Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2023

as approved December 1, 2023

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held on Zoom, FS Chair Akamine presiding with Brenda Machosky Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:35 am.

Ka’iu Akamine, Brenda Machosky, Carina A Chernisky, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Carrie J. Larger, Anita Tanner, Ariel Marie Gruenthal-Rankin, Cathy Kanoelani Ikeda,  Eli Tsukayama, James C Burrell, Joy A Mahiko, Katherine Vera Aumer, Katie B Landgraf, Kealani R Cook, Kealohi Perry, Kirsten Vacca, Linda M Axtell-Thompson, Lynette Williamson, Maria Lencinas, Megan Ross, Michael A Furuto, Michael Pak, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Samantha GLW Giridhar, Sarah Glancy, Thomas Scheiding, Wendell Lee, William M Cavert, Garry Roy, Holly Itoga, Loe’a Akiona, Monique Mironesco, Rebecca Carino-Agustin,

Guests: Lindsey Roberts,David McDonald, Daniel Smith, Kawena Komeiji, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Leslie Opulauoho, Stefanie Wilson, Adlayne Adlam, Jan Javinar, Kawena Komeji, Kim Compoc, Mikaela Eaton, Mary Heller, Summer deBruyne, Terri Ota

Absent: Alphie Garcia, Bonnie Bittman, David Dinh, Ross Cordy, Joanne S Chinen-Moore, Mary-Lindsey Correa, Michiko Joseph, Suzanne Finney, Olivia L George, Timothy Kwock,


I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli (led by Kai`u Akamine) Land Acknowledgement (Sen. Samantha Gridhar, Curriculum Committee)

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes

Stefanie Wilson and Leslie Opulauoho added. Otherwise approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    Not present.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor David McDonald)
    1. Library has been completed in terms of upgrades. Gone are the arctic and desert temp zones. More efficient setup. Thanks to everyone involved. Everyone moving back shortly.
    2. Coffee shop is in soft-opening phase in ACM building. Waiting for final paperwork and POS process. Limited menu of coffee items and a few edibles. now available.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Leslie Opulauoho)
    1. E ala pono Progress Update 2 from week 7. Mahalo for faculty participation! (noted increases in Academic Preparedness and Supportive Counseling)
      1. Course Participation; 46% rate (338 / 730)

      2. Instructor Participation: 56% rate (121 / 220)

    2. Commencement: Saturday, December 9, 2023 @ 9:00 am. Ambassador signups sent out on November 9. Back on campus so we need help. Doing ROTC, boy scouts and alumni outreach to gather volunteersOffice of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Harald Barkhoff)Camonia Graham-tutt, acting AVCAAThank everyone who participated in chamber of conference fair, well-attended by hs students. Debrief next month but already positive feedbackIn the midst of faculty reviews, now with DPCC and chairs.
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Acting AVCAA Camonia Graham-Tutt)
    1. Thank everyone who participated in chamber of commerce fair. Well-attended by high school students. Debrief next month but already positive feedback.
    2. In the midst of faculty reviews, now with DPCC and chairs.



IV. Faculty Senate Chair Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – Mikaela Eaton
    1. Now 9 members total in ASUHWO Senate.
    2. Survey to get studentt input on initiative ideas and other issues. Gathering data for resolutions for ASUHWO to work on.
    3. Will offer student and staff recognition awards,
    4. Recognition days for students who have led organization.
    5. Considering Tokai University fee to joint recreational events.
    6. Met with House(?) of Higher Ed to advocate at the Leg. / legislative training session coming up.
    7. Food vault – working on improvements
  2. A. ACCFSC Updates – 5 minutes
    1. SCR 201 Policy Feedback Due October 19, 2023.
      1. UHWO Librarian Statement Regarding SCR 201 (distributed 9/29/23)
      2. UHWO Faculty Specialist Feedback Regarding SCR 201 (distributed 10/19/2023)
      3. UHM : CTAHR Statement regarding SCR 201
      4. UHM Faculty Senate Joint Resolution Regarding Proposed Changes to Policies Related to Faculty Classification , Review of Faculty Performance and Faculty Workload at the University of Hawaiʻi
      5. There has been feedback from different campuses; meeting about what has been done system wide with Deb Halbertʻs office, November 9 or December 10 (week before the BOR meeting)
      6. Concern regarding the due date October 19, 2023 for any additional feedback and presenting finalized versions for the November BOR meeting. Faculty will only have less than one week to review and provide testimony or feedback to the latest proposed policy revisions
      7. Abercrombie shared concern that this was taking a long time to get through; explained to him that each time it comes back to faculty itʻs different and therefore comments are different and on very important policies and changes
      8. UHCCʻs have created a Strategic Planning Council to address how CCs will follow the new UH Strategic Plan
      9. Have not heard anything about a program unifying 4-year campuses. Po—- (Hawaiian hui) is collectively working on it.
    2. Gen Ed Revisions are not dead. UHCCs are looking to focus on different competencies versus an entire overhaul.
    3. BOR Updates
      1. P.I.G. created for the UH President Search
      2. More Philanthropic dollars will support more Lahainaluna High School Seniors at any UH System University / College – BEYOND first year (any campus, 2-year and 4-year)
    4. Campus Updates
      1. UBAC Updates from 10/12/2023 Meeting (Thomas Scheiding and Aldayne Adlam)Followup on previous UBAC meeting with a deeper understanding of budgetary numbers with general conclusion that primary numbers projected for 2024 show a slight deficit, but not yet something to be concerned about because still in flux. As a campus there are concerns with the funding of benefits for lecturers and other non-G-funded employees. Need to find an appropriate funding source for that or a more long-term fix.
    5. UH System and Legislative inquiries on how UHWO is addressing Basic Needs of students.
    6. Food Vault.
      1. According to the executive management team, kuleana/responsibility to provide a Food Vault should be shared among all areas of the university
    7. Menstrual Equity
      1. Inquiry about what is happening with our campus. Dispensers available throughout campus, student offices and center, trying to get them into the bathrooms. VCA working on this and supportive.


V. Committee Reports

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – (Sen. Katie Landgraf)Working on things, no report.
  2. Budget and Resources – (Sen. Thomas Scheiding).  Report.Applications of first round funding. See report total of $43,360 – pending if the conference abstract has not yet been accepted or something needs to be updated. Seeking approval for list of awards.Motion that the approvals and recommendations be adopted.
    No debate.
    No objection.
  3. Curriculum –  (Sen. Carina Cernisky)
    1. November 10 deadline, for online experimental course proposals, effective Spring 2024 and beyond.
    2. Think about proposals for Fall 2025, due 2nd Friday of September Fall 2024.
    3. Report. Motion that the approvals and recommendations be adopted.
      No debate.
      No objection.
  4. Distance Education – (Sen. Lynette Williamson). Report.
    1. Motion that the approvals and recommendations be adopted.
      No debate.
      No objection.
    2. Still no Vice Chair.
  5. General Education – (Sen. Megan Ross reporting).  Report.
    1. Committee is moving through the list of evaluated and approved proposals.
    2. Submitted list.
      Motion that the approvals and recommendations be adopted.
      No debate.
      No objection.
  6. Program Review (Sen Kealani Cook)
    No report.
  7. Student Affairs – (Sen. Kealohi Perry)
    1. Looking into academic forgiveness process. Working on a policy to bring to Senate by Spring 2024.
    2. Report. Motion that the approvals and recommendations be adopted.
      No debate.
      No objection.
  8. Sustainability – (Sen. Rouel Velasco)
    1. Report.
    2. Please promote the sustainability focus designation so please get the focus designation. Share with constituencies. Strive to apply for February deadline – one time application – permanent approval.
    3. Next meeting 11/28.

VI. New Business


VII. Announcements

No`eau Center is moving back to library and is scaling up activities.

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session

Requested by Kealani Cook.

IX. Adjourn


Brenda Machosky, Vice Chair