Stephanie Hauki Kamai began her professional career as a high school language arts teacher at Farrington High School. After earning a Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology degree, she worked as a school counselor at ‘Aiea Intermediate and Nānākuli High and Intermediate Schools. Upon earning a Doctorate degree she was appointed Vice Principal at Ilima Intermediate and Alvah Scott Elementary Schools.
In 2012 Dr. Kamai began her tenure at UH West O‘ahu as an Assistant Specialist, Education Division. Her experience in the Hawai‘i Department of Education for more than 20 years provides the expertise and skills needed to excel in her role as Coordinator of Field Experience and Student Teaching; Student Teaching Seminar course instructor.
Her commitment to UH West O‘ahu students in the teacher preparation program coupled with her experience in HIDOE gives Dr. Kamai a unique perspective and skill set. Her responsibilities include developing partnerships and processes that support students in their field experiences. Dr. Kamai employs communication skills that are essential to maintaining an active roster of HIDOE administrators and highly qualified mentor teachers who are committed to supporting aspiring teachers.
Ed.D. University of Southern California, Educational Leadership, 2005
MSCP Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, School Counseling, K-12, 1995
B.Ed. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Secondary Education, Language Arts, 1991
Hawaiʻi Department of Education; teacher, counselor, registrar, administrator, 1991-2012
Teacher Education Program, Education Division; Coordinator of Field Experience, University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu, 2012-present
- EDEE 490 Student Teaching, Elementary Education
- EDEE 492 Student Teaching Seminar, Elementary Education
- EDSE 490 Student Teaching, Secondary Education
- EDSE 492 Student Teaching Seminar, Secondary Education
The Cost of Schooling for Micronesian Students, Micronesian Educator: A Journal of Research & Practice on Education in Guam and Micronesia, Vol. 20, 2015
James and Abigail Campbell Foundation Scholarship for Teacher Education at University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu, 2018-2020.
The purpose of the funding is to assist student teachers who student teach in a school located on the Wai‘anae coast and if presented with an offer of hire, to teach at a school located on the Wai‘anae coast.
A comparison of the legislative and financial constraints on the development of charter schools in the aloha state, University of Southern California, August 2005
Navigating the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers: Critical Reflections for Building Conversations on Social Justice and Equity, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, Poster Session, San Francisco, CA, May, 2016
The Serenity Garden, A labor of love, Pacific Circle Consortium, Hiroshima, Japan, 2017.
Kuahuokalā: Reflections on space and transformative education conversations, American Education Research Association, April 2019, Toronto, Canada
He Haʻawina Moʻolelo, Pacific Islander Indigeneity and Education Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland OR, May, 2019
Kuahuokalā:Reflections in Kū, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, Portland, OR, May 2019
Lesson Study Immersion Program 2019, IMPULS-Lesson Study Alliance, Tokyo, Japan, June 2019
Student Affairs Committee Chair, 2014-2016
Nalimakui Native Hawaiian Council, member and officer 2012-present
Program Review Committee Chair, 2018-2020
Program Review Committee Vice-Chair, 2016-2018
Faculty Senator, 2017-2021