Capstone Registration Information
Refer to the Capstone Information page for descriptions of Capstone Course Options and Prerequisites.
Capstone Information Sessions
Virtual Capstone Information Sessions will be held for students to learn more about the capstone requirement and request process.
Scroll to the end of this page for a Capstone Information video.
Sessions include a 30 minute presentation followed by time for Q&A. The same information is discussed during each session; students do not need to attend multiple sessions.
Pre-registration for the information sessions is not required. Zoom meeting information will be shared with students via email.

Advising - Degree Audit
Email your College Success Advisor for a Degree Audit to go over all requirements and determine your projected graduation date.
Kekoa Simpson ( is the College Success Advisor for all Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration students.
Students who do not complete a degree audit prior to making a capstone registration request will experience delays. A degree audit is required in order to receive a capstone registration override.
Students may also contact Kekoa during the scheduled Express Advising events for a Degree Audit. Express Advising sessions are limited to 15 minutes.
Registration Request
A registration override is required for students to register for a capstone course. Department approval is granted by the Business Administration Division Capstone Coordinator.
Business Administration Capstone Registration Override Requests are submitted through an online form where students provide their information and list the capstone section information in the order for their preference for enrollment.
Students should refer to Class Availability and/or STAR GPS to review the capstone course options, sections, and meeting dates and times.
Overrides will be issued according to the section preference shared on the form. The most preferred option with a seat available will be granted provided students meet prerequisites and requirements.
Allow up to 5-10 business days for your registration request to be processed and overrides to be completed. We receive 150+ registration overrides each semester.
Students are advised to register for all other semester courses at their designated time ticket and not to wait for the capstone registration override.
There are a limited number of seats in each capstone section; the Business Administration Division will not issue more overrides than there are available seats in a section.
When making a capstone registration request, students will have the opportunity to list their section preferences for capstone enrollment. The form asks students to list the Section, Capstone Option, Instructor, and CRN (5-digit course reference number) for each preference.
Register via STAR GPS
Students must confirm their capstone registration in STAR GPS and will receive an email notification after the override is complete and are able to register in STAR GPS. Email notifications will come from; Subj: Spring 2023 Capstone Override.
Students should register for any other courses needed at their designated registration day/time then add the capstone course to their schedule after the email notification is received.
Change Requests: Course overrides are specific to the CRN. If you want to change sections or concentrations, please fill out the request form again and note “Updated request” in the Comments section.
*Note: The Business Administration Division reserves the right to reassess students’ eligibility for capstone courses after a registration override is issued and before the start of the semester. Registration overrides are considered based on a student’s eligibility on the date of issue. The Capstone Coordinator may contact a student if there is a change in eligibility for the capstone semester.
Grad App
Students must notify the campus of their intent to graduate by filling out a Graduation Application form. Submission of this form ensures the student will be added to the mailing list for Commencement information.
We recommend that students preparing for BUSA 486 Senior Project should start considering project topics and conduct preliminary research on potential topics.
Students interested in completing BUSA 490 Administrative Practicum will need to submit a Practicum Proposal prior to the start of the semester. Forms are shared for those who are granted a registration override for BUSA 490. Visit the Practicum Information page for more details.
We recommend students contact their Academic Advisor each semester, prior to registration.
Students should refer to Class Availability to review the capstone course options, sections, and meeting schedules.
Practicum internships must be approved prior to the start of the semester.
Click on the video title to watch on with chapter markers