward 10 years this hub connects core studies with professional and applied studies in new signature programs that capitalize on the integration of intellectual, educational, global and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Professions and Applied Sciences Zone
Programs anticipated to be housed in this zone include the Creative Media, Health Sciences, and STEM programs.

Sustainability Zone
This zone is comprised of two areas and incorporates

the Sustainable Community Food Systems program, STEM, and other signature programs. The western area includes the Land Lab, an outdoor sustainability, research and learning environment.

Core Zone
Centrally located within the campus lands, the Core Zone includes Liberal Arts, General Education, including Humanities and Social Sciences, and other signature programs. The anticipated home of our Liberal Studies/GenEd Hale.

Campus Mixed Use Zones
Living and Learning Centers at strategic campus locations may include classrooms, study rooms, student life amenities, along with student housing, resident-faculty and professional units. Other key areas on the campus include the Commons, a large gathering and ceremonial space anchored by landmark facilities, and Campus Support (including parking, campus security, and facilities and maintenance).

UH West O‘ahu has prioritized its next facilities for the campus:

  • Education Hale. May be located in the Innovation or Professional Studies Zone.
  • Business Hale. May be located in the Innovation or Professional Studies Zone.
  • Liberal Studies/General Education Hale. Located in the Core Zone.
  • Global Living and Learning Center. Located in Campus Mixed-Use Zones.
  • Faculty and Professional Housing. Located in Campus Mixed-Use Zones.

Proposed UHWO Campus Land Plan

Land Use Proposal Map

The Campus Land Plan draft presents our campus community vision for this unique opportunity to grow our campus while creating a dynamic synergy with its surrounding community. The Plan aims to better position UHWO as a premier university, while providing student and faculty housing opportunities within

walking distance of the rail stations. The goal of the Draft Plan is to create an overall framework for growth and a guide for public and private investment. While conceptual in nature, the Draft Plan recommends the general form for land development.

The University Makai Lands (approximately 500 acres) campus land plan – draft – is segmented by conceptual uses into zones for innovation, professional studies, professional and applied sciences, sustainability, core, and campus mixed use (including the commons, intramurals + recreation, and campus support). It also includes University District (University Transit Oriented Village, Transit Oriented Development, and the location of the proposed film studio.

Business Model

The UH West O‘ahu Business Model was developed to ensure that all asset inputs (e.g. programs, financial resources, people, infrastructure, relationships, etc.) are transformed through a set of interconnected criteria into outputs that support the operationalization of our Strategic Action Plan. In turn, this model ensures that all work will generate financial sustainability, innovation, and 21st Century leadership thoughout the next 10 years.

This business model supports the work of UH West O‘ahu to achieve the three Impact Strategies by 2028 and confirms that this institution will attain financial sustainability in an innovative environment that educates and creates 21st Century leaders.

The UH West O‘ahu Business Model ensures that asset inputs (e.g. people, relationships, infrastructure, programs, financial resources, etc.) are transformed through a set of interconnected criteria (Customer Value Proposition, Value Chain, Optimization Formula, and Strategic Planning) into outputs (student success and engagement, advanced dynamic and integrated learning experiences, and strengthened assets and infrastructure) and outcomes (sustainability, innovation, and leadership).

The first criterion is Revenue Formula that emphasizes the use of resources for business activities that strategically align with both the University System and UH West O‘ahu plans (Strategic Plan, Academic Plan, UH West O‘ahu Land Plan, etc.). Additionally, the Optimization Formula seeks to diversify and increase revenue streams.

Applicable questions might include:

  • How does this initiative align with University System and/or UH West O‘ahu plans?What resources are required for the initial startup and continued maintenance of this initiative?
  • What resources are required for the initial startup and continued maintenance of this initiative?
  • Will this initiative be sustainable once external funds are exhausted?

The second criterion is our Customer Value Proposition, which is defined as supporting the educational experience of 21st Century learner-leaders through an engaging, dynamic, state-of-the-art collegiate environment.

Applicable questions might include:

  • How will this initiative benefit and support the educational development of the 21st Century learner-leader?
  • Does this program initiative address workforce needs and post-graduate careers?

The third criterion is a Value Chain that assists in recognizing ways that reduce cost, optimize effort, eliminate waste, and increase prosperity.

Applicable questions might include:

  • What changes may be implemented to increase efficiency, while maintaining an appropriate level of control?
  • How will this new initiative provide value to UH West O‘ahu (e.g. prosperity and efficiency, etc.)?

The fourth criterion is a competitive strategy, which considers three strategies: 1) cost leadership, 2) differentiation, and 3) focus that will lead to advancing UH West O‘ahu’s competitive advantage.

Applicable questions might include:

  • How will this initiative distinguish us from our competitors?
  • Is adding this new initiative providing more value to our students at a reasonable cost to UH West O‘ahu?


From the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu

Katrina Abes, Advisor/First Year Exp
Lilinoe Andrews, Curr Spec
Bonnie Arakawa, Dir of Planning and Facilities
Bev Baligad, Dir of Compliance
Joseph Bariyanga, Faculty-CHEM
Maenette Benham, Chancellor
Matthew Chapman, Faculty-Info Sec
Sheri Ching, Fiscal Mgr
Derrek Choy, BUSA Div Chair/Faculty-Mkt
C. Kent Coarsey, UH Foundation
Jim Cromwell, Dir of Enrollment Mgt
Ricardo Custodio, Faculty-Health Sci
Adryana DeAngelo, Student
Christielove Espinosa, Student
Lori Foo, Career Services
Kelly Fujino, Student Life
Michael Furuto, Faculty-Mathematics
Lehua Gould, Student
Sharla Hanaoka, Faculty-Creative Media
Mark Hanson, SSCI Div Chair/Faculty-PSY
Mary Heller, ED Div Chair/Faculty-Ed
Ken Inouye, Chancellor’s Office
Kevin Ishida, VC for Admin
Holly Itoga, Faculty-Hospitality & Tourism
Mahealani Kahala, Alumnae
Nālani Kaku, Int’l Programs Asst
Jan Javinar, Asst to VCSA
Rick Jones, Faculty-Sec Ed Sci
Michiko Joseph, Library Dir (Int)
Walter Kahumoku, III, Dir of Pueo Scholars
Lokelani Kenolio, No‘eau Center Dir
Erin Kim, IT Spec/Web Apps
Kawena Komeiji, Library
Monica LaBriola, Faculty-HIST
Cynthia Lanting, Sec to the VCAA
Adrian Lee, Academic Aff/Admin
Annette Lehano, Sec to the Chancellor
Leslie Lopez, Faculty-CLEAR
Kristina Lu, PUBA Div Chair/Faculty-Health Care

Manulani Aluli Meyer, Konohiki
Albie Miles, Faculty-SCFS
Brian Miyamoto, Graphic Designer
Jeffrey Moniz, VC for Academic Affairs
John Murakami, Aux Svcs
Michelle Myrie, Dir, Campus Safety and Security
Therese Nakadomari, Dir of IT
Nancy Nakasone, Dir of Human Resources
Christine Neves, Chancellor's Ofc/Admin
Gloria Niles, Dir, Distance Education
Judy Oliveira, VC for Student Affairs
Leslie Opulauoho, Dir of St Development
Stanley Orr, HUM Div Chair/Faculty-ENG
Terri Ota, Academic Support
Tim Park, Dir International Prog
Ross Prizzia, Faculty-PUBA
Alan Rosenfeld, Assoc VC for Academic Affairs
Leslie Rush, Faculty-BUSA
Linda Saiki, Dir of Budget
Melissa Saul, Dir of Engaged Scholarship
Tom Scheiding, Faculty-ECON
James Shattuck, Architect
Donna Shaver, Chancellor’s Ofc/Admin
Leila Shimokawa, Dir of Comm
Seung Ah Shin, Student
Princess Soares, Scheduler/Analyst
John Stanley, Dir of Institutional Research
Janice Sunouchi, Human Resources
Wendy Tatsuno, Govt Relations
Moanaoalii Toomalatai, Student
Garyn Tsuru, Dir of Coll & Career Readiness
Marnelli Ulep, BUSA Capstone Coordinator
Sharon Valente, Dir of Assess, Eval & Accr
Eric Wen, Faculty-Acc
Greg Wiles, Public Info Specialist
Esther Widiasih, Faculty-MATH
Stefanie Wilson, Faculty-Mgt
Reed Young, Faculty-PUBA
Susan Young, Faculty-Health Care

From Our Community
Todd Bedford, President/CEO Lifeline Fire & Security
and President Kapolei Chamber of Commerce
Pua Burgess, Kupuna
Carleton Ching, UH Dir of Land Development
Kamuela Cobb Adams, Kamehameha Schools
Senior Director of Regional Strategies
LeeAnn Crabbe, VP Liliuokalani Trust
Neil Hannahs, Hoʻokele Strategies
Keith Hayashi, Principal Waipahu HS
Virginia Hinshaw, Chancellor Emeritus UHM/Professor
Valorie Johnson, WK Kellogg Foundation (Ret)
Steve Kelly, VP Development, James Campbell Co. LLC
Kukui Maunakea Forth, Wai‘anae Community
Re-Development Corporation & Mao Farms Executive Dir
Grant Murakami, PBR_Consultant//Planner
Michele Otake, AIA, CCIM DR Horton
McD Philpotts, Palehua Ranch
Wayne Pitluck, Attorney
Kiran Polk, Exec. Director Kapolei Chamber of Commerce
Emily Porter, COO MacNaughton Group
Nathalie Razo, PBR Consultant/Planner
Ned Schultz, Faculty and Dean at UH Mānoa (Ret),
former interim President Hawai‘i Tokai International College
Wesley Shinkawa, Principal, Kapolei High School
Candy Suiso, Searider Production Director/ Wai‘anae High School
Missies Wasieleweski

The University reserves the right to make changes to the dates and policies contained herein, including changes in tuition, fees, courses and programs; to cancel classes where necessary; to set maximum limits for enrollment in certain classes; and to discontinue services without prior notice. Notice of such changes will be given when possible.

Glossary of Hawaiian Terms

ʻAha Pūlama literally: ʻaha-organization, pūlama-to cherish, save
Ākeakamai science
Aloha ʻĀina deep love of the land; patriotism
‘Āina land
Auwai pathway
E mālama pono kākou to all, the best of health
Hale house, building
Hana Lawelawe service activity
Hopena result, outcome, conclusion
Hui Hoʻopili ʻĀina: hub group; hoʻopili-bring together; ʻāina-land
ʻImi Naʻauao seek knowledge
Kaiāulu community, neighborhood

Kupuna elder, singular; kūpuna-elder, plural
Mālama ʻĀina caring for the land
ʻŌiwi native
Oli Mahalo chant of thanks
Oli Wehe opening chant
Pahuhopu goal
Pilina connection, association
Poʻokela foremost, best
Wahi Pana celebrated place
Wahi Punahele favorite place
Waiwai value, worth, wealth

All photos supplied by UH West O‘ahu or UH System.