Resolution # 2022-06

Effective Fall 2022.

Resolved, That ETH, OC, SL, and HAP UHWO General Education Focus Designations shall be awarded as course-based; and be it

Resolved, That at UHWO all such designations will be for 5 years in duration; and be it

Resolved, That any instructor authorized to teach a course at UHWO with a course-based focus designation is recommended to consult any training, orientation, and/or materials provided by the focus designation subcommittees; and be it

Resolved, That courses awarded course-based focus designation at UHWO may be taught with or without focus designation, at the discretion of the division head and the Instructor; and be it

Resolved, That WI Focus Designations at UHWO shall continue to be awarded as instructor-based.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The purpose of the resolution it to amend current General Education policy in which Focus designations are awarded on an individual instructor basis (with the exception of degree program core-courses and special circumstances) to be awarded to the course so that any instructor is authorized to teach a course with a focus designation.

The purpose of the change is to make General Education offerings easier to manage and more predictable and consistent so that it is easier for students to plan programs of study to their degrees.

The change will also address faculty and committee workload issues, as it will reduce the number of applications that will be submitted for review.

Make the General Education program more consistent by bringing the focus designation in line with the Diversification and Foundations policies.

Approved by Faculty Senate – April 1, 2022

Recommended by Jeffrey A S Moniz, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – October 20, 2022

Approved by Maenette K P Benham, Chancellor – October 21, 2022