English Program
Welcome to the English Program
The Humanities concentration in English offers students a comprehensive course of study in British, American, and Anglophone literatures as well as world literatures in translation. Beginning with an introductory course in literary studies, students undertake broad-based historical surveys followed by upper-level courses that treat major authors, genres, and themes in literature. Courses in literary theory, film studies, and drama also play a central role in these upper-level offerings. Assisted by Faculty Advisors, Humanities/English majors may tailor upper-level requirements to their own needs and interests. This program of study concludes with an original Senior Project or Senior Practicum in literature or cultural studies.
First-Year Composition
The University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu’s First-Year Composition (FYC) program is a rhetorically-focused, process-oriented, two semester sequence of writing courses that helps students explore and hone their own writing processes; analyze and create persuasive arguments; ethically conduct and meaningfully integrate research; rhetorically analyze and adapt to different audiences; and build flexible and contextual strategies for composing in a wide array of communicative situations.
Mission Statement
The Humanities concentration in English offers students the opportunity to critically and creatively examine literature; artistic expression; cultural, social, and rhetorical analyses; and a wide array of reading and writing practices. Students begin their studies with survey courses that introduce UH West Oʻahu’s four emphasis tracks: literary studies, creative writing, rhetoric and composition, and cultural studies. After exploring a range of disciplinary approaches, upper-level students then move on to develop disciplinary depth in emphasis track(s) of their choice, selecting from a range of coursework influenced by cultural and rhetorical theory; drama and film studies; media theory; language and composition studies; literary criticism; and writing workshops. Finally, students apply this knowledge in culminating senior seminars or practica that engage the English studies emphases of their choice from original, critical, and transdisciplinary perspectives.
Concentration’s Learning Outcomes:
- Perform analytical, interpretive, and critical close readings of course texts and similar texts
- Understand the historical, sociopolitical, ideological, and cultural contexts and effects of literature, writing, and/or methodological approaches
- Develop sophisticated written and oral skills to construct interpretations, analyses and arguments in a variety of genres
- Develop metacognitive practices that facilitate critical, ethical, and meaningful engagement with course content and beyond