Resolution # 2023-02

Resolved, That University of Hawaii – West Oahu (UHWO) Faculty Senate Resolution 2006-3 be amended to enable instructors the option to award the A+ final grade at their discretion; and be it 

Resolved, The instructor faculty’s course syllabus is the defining document for what grades can be assigned in a particular section of a course, unless limited by the catalog language or division policy.

Ordered, That the UHWO Registrar enable the option in the UH Final Grading system  in MyUH Services starting no later than Fall Semester 2024 — sooner if  administratively practical in consultation with other administrators; and be it 

Ordered, That this policy shall be posted in the University of Hawai’i– West O’ahu  General Catalog, and the UHWO Syllabus template as soon as practical consistent  with the effective date. 

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The UHWO Faculty Senate’s General Education Committee, Academic Divisions and  the Academic Leadership Council have had time and opportunities for discussion and  amendment. 

Enabling awarding of an A+ at UHWO supports one of our institutional values,  Pahuhopu, namely, Po`okela, excellence. The Po`okela statement is, “We value  excellence in education to meet the high aspirations of student, faculty, and staff, and  the needs of our community.” This resolution further demonstrates our commitment  to excellence by rewarding exceptional performance by truly outstanding students. 

This action is an individual UH campus option in the MyUH Final Grading module  and is enabled at UH Manoa. No extra grade points are awarded for the A+ and it  does not affect GPA but it will print on the transcript. The UHWO Registrar has no  objection to enabling the A+ in this mode. 

Manoa syllabus and general catalog excerpts along with UHWO equivalents are supplied as an Appendix


April 14, 2023 – Adopted through Faculty Senate.

May 9, 2023 – Recommended by VCAA Jeffrey A S Moniz.

May 9, 2023 – Approved by Chancellor Maenette K P Benham.