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UH West Oʻahu economics professor’s collaboration results in creation of free educational resources


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff

Dr. Thomas Scheiding, UH West Oʻahu Assistant Professor of Economics, participated in “Open Educational Resources (OER) sprints” in September as part of a University of Hawaiʻi initiative focusing on textbook affordability. His contributions resulted in UH Microeconomics 2019, a revised version of OpenStax Principles of Microeconomics 2e.

Teams consisting of faculty and instructors throughout the UH System gathered at the Information Technology Center at UH Mānoa over three 12-hour days to take part in this approach to curriculum development, as detailed in an OER article. Scheiding collaborated on content for Economic 131 (Microeconomics).

OER are free instructional materials anyone can customize for their own learning or teaching. OER come in the form of textbooks, full courseware, and more. OER have the potential to offset the cost of educational materials.

UH West Oʻahu’s James & Abigail Campbell Library makes OER opportunities available to the campus as part of the push to make education affordable for students.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff