Resolution # 2023-04

Resolved, That the Faculty Senate Vice-Chair/Recorder be granted one course release/equivalencies per academic year; and

Resolved, That the Chair or designee of the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee be granted one course release/equivalencies per semester; and

Resolved, That the Chair or designee of the Faculty Senate General Education Committee be granted one course release/ equivalencies per semester; and

Resolved, That an additional course release/equivalencies per academic year that the Chair and Faculty Senate Executive Committee will assign at the end of each academic year for the following academic year depending on needs approved.

Effective Date: upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The purpose of the resolution is to align Faculty Senate compensation practices with the 2021-2025 UHPA-BOR contract Appendix 4 on Faculty Governance Leadership which states: 6 to 12 teaching equivalencies for Faculty Senate Leadership and 4 to 12 teaching equivalencies for Curriculum Committee Leadership.

Faculty Senate Resolution 2012-8 institutionalized one-course release per semester for Faculty Senate Chairs.

Revisions to the distribution of course releases/equivalencies may be revisited and/or revised if there are changes in total allotments, contracts or system/campus policies.

May 5, 2023 – Adopted through Faculty Senate.

May 9, 2022 – Not recommended by VCAA Jeffrey A S Moniz.

May 9, 2022 – Not approved by Chancellor Maenette K P Benham.