Resolution # 2022-02

Whereas the administration has requested that we change the culminating agreement of the program review process to be called an “action plan” rather than the historical practice of establishing an “MOU” to bring the process into compliance with the contract;

Whereas, the program review process will be consistent with UH System Executive Policy 5.202, Section III, B. 3 which states that …Results are discussed with administration and an “action plan” prepared;

Whereas, UHPA confirms that the prior language of establishing an MOU agreement constitutes a change in the contract outside the UHPA negotiation process; let it be Resolved, That all references and occurrences of the word “MOU” in the  UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Edition, Spring 2018 be struck and the words “Action Plan” be inserted in its place.

Effective date:  Immediately upon approval of the Chancellor

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The administration has requested that we change the culminating agreement of the program review process to be called an “action plan” rather than the historical practice of establishing an “MOU” to bring the process into compliance with the contract.

Approved by Faculty Senate – 02/04/22

Recommended by Jeffrey A S Moniz (Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs) – 04/08/22

Approved by Maenette K P Benham (Chancellor) – 04/08/22