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Explore all things love at psychology club event


Image courtesy of Hassan Ouajbir from Pexels

Learn different ways people express love and feel love, and the benefits of expressing love in everyday life, at the aptly named event, Love in Life, 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 29, in C-225 or via Zoom.

The event is open to all University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu students. It is hosted by the West O‘ahu Psychology Club (WOPC), a UH West O‘ahu Registered Independent Student Organization (RISO) with a mission to provide a safe space to learn and inspire likeminded individuals interested in all things psychology, regardless of major.

“The main purpose of this event is to understand how different people feel and express love in diverse ways,” said Gabi Grohowski, WOPC president and a UH West O‘ahu psychology major. “ ‘Love in Life’ is being held towards the end of February to emphasize that love should not only be expressed during Valentine’s Day, but also that not all love is romantic.”

Grohowski continued, “There are many different types of love that can be felt and expressed every day that go beyond intimate relationships. This can include self love, love for friends, peers, classmates, animals, and even strangers.”

Love in Life features a presentation by Dr. Katherine Aumer, associate professor of psychology who has spent much of her career studying emotions, especially both love and hate. Aumer is one of the WOPC faculty advisors, along with psychology instructor Kanoa Meriwether.

“We wanted to showcase the latest research on different types of love and their respective benefits,” Aumer said. … “By understanding all these different types of love and the latest psychological research regarding their benefits, we hope to enrich people’s perspectives on how to love and be kind to each other.”

Students who attend the event will enjoy snacks, including cookies and muffins, and make crafts such as friendship bracelets and mini lauhala hearts. There will also be an opportunity for participants to mingle and get to know each other more after the event.

“I would encourage everyone to attend this event because I believe it is important to find and feel love every day, especially in ways you would not expect,” Grohowski said.

Aumer added, “The event is no pressure, fun, and intended to enrich one’s mind, encourage new friendships, and enhance existing relationships. (It’s) learning and loving going hand in hand.”

To join the event via Zoom, go to; password is WOPC! For more information about Love in Life, email