Past Events

The symposium’s primary aim is to provide an opportunity for practice-based education through presentations on a variety of research topics, including: research methods, education, justice, and STEM-related fields. Ultimately, the goal of these symposiums is to increase the number of UH West Oʻahu students with research presentation experience while demonstrating diversity in the field of research.

For more information, please contact Dr. Camonia Graham-Tutt.

Symposium Collections

Student Research Symposium graphic

The beginning

The inaugural UH West O’ahu Student Research symposium, as it was originally named, began with one class period from the Public Administration Division taught by Dr. Camonia Graham-Tutt. The course was entitled PUBA 310 Research Methods in the Public Sector.

The event included:

  • 18 student presentations
  • 1 faculty research mentor
  • Research Topics: such as residential parking,
    college students and stress, breast cancer, and the
    death penalty
  • Audience included: campus faculty, students, and
    presenter supporters
  • Food: Potluck style
  • Total No. of Attendees: 45

A request for more research

By request from faculty who visited the inaugural symposium, the event doubled both in size and participation:

  • 50 student presentations
  • 5 faculty research mentors
  • Research Topics: various topics from students majoring in PUBA, Education, Sociology, Math and Social Science
  • Audience included: community partners, potential employers, campus faculty, students, and presenter supporters
  • Food: Ordered
  • Total No. of Attendees: 98
  • Both faculty and students expressed interest in participating in future symposium events; including students in the areas of English and the humanities.

Next, a two-day event

Following two successful symposiums, the faculty decided to brainstorm a two-day research event filled with a variety of modalities to deliver research presentations:

  • 57 student presentations
  • 11 faculty research mentors
  • Two-day event to included:
    • Day 1: Round Tables and Oral Presentations
    • Day 2: Poster Sessions
  • Tabling for presenter-participant interaction
  • Audience included: community partners, potential employers, campus faculty, students, and presenter supporters
  • Food: Catered Vendor
  • Total No. of attendees: 140 over two days

Continued expansion

Undergraduate research continued to increase at UH West Oʻahu, in part because of practice based undergraduate research opportunities such as the student research symposium.

  • 80 student presentations
  • 15 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics: presentations on a variety of research topics including, Building Students Confidence for Math, Sustainable Tourism-The Future of Hawai’i, Predicting Housing Prices, Plant Foods and Germination Rates, Body Composition, and Obesity in Hawai’i
  • Audience included: community partners, potential employers, campus faculty, students, and presenter supporters
  • Food: Catered Vendor
  • Total No. of Attendees: 17

Building strong research relationships

While the symposium continued to grow at the campus level, spreading among students, faculty and staff, more community members and leaders also attended the event.

  • 82 student presentations
  • 15 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics: presentations on a variety of topics including, Native Hawaiian Plants and Medicinal Properties, Overcrowded Prisons/Jails in Hawai’i, Math Anxiety in Elementary Students, Developing Corporate Culture Through Community Engagement
  • Audience included: Faculty, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Administrators
  • Community Involvement: Kapolei High School, Leilehua High School, Waialua High School, Department of Education, Business Executives, Possible Employers, Mentors
  • Total No. of Attendees: 213

Expanding partnerships

This symposium was the first time that we were able to use the campus poster printer for posters at UH West O’ahu. A partnership with Leeward Community College (LCC) allowed students from off campus to experience the symposium.

  • 85 student presentations
  • 16 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus concentrations: Community Health, Computer Science, Biology, Physiology, Education
  • Audience included: Faculty, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Administrators
  • Community Involvement: Leeward Community College
  • Total No. of Attendees: 224

Unexpected challenges push positive change

The symposium pivoted to a virtual environment in Spring 2020.

  • 35 student presentations
  • 10 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics such as: Community Based Participatory Research Methods, Philosophy, The Effects of 5G in our Society, Mathematics and Memory, School Suspensions, and INBRE Student Researchers
  • Audience included: UH West O’ahu Faculty, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Mainland guests
  • Total No. of Virtual Attendees: 100

Living in a virtual world

The symposium continued to flourish in a virtual world hitting a milestone in attendance with over 200 on-line participants.

  • 81 student presentations
  • 12 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, Physiology, Education, Math, Natural and Health Sciences
  • Audience included: UH West O’ahu Faculty, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Mainland guests
  • Total No. of Virtual Attendees: 225

Virtual Research Symposium Spring 2021 graphic

The best is yet to come

Being thrust into a virtual environment allowed the symposium to change modalities to reach more student scholars. We fully intend on being able to offer more students this opportunity with both virtual and in-person research experiences.

  • 75 student presentations
  • 16 faculty research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, Physiology, Education, Math, Natural and Health Sciences
  • Audience included: UH West O’ahu Faculty, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Mainland guests
  • Total No. of Virtual Attendees: 265


Celebrating 10 Symposiums

This symposium marked the 10th research showcase for students, research mentors and the larger community. The event received special recognition from the City and County of Honolulu for efforts dedicated to increasing student research and scholarship at UH West O’ahu. 

  • 80 student presentations
  • 18 faculty and instructor research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, MNHS, Education, Social Sciences 
  • Audience included: UH West O’ahu Faculty, Instructors, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants, Mainland guests, City and County of Honolulu Officials 
  • Total No. of Virtual Attendees: 264

First Hybrid Symposium

For the Spring 2022 symposium we returned to a partially in-person campus event. This event marked our first ever hybrid symposium which included both in-person and virtual student poster sessions, virtual roundtable discussions and individual research presentations. 

  • 75 student presentations
  • 13 faculty and instructor research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, MNHS, Education, Social Sciences 
  • Audience included: In-person UH West O’ahu Faculty, Instructors, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants 
  • Total No. of Hybrid Attendees: 203
  • 37 in-person and 166 virtual participants

Symposium welcomes new students 

For the Fall 2022 symposium we welcomed new features including our sustainability pitch applicants and math capstone students. The virtual sessions included attendees from across the country as well as new local attendees. 

  • 76 student presentations 
  • 15 faculty and instructor research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, Math Natural & Health Sciences, Education, Social Sciences 
  • Audience included: In-person UH West O’ahu Faculty, Instructors, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants 
  • Total No. of Hybrid Attendees: 222
  • 50 in-person and 172 virtual participants

Hybrid symposium branches out

During the Spring 2023 symposium we branched out to our familiar two day event and welcomed students traveling from our neighbor islands to present their research. A popular feature of the symposium, which included in-person oral presentation judges, who shared insightful feedback for student presenters returned. Virtual sessions also included virtual student feedback. 

  • 77 student presentations 
  • 15 faculty and instructor research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, Math Natural & Health Sciences, Education, Social Sciences 
  • Audience included: In-person UH West O’ahu Faculty, Instructors, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants 
  • Total No. of Hybrid Attendees: 239
  • 65 in-person and 174 virtual participants

In-person sessions set a record

The Fall 2023 symposium set a record with the number of in-person attendees. The symposium included attendees from local high schools visiting for campus tours as well as those attendees stopping by as first time campus visitors. Virtual sessions, were also held on the very next day.  

  • 74 student presentations 
  • 14 faculty and instructor research mentors
  • Research topics from on campus divisions: PUBA, BUSA, Math Natural & Health Sciences, Education, Social Sciences 
  • Audience included: In-person UH West O’ahu Faculty, Instructors, Staff, Student Presenters, Student Participants 
  • Total No. of Hybrid Attendees: 277
  • 174 in-person and 103 virtual participants