Resolution # 2022-04

Resolved, That the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu CR/NC option must be declared by the student during registration, and that once declared, the declaration cannot be changed to letter grading after the last day of registration has passed; and be it

Resolved, That the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu CR designation denotes C (not C-) caliber work or better; and be it

Resolved, That neither CR nor NC is computed in the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu grade point average; and be it

Resolved, That the grade shows up as CR or NC on University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu transcripts; and be it

Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students may not take more than two courses per semester on a CR/NC basis, and UHWO Courses which are only offered as CR/NC do not count towards this limit; and be it

Resolved, That the CR/NC option for University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students is limited to elective courses only; and that this option is not allowed for any course taken to fulfill general education or major/certificate requirements, with the exception of those courses offered only on a CR/NC basis; and be it

Resolved, That no more than 40 credit hours of CR may be counted toward a University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu degree; and be it

Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students shall be made aware that some universities, professional schools, employers, and scholarship/fellowship awarding agencies may not recognize this option or may recalculate the “CR” as a “C” grade and the “NC” as an “F” grade, so that Students intending to transfer to another institution or attend graduate/professional schools shall be advised to study their associated policies before selecting the CR/NC option; and be it finally

Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students who complete Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses/exams may use the credit towards general education, core and concentration requirements when appropriate.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The credit/no credit option encourages students to broaden their education by venturing into subjects outside their fields of specialization without affecting their University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu grade point average (GPA).

University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu is the only University of Hawai‘i campus to not have an official CR/NC course policy. This may cause confusion for students, faculty, and advising with regards to transfer and degree completion.

The purpose of this resolution is to provide guidelines for how our university manages CR/NC courses.

The design of these guidelines are modeled from careful review of the CR/NC policies at the University of Hawai‘i Manoa, University of Hawai‘i Hilo, and the seven University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges.

Approved by Faculty Senate – 3/4/22.

Recommended by Jeffrey A S Moniz (VCAA) – 7/8/22.

Approved by Maenette K P Benham (Chancellor) – 7/8/22.