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Home Student Life Lā Pūnua orientation welcomes incoming freshmen to UH West O‘ahu

Lā Pūnua orientation welcomes incoming freshmen to UH West O‘ahu


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff

Mililani High School graduate Jaelyn Padilla-Aquino, 17, listened intently as University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu student leaders shared their university experiences with those who, like her, are first-time college students preparing to start their next chapter in life at UH West O‘ahu.

Padilla-Aquino, an incoming freshman this fall at UH West O‘ahu, said the student leaders’ presentations were the most helpful activities to her at a recent orientation event.

“It shows I’m not alone in this journey and I can learn from what they’ve been talking about,” said Padilla-Aquino, who plans to go into pre-nursing.

Padilla-Aquino was among 170 students who attended the orientation, Lā Pūnua, which took place on Aug. 15 at UH West O‘ahu. Before fall classes begin on Aug. 26, Lā Pūnua — themed “E Kaulele Kākou” or “Let’s Take Flight Together” — provided support to incoming students’ transition into college by sharing with them UH West O‘ahu’s resources and traditions, while connecting them to current and future student leaders in a social environment.

“Lā Pūnua is the first UH West O‘ahu experience any incoming freshmen will experience,” said Kaulele First Year Experience Program Coordinator Shawna-Leigh Camara. “That in itself is extremely significant because that would mean it’s their first-ever college experience.”

The event aimed to showcase what UH West O‘ahu is able to offer students and to welcome them home, Camara said.

“We welcome students to UH West O‘ahu as pūnua (fledglings or baby pueo) and nurture them through their undergraduate experience so that when they leave UH West O‘ahu, they can soar as a fully developed pueo!” she said.

Lā Pūnua began with a welcome that included remarks from Dr. Dee Uwono, UH West O‘ahu Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

“Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey … one filled with discovery, growth, and endless possibilities,” Uwono said. “You are now a part of our community, our ‘ohana, that values diversity, innovation, and the spirit of collaboration.”

Uwono encouraged students to explore their passions, challenge themselves, ask questions and reach out for help if needed, take advantage of resources available to them, and get involved in student organizations.

“So let’s embrace the journey ahead with open minds and hearts,” Uwono said. “We’re excited to see the incredible things you will accomplish here and beyond.”

Among the Lā Pūnua program highlights:

  • “Meet a UHWO Professor” breakout sessions: Faculty members shared programs they represent and provided a personal perspective that highlighted why they love working with UH West O‘ahu students.
  • “Meet a UHWO Student Leader” breakout sessions: Student leaders shared experiences about their UH West O‘ahu journey and incorporated an activity that would encourage relationship-building and a sense of community.
  • Lunch, sweet treats, games, and Pueo Pa‘ina Resource Fair: The fair was an opportunity for incoming freshmen to learn about UH West O‘ahu student support services, clubs, and organizations. Participants included the Financial Aid Office, Office of Global Engagement, No‘eau Center, Student Activity Fee Board, PUEO Leadership, The Hoot, Pueo Gaming, West O‘ahu Psychology Club, and Accounting Club.

Kanina Kalahiki, 18, a Kapolei High School graduate, said she enjoyed attending the breakout sessions and connecting with other students “from all over the island.”

“I think (Lā Pūnua) is a really nice event, especially for the upcoming freshmen because the transition from high school to college is not always easy,” said Kalahiki, who plans to major in Applied Science with a concentration in Health Professions, specializing in pre-physical therapy.

Nānākuli High School graduate BJ Aneo, 18, also commended Lā Pūnua for helping students become familiar with each other, as well as with staff and professors. Aneo, who is majoring in Social Sciences with a concentration in Psychology, said he feels confident and ready for the upcoming school year.

“I’m more than prepared,” said Aneo, who had just finished lunch and was getting ready to visit tables at the resource fair. … “Lā Pūnua helps you get more familiar with specific things within the campus, so I think I’m going to take advantage of this and just learn more about the campus.”

To see photos from the event, visit the Lā Pūnua Orientation Day Fall 2024 album on Flickr.