Resolution # 2023-01

Resolved, That the UHWO Faculty Senate Budget and Resources Committee (BRC) will consider applications for research and research-based presentations, for full-time APT employees; and be it

Resolved, That to be recommended to receive such funding, APT applications must meet the same criteria as faculty BRC applications, in accordance with the funding provided by the UH System Office of Research and Innovation; and be it

Resolved, That APT applications will be considered after faculty applications in each round; and be it 

Resolved, That this policy may be revisited if circumstances change regarding the funding of travel through BRC or the Staff Senate secures similar funding; and be it 

Resolved, That this will be effective Fall 2023.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The BRC and Faculty Senate recognize the shortage of funds for professional travel related to research available to our APT colleagues. There is precedent elsewhere in the UH System to provide research travel funds to APT.

April 14, 2023 – Adopted through Faculty Senate.

May 9, 2023 – Not Recommended by VCAA Jeffrey A S Moniz.

May 9, 2023 – Not Approved by Chancellor Maenette K P Benham.