Resolution # 2022-07

Resolved, That the UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Ed. be amended to read as attached (underlined material to be inserted/added; bracketed material to be deleted) with these changes implemented immediately upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The UHWO Faculty Senate Program Review Committee (FSPRC) is charged with reviewing program review internal and external report documents for the purpose of developing recommendations and commendations that inform the development of culminating program review action plans.

This process involves working with a member of the division under review who functions as a liaison between the FSPRC and the division.

The  current Program Review Handbook, 4th Ed. does not make this liaison function explicit.

The proposed changes to the UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Ed. are intended to bring the language of the handbook into alignment with the current practice of the FSPRC.

May 6th 2022 – UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Ed. Amendments

Part II Section B, Item 6

The FSPRC should have one representative from each academic division and always include a member from the division under review to serve as a liaison with the division and give voice to divisional concerns and perspectives. The Faculty Senate Program Review Committee members are appointed by the division chair [major academic divisions within the university (to represent each division)] but may include members of the administration as well in an ex officio capacity. The Faculty Senate Program Review Committee is encouraged to consult with the UHWO Assessment Office throughout the program review process.


Approved by Faculty Senate – May 6, 2022.

Recommended by VCAA Jeffrey A S Moniz – Aug. 5, 2022.

Approved by Chancellor Maenette K P Benham – Aug. 6, 2022