Resolution # 2023-03

Resolved, That Resolution 2018-11 of the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu Faculty Senate be amended to read as attached. This resolution amends FS Resolution #2018-11.

Effective Date: immediately upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

Moving the deadline will positively impact faculty by allowing students to be recruited to new programs and courses and addresses faculty workload. Faculty who serves on the Curriculum Committee devote approximately 10 hours per month (about 40 hours during the fall term and up to 60 hours per academic year) to the committee’s work. The new deadline is also being proposed in response to the change of the registration period for new students from the first week of May to the first week of April; this change was implemented by the University of Hawaiʻi System and consolidated the registration of all students in the first week of April beginning in Spring 2022. 

Ultimately, the new deadline will enable faculty to have programs and courses in place in a timely manner to have a positive impact on students and the university community.

The deadlines for General Education and Distance Education in UHWO Faculty Senate Resolution 2018-11 shall remain the same moving forward until/unless an amendment is proposed to change it.

April 14, 2023 – Adopted through Faculty Senate.

May 9, 2023 – Recommended by VCAA Jeffrey A S Moniz.

May 9, 2023 – Approved by Chancellor Maenette K P Benham.