Resolution # 2020-12

On October 2, 2020, the UHWO Faculty Senate adopted the following Resolution:

Resolved, That Article II, Section 4 of the UH West O&3699;ahu Faculty Senate Charter be amended to add the following new language*:

“SECTION 4. By September 1 of each academic year, University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu lecturers may nominate three UHWO lecturers to serve on the Faculty Senate as voting members, subject to confirmation by the Senate, provided that at least two (2) divisions are represented. To be eligible to serve on Senate a lecturer must teach at least 6 credits during the semester in which he or she is confirmed. The lecturer representatives may in addition be appointed to serve as voting members of standing and special committees of the Senate, and vote in elections for the Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder of the Senate.

*underlined words to be added.

Effective date: Immediately upon approval of the Chancellor.

Intended Purpose or Rationale

The purpose of this resolution is to provide Lecturer Senators the same voting rights as other Senators. Like other Senators, the Lecturer representatives must teach 6 credits (half time) in order to be eligible to serve in the Senate and to be voting members of standing and special committees. However, Lecturer Senators are not allowed to vote in elections for Senate Chair or Vice Chair/Recorder as the Charter is currently written. Since Lecturer Senators represent a large constituency of Lecturers that are vital to the success of UH West Oahu’s mission, Lecturer Senators should have a voice in selecting the Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder of the Senate.

Submitted by Faculty Senate Chair, Ed Keaunui, October 2, 2020

Recommendation of UH-West Oʻahu, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Jeffrey Moniz, August 27, 2021

Approval of UH-West Oʻahu, Chancellor Maenette Benham, August 31, 2021