Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2023

as approved May 5, 2023

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. Chair G. Ka’iulani Akamine presiding with Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:34 a.m.


Nicole Akana, Katherine Aumer, Bonnie Bittman, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, W. Matt Cavert, Carina Chernisky, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Kealani Cook, Mary-Lindsey Correa, David Dinh, Suzanne Finney, Alphie Garcia, Olivia George, Mark Hanson, Holly Itoga, Kawena Komeji, Katie Landgraf, Carrie Larger, Wendell Lee, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Michael Pak, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, Megan Ross, Garry Roy, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Daniel Smith, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Patricia Yu, Jeff Moniz, Malie Moe, Masahide Kato, Loea Akiona, Jon Magnussen, Orlando Garcia-Santiago, Ka’iu Akamine, David McDonald, Scot Sutherland, Kim Compoc, Lexer Chou, Stefanie Wilson, Stan Orr, Leslie Opulauoho, Jessica Miranda, Hoku Kwan, Lisa Spencer, Amy Nishimura, Christy Mello, Lokelani Kenolio, Matt Cavert, Summer DeBruyne, Terri Ota, Camonia Graham-Tutt.

I. Opening Protocol

  1. Mele Honouliuli – Led by Hoku Kwan
  2. Land Acknowledgement (Orlando Garcia-Santiago)

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

  1. Minutes of the March 3, 2023 Faculty Senate Meeting.
    1. Circulated to Faculty Senate members.
    2. No corrections. Approved as circulated.

III. New Business - Guest Presentation

  1. (Draft) Chosen Name, Pronouns, and Gender Identity Policy 
    1. Presentation by Lexer Chou, Leeward CC and Scot Sutherland, Windward CC

IV. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham) – Absent
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Administration (David McDonald)
    1. Reminder: April 27, 2023 Event
    2. Budget Process
      1. Vice-Chancellors received their packets and will be working with their teams on the budget process.
        1. Focus requests on essentials.
    3. Legislative Process is winding down.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs (Interim VCSA – Lokelani Kenolio, Loea Akiona, Leslie Opulauoho)
    1. VCSA Search – Committee finalizing letter to Chancellor, Chancellor to review and make final decisions.
    2. Mahalo – New Student Orientation
    3. Registration
      1. Returning 51%
      2. Encourage students to register for Fall 2023.
    4. Commencement
      1. 280 participants
      2. Ambassadors needed – Fill out forms if you plan to attend/participate.
        1. Schedule:
          1. 6:30 a.m. – Check-in
          2. 7 a.m. – Briefing
          3. 7:30 a.m. – Graduates arrive
          4. 7:45 a.m. – Doors open
      3. Faculty Marshalls
      4. Showcase 2 Student Speakers – No keynote
    5. Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs (Dr. Jeff Moniz)
      1. Schedule of classes – Apologize for delay.
      2. VCAA Search Committee – busy in the process.
        1. Tentative Campus Visits – May 2, 8, and 9, 2023

V. Faculty Senate Chairs Report

  1. ASUHWO Report (Malie Moe)
    1. Two Student Resolutions
      1. SR-23-001 Supporting Availability of Essential Hygiene Products Throughout the University of Hawaii System
      2. SR-23-001 Supporting Availability of Organic and Sustainable Food Throughout the University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu
    2. Committee Membership
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. ACCFSC Updates
      1. Cost Free Textbook SOC code and list of courses with OER per campus available.
    2. BOR Updates 
      1. SCR 201 Updates
      2. Pūko’a Council Presentation (p.66)
    3. Campus Updates
      1. General Education Redesign Discussion Summary and next steps – Bonnie Bittman
      2.  Replacement of the Laulima Management System – Lynette Williamson (video presentation)
        1. The last evaluations rubrics are due on 4/14/2023. 
      3. SCR 201 Policy Revisions Discussion Summary and next steps – Ka’iu Akamine

VI. New Business

  1. BRC APT Funding Resolution (Presented by Sen. Katherine Aumer)
    1. Resolution passed.
  2. Smith & Gen Ed A+ Resolution (Presented by Sen. Daniel Smith)
    1. Motion to amend – Passed with amendments.
  3. CC, DE, GenEd Amend 2018-11 Resolution and Attachment (Presentation by Masahide Kato, Curriculum Chair)
    1. Motion to amend to mid-October date – Opposition: motion to amend
      1. Polling System (Senators Only) – 9 Aye, 11 Nay – Motion to amend not passed.
    2. Original Language
      1. Polling System (Senators Only) – 18 Aye, 3 Nay – Original language of Resolution passed.
  4. Exec Course Release / Equivalencies Resolution (Executive Committee Member)
    1. Moved to next meeting

VII. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

Due to extended time of meeting, the following reports received blanket adoptions:

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – No Report (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 
  2. Budget and Resources – (Sen. Katherine Aumer) – Approvals and Recommendations Adopted
  3. Curriculum –  (Masahide Kato / Sen. Holly Itoga) – Approvals and Recommendations Adopted
  4. Distance Education – (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz) – Approvals and Recommendations Adopted
  5. General Education – (Cathy Ikeda/ Sen. Megan Ross) – Approvals and Recommendations Adopted
  6. Program Review – No Report (Stephanie Kamai / Sen. Mark Hanson) 
  7. Student Affairs – (Sen. Katie Landgraf) 
  8. Sustainability –  (Christy Mello/Sen. Alphie Garcia) 

VIII. Announcements

  1. Free Makeke / Exchange (Tuesday, April 25)
    1. Kealani Cook, Nālimakui Council Chair

Meeting adjourned at 2:50p.m.
Lisa Spencer, Vice-Chair/Recorder