Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2023

as approved November 3, 2023

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held on Zoom, FS Chair Akamine presiding with Brenda Machosky Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:34 a.m.

Ka’iu Akamine, Brenda Machosky, Carina A Chernisky, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Carrie J. Larger, Present: Cathy Kanoelani Ikeda, David Dinh, Eli Tsukayama, James C Burrell, Joanne S Chinen-Moore, Joy A Mahiko, Katherine Vera Aumer, Katie B Landgraf, Kealani R Cook, Kealohi Perry, Kirsten Vacca, Linda M Axtell-Thompson, Lynette Williamson, Maria Lencinas, Megan Ross, Michael A Furuto, Michael Pak, Olivia L George, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Samantha GLW Giridhar, Sarah Glancy, Thomas Scheiding, Timothy Kwock, Wendell Lee, William M Cavert, Stefanie Wilson,

Guests: Lindsey Roberts,David McDonald, Harald Barkhoff, Daniel Smith, Kawena Komeiji, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Leslie Opulauoho

Absent: Alphie Garcia, Bonnie Bittman, Garry Roy, Holly Itoga, Loe’a Akiona, Mary-Lindsey Correa, Michiko Joseph, Monique Mironesco, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, Ross Cordy, Suzanne Finney


I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli (led by Carrie Larger)
Land Acknowledgement (Thomas Scheiding, Budget and Resoures)

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes

No corrections. Approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham : Out of State) – no report
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor David McDonald)
    1. Coffee shop ran into permitting trouble, resolved, should be open within next few weeks in ACM
    2. Library moving along as expected; first floor operational; restoring 2nd floor operations
    3. Legislative session starts soon, will be dominated by Maui, with little space for other topics; not expected to be a friendly legislative session
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Leslie Opulauoho and Rouel Velasco for VCSA Dee Uwono)
    1. Career Expo – October 27…(Waianae, Nanakuli, IPA, Kapolei, Campbell) we need volunteers to welcome and assist with future UHWO students.
    2. Maui Relief Stipend – UH System provided all 10 campuses an allotment of foundation funds for our students with a Maui address.  24 students received the stipend of $500  (according to the SAUL agenda)
    3. Final Census Data as of September 25th:
      1. New Freshmen and New Transfer enrollments increased by 22 (+9.7%) and 54 (+11.6%) respectively.
      2. Degree-seeking enrollment increased by 19 students (+0.8%).
      3. Continuing student enrollment decreased by 59 students (-3.4%) – Need faculty help to encourage students to register.
      4. Total enrollment declined by 50 students from last fall (-1.7%) (less Early College Students).
      5. First-time retention finalized at 69.0%
      6. The six-year graduation rate finalized at an all-time high of 46.8% (note the final rate reported to IPEDS could vary slightly).
    4. Food Vault Hawaii
      1. In partnership with Food Vault Hawaii Manoa, Student Affairs started a pilot program with fresh produce from Mililani Sunday Market via Aloha Harvest

      2. The first pick up was last week Monday with fresh produce running out on the first day, continues next week

      3. Fresh produce pick-up is on Monday and Tuesday, from 11am-1pm in front of Nāulu Center

      4. We look forward to this being supported by the UHWO Basic Needs Committee for campus-wide support and implementation.

    5. E Ala Pono Progress Update 2
      1. October 9 – 18, 2023 *closes at 11:55 pm

      2. Last day to Withdraw with a “W” – October 30, 2023

    6. 2023 Mid-Year Commencement Ceremony
      1. Saturday, December 9, 2023:

        UH West O`ahu Courtyard

        9:00 am

      2. Researched UHM & Convention Center: unavailable & cost prohibitive
      3. Nominations & Application for  Student Speaker due by 10/13.

        Faculty Regalia – Rental: UHWO Bookstore by Fri., 10/13

        Recruiting for Ambassador Participation

  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Harald Barkhoff)
    1. Tenure & Promotion has started in terms of planning, trying to keep it as a supportive process; appreciation for faculty reviewers; DPCs are set and process is being followed.
    2. Scheduling for Spring 2024 is underway – Staff is working on presentations about how the VCAA works, trying to cut down on red tape.
    3. Improving communication as a goal over the next year
    4. Secretary (new) is on a prescheduled vacation. Melinda Lee.


IV. Faculty Senate Chair Reports

    1. Elections of 6 new members for a total of 11; conducting training of new members; doing several trainings in the next few weeks, both ASUHWO and all CSO.
    2. Pueo Pilina event went well with give aways and activities with other CSO, good experience working together. Hope to do similar events each semester.
    3. Ongoing initiatives
      1. Food pantry with Basic Needs and connection with campus organic garden
      2. Feminine hygiene products supplied by school, not just donations from Ma’i movement.
    4. General Senate Meetings
      1. Next one is this afternoon (10/6) at 2pm. Twice a month, next meeting TBA with new member availability
      2. Always open to all students and staff to provide input or listen in.
    5.  ACCFSC Updates
      1. SCR 201 Policy Feedback Due October 19, 2023. Latest proposed policy revisions distributed to UHWO Faculty for comment and feedback on September 1, 2023. Monday Oct 9 8:30a-10:00a, campus discussion with Deborah Halbert. Click on latest revised policies – a lot of things are effected. Meeting with UHPA and Halbert. Not just about specialists. Give feedback now, not after it’s done.
      2. Librarians provided a statement; library representatives had no additional comment
      3. Restarting the Distance Learning Advisory Council which will be led by Gloria Niles.
      4. Focus on Cross Campus Course Sharing: Policies were shared last year and campuses are working towards implementation, trying to treat the UH system like a true system.
  1. BOR Updates
    1. President Lassner retiring in 2024
    2. There has been a change to the BOR campus presentations and Faculty Senates no longer seem to have a spot on agenda to provide an update.
  2. Campus Updates
    1. Masterlist Meeting schedule.  Faculty Senate produced a masterlist of all regularly scheduled meetings of committees and divisions. Please consult when scheduling ad hoc meetings.
    2. UBAC Updates
      Mahalo to Katherine Aumer and Aldayne Adlam for serving.
    3. UBAC REPORT: Thomas Schieding (BRC Chair) :
      1. Large part of discussion was about budget projections/actual budget for 2023-24 AY 2024-25
      2. Budget decline because of fewer students and lower funds, higher expenditures, personnel costs due to recent contracted wage increases.
      3. Faculty member was taken away – FY24 budget is being referred to as a ‘bridge budget’ – moving away from COVID budgets
      4. Chancellor encouraged suggestions from UBAC members for biennium budget with awareness that Maui will be dominant
      5. Possibility of taking money out of Reserve Funds to make targeted investments while not significantly reducing those funds.
    4. Comments from Chair: As a campus, when we feel like we need resources, make those requests in alignment with campus and system strategic plans.
    5. Concern regarding the inclusion of Lecturers at Convocation to recognize their years of service was brought up with Chancellor and VCAA – lecturers are a vital part of our campus life and should be recognized and included in campus life.
    6. Active Standing Committee Participation
    7. There has been a deep dive with Nālimakui Council regarding Land Acknowledgement due to an anonymous concern received in the online questionnaire. This was forwarded to Nālimakui Council, the Native Hawaiian Council, and they are discussing it. Pūko’a Council gives consultation to the UH President.

V. Committee Reports

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – No Report (Sen. Ross Prizzia) but started a conversation on cheating with ChatGPT/AI with Student Affairs.
  2. Budget and Resources. (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. Scheiding formally voted in chair, looking for vice chair, even if your division is represented
    2. Oct 16 deadline for first round of funding for research and conference travel; 2 rounds anticipated; max limit is now $2200; second call for funding in spring and if funding is available we will do what we can; apply for anything anticipated up to June 30. Start with Adrian Lee and Michelle Ferguson to fill out eTravel.
    3. Recommendations adopted (no objections)
  3. Curriculum  (Sen. Carina Cernisky)
    1. Will be updated to add Amy Nishimura to members present list
    2. All approved proposals listed by categories
    3. Nov. 10 deadline for experimental courses for Spring 2024
    4. Recommendations adopted (no objections)
  4. Distance Education  (Sen. Lynette Williamson)
    1. Note especially OS, OA, HYB codes in section 1.4 on Kuali submission. Tutorials and info at the Distance Ed Laulima site; info under Distance Learning under faculty guide.
    2. 119 submissions with more to review for next month’s report.
    3. Recommendations adopted (no objections)
  5. General Education  (Sen. Cathy Ikeda)
    1. Renewal letter went out to faculty for renewal needs for this year. Everything comes in at one time, therefore slow going and more will come next month.
    2. Recommendations adopted (no objections)
  6. Program Review – No Report (Sen. Kealani Cook)
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Katie Landgraf)Met with Collaboration with ASUHWO and faculty members; will continue conversation.
  8.  Sustainability   (Sen. Rouel Velasco)
    1. Student representatives from ASUHWO and aloha ‘aina. Revisited projects to restart. Adding shade to parking lot.
    2. Encouraging sustainability designation for courses
    3. Certificate info
    4. Revisiting food pantry conversation
    5. Student pitch and present competition – planning in spring, fall presentation
    6. Approved two courses for sustainability designation


VI. New Business


VII. Announcements

  1. UHWO Behavior Intervention Team Talk Story (Beverly Baligad). October 16, 2023 : 1pm – 3pm. Dept of Homeland Security grant – engaging in community awareness, BIT awareness, trying to find out what people know about BIT / threat assessment team.
  2. Career Expo with Campbell, Kapolei: October 27, 2023 : 9am – 1pm
  3. Mililani Keiki Fair: October 21, 2023 : 9am – 3pm

VIII. Executive Session

Not called.

IX. Adjourn


Brenda Machosky, Vice Chair