Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2023

as approved February 2, 2024

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held on Zoom, FS Chair Akamine presiding with Brenda Machosky Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at

Ka’iu Akamine, Brenda Machosky, Carina A Chernisky, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Carrie J. Larger, Anita Tanner, Ariel Marie Gruenthal-Rankin, Cathy Kanoelani Ikeda,  David Dinh, Eli Tsukayama, Garry Roy, Holly Tokimi Itoga, James C Burrell, Joanne S Chinen-Moore, Joy A Mahiko, Katherine Vera Aumer, Katie B Landgraf, Kealani R Cook, Kealohi Perry, Kirsten Vacca,  Loe’a Akiona, Lynette Williamson, Megan Ross, Michael A Furuto, Michael Pak, Monique Mironesco, Olivia L George, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Samantha GLW Giridhar, Suzanne Finney, Thomas Scheiding, Wendell Lee, William M Cavert, Alphie Garcia,

Guests: Maenette Benham, Christy Mello, Lindsey Millerd, David McDonald, Daniel Smith, Harald Barkhoff, Kawena Komeiji, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Leslie Opulauoho, Stefanie Wilson, Adlayne Adlam, Summer deBruyne, Terri Ota, Jon Magnussen, Stefanie Wilson

Absent: Bonnie Bittman,  Maria Lencinas, Ross Cordy,  Mary-Lindsey Correa, Michiko Joseph, Timothy Kwock, Linda M Axtell-Thompson, Sarah Glancy,


I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli (led by Sen. Rebecca Carino)

Land Acknowledgement (Sen. Carrie Larger, Distance Education)

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes

Approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Thank you for a solid fall semester, which has been busy this semester with new vice chancellors (VC) and projects.
    2. Two weeks ago DOE Leeward area school principals and staff had a tour of campus (elementary to high school). Request to offer again for Vice Principals (100 people). MNHS, Business and Creative Media involved.
    3. Mahalo in advance for participating in commencement
    4. Convocation will be Thursday January 4, 8:30-12:00 with lunch. There will be tables with a focus on scholarship being done across the campus, by faculty and students, grants, scholarships, community efforts, etc. Program will focus on each VC focusing on what they have learned and how it will inform their work with their units going forward.
    5. Financial reporting completed and was recorded. It is available as a slide deck and video link.
    6. Humanities is submitting a nomination to BOR for an honorary doctoral degree to be awarded Spring 2024 to Band Master Michael Nakasone.
    7. Concrete platforms on the roundabout are Hawaii Foundation on Culture and the Arts funded project and the UHWO Art Committee (Manu Meyer, Kawena Komeji, Cathy Ikeda and William Puette with the Chancellor). The installation will be a large sculpture by Jessica Kay Bodner. Chancellor reviewed the symbolism of the sculpture, It will be installed during spring semester, and the artist will be here to meet with students about the piece and being an artist.
    8. Information about the UH System.
      1. if you pull down any info from BOR last meeting, on approx. p.194 is the PIG on the selection of the next president for UH system. Selections and comments should be sent to the BOR.
      2. UHWO hosts BOR meeting on Thursday January 18.
      3. Change in campus reports to BOR. No individual campus reports. Now regional presentations,
      4. Take a look at website to see what is open and closed over the holidays. Faculty report back on January 2, 2024. Classes start Monday January 8.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor David McDonald)
    1. Please notify facilities if you see any leaks
    2. Next month, legislative session begins. Main focus will be on Maui. A reminder if you want to be involved or you are asked to testify – make sure you work with Wendy Tetsuo.
  3. A.    Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Presented by Leslie Opulauoho)
    1. Grades are due on December 12, and it is important for grades to be rolled on time.
    2. Commencement is next week, Saturday. Please consider registering to participate in the ceremony and/or assisting. If you have signed up, on Monday you will receive info about picking up parking pass. 17 people signed up for the faculty processional.
  4. Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Harald Barkhoff)
    1. Faculty marshalls were invited but they have not replied yet, so not being announced.
    2. In midst of tenure and promotion review, thank everyone who is on committees.
    3.  Encourage faculty to attend workshop on contract renewal, tenure and promotion processes.
    4. Scheduling is going on, and low-enrolled classes are being considered now through Kuali.
    5. Faculty encouraged to attend graduation for benefit of students and their families.

IV. Faculty Senate Chair Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update
    1. Did legislative trainiing with Stefanie Kim and we learned about submitting testimony at upcoming legislative session.
    2. Passed a bill to provide to provide kihei for graduating seniors who have been serving in a CSO volunteered, to recognize students who has served at least two consecutive semesters.
    3. Funding a CSO celebration dinner, building camraderie and thanking everyone for their service and trying to retain people who are active.
    4. Released survey to get student input on programs and priorities. Only 15 responses so far.
    5. Pueo Awards next Thursday. ASUHWO presenting 5 awards for appreciation and volunteerism.
    6. We wrote an inquiry to Chancellor regarding the round-about art installation, asking if there was student involvement in the decision-making process for that. If not, how can we get student involvement for future art installations. Modifying that process for the future.
    7.  Two student reps will be serving on the Basic Needs Committee. Received student inquiry about resources for pregnant mothers and new parents.
    8. For graduation, we are doing cap and gown loans. Please let graduates know that they pick one up.
    9. Next semester, we are opening up for new appointments. Not a formal election process but students are encouraged to inquire about joining student government.
  2. ACCFSC Updates
    1. SCR 201 Policy Feedback for Executive Policies: three EPs are up for feedback but probably already approved. Contact Deb Halpert
    2. BOR Updates
      1. SCR 201 Board of Regent Policies approved.
      2. P.I.G. Presidential Search : draft minutes can be found here (refer to 190)
        1. FS Chair received email about some items of concern in this PIG draft. See around p.190, review and also look at the minutes. All of the UH campuses are represented as part of recommendation body.
        2. PIG2 version will consist of only BOR members who will serve as the only search committee. Only BOR members on the search committee.
        3. Also a plan to separate the UH Manoa Chancellor and UH System President (again, as in the past).
        4. Note that the new UH president will not just impact the UH institutions, but has statewide impact.
      3. Campus Updates
        1. William Puette is retiring this December. FS should acknowledge him as being a cornerstone of the FS across its history.
        2. UHPA Announcements from
          Sen. Alphie Garcia.

          1. UHPA considering affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  This will increase dues. UHPA Board members will vote on December 8. A lot of uncertainty for the future of faculty at UH, so the union believes an affiliation with a larger national organization is helpful. There is an additional cost of $20.18 per month. Additional benefits available for that. Trying to explore a cheaper rate for lecturers.
        3. Campus Financial Presentation was on 11/22/23 – see also note of this in Chancellorʻs report. FYI comparatively to other campuses, we are getting more information
          slide deck
          video link
        4. Active Participation of Senators in Faculty Senate. Some faculty are not attending regularly. There is a rule about attendance in the charter:  UHWO FSEC Charter Article III. Missing 3 scheduled meetings results in a senator becoming ineligible to represent their constituency, leaving the seat vacant until another faculty from that constituency is elected to serve the remainder of the term. This policy will be enforced starting Spring 2024 and beyond. It will apply to both Faculty Senate meetings and Standing Committee assignments. This is about making sure people are fulfilling their obligations in these positions.
        5. Overview of the new online polling system. Tried out. Some glitches. Will try again in February.

V. Committee Reports

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – Pending (Sen. Katie Landgraf)
    1. Discussion of sharing process of moving from I2 to I3.
  2. Budget and Resources – No Report (Sen. Thomas Scheiding).No update. Everyone who received an award should have received an award letter.Second round of funding will go out in February.
  3. Curriculum –  (Sen. Robyn Tasaka)
    1. November report submitted. 10 proposals submitted.Recommendations moved to be adopted. No objections. No debate. Passed.
    2. Reminder about deadlines.
  4. Distance Education – (Sen. Lynette Williamson)
    1. Several courses for a new DE resignation, 1 course for renewal, and 2? certificates updated. Recommendations moved to be adopted. No objections. No debate. Passed.
  5. General Education
    1. See the report for recommendations. Recommendations moved to be adopted. No objections. No debate. Passed.
    2. Program Review – No Report (Sen. Kealani Cook), No report. No announcements.
  6.  Student Affairs – (Sen. Keʻalohi Perry). See circulated report. No actions that need approval.
  7. Sustainability – October (Sen. Rouel Velasco). October report now shared.
    1. Announcements: Quorum was not met at the meeting; however, the following was discussed:
      1. Sustainability focus designation – faculty encouraged to apply for Fall 2024 – requirement reduced to 30% sustainability requirements. Permanent approval. There is a tutorial video for submission.
      2. Basic Needs Committee being formed by the Chancellor. Rouel has been named to represent the Faculty Senate. Setting up structure then dreaming about what could be included in Basic Needs. Let Rouel know if you. have any ideas.
      3. The Uluniu Project – a cultural renovation and sustainable initiative happening on campus with Manulani Meyer supervising, which is part of a bigger project, not just this committee or campus. Focus is on cultural rejuvenation, food security and conservation. Within the fundraising in the past month for a documentary has been started. There are also work days. 
      4. Mala [gardne] is luscious. Open to the campus community and the abundance is open to our campus community, faculty, staff and students.

VI. New Business


VII. Announcements


VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session

Not called.

IX. Adjourn


Brenda Machosky, Ph.D.
Professor of English/Humanities
Vice Chair, UHWO Faculty Senate