Public Administration Capstone Registration Process
Senior standing students that are planning to register for their PUBA Capstone need to follow the steps listed below. Students who do not complete these steps will experience delays in their registration.
Advising - Final Degree Audit
Email your College Success Advisor or schedule a Final Degree Audit appointment by going to to go over all requirements and determine your projected graduation date.

Schedule a virtual appointment through STAR Balance.
Virtual Express Advising (Thursdays 8am – 4:30pm)

Schedule a virtual appointment
Virtual Express Advising (Wednesdays 8am – 4:30pm)
eForm - Capstone Registration Request
Following the Final Degree Audit appointment with your College Success Advisor and confirmation of your expected final semester, you will be emailed a link to complete your PUBA Capstone Registration Request eForm. The Capstone Registration Request eForm is where students will provide their information and identify the desired capstone course.
Students should refer to the Class Availability and/or STAR GPS to review the capstone course options, sections, and meeting dates and times.
After completion of the eForm, a Graduation Eligibility Confirmation will be emailed to the student and the capstone professor indicated. The email notifies both student and professor that the degree requirements are being met and that the student is eligible for the capstone and graduation. Students who do not complete these steps will experience delays in their registration.
Request - Faculty Approval
A registration override is required for students to register for a capstone course. After receiving the Graduation Eligibility Confirmation email, students are then directed to email a request for faculty approval to the professor teaching your desired capstone. When the professor has received both Graduation Eligibility Confirmation & an email student Request for Faculty Approval, they can then consider granting the student with the registration override for the capstone course.
Register - via STAR GPS
After a student has been granted the faculty registration override for the course, students should go to STAR GPS and “SUBMIT” their registration for the capstone. Students are advised to register for all other semester courses at their designated time ticket and not to wait for the capstone registration override.
Grad App: Students must notify the campus of their intent to graduate by filling out a Graduation Application form. Submission of this form ensures the student will be added to the mailing list for Commencement information.
Prepare - Senior Project / Administrative Practicum
PUBA 486(alpha) – Senior Project
Students preparing for PUBA 486(alpha) Senior Project should start considering project topics and conduct preliminary research on potential topics.
Guidelines for Senior Project:
- Students and Professors will determine and agree on: (a) a well-defined set of goals and objectives, (b) scheduled meeting times, and (c) section and/or draft due dates before beginning work on the projects
- The Capstone Professor will approve, supervise and guide the senior project development.
PUBA 490(alpha) – Administrative Practicum
Students interested in completing PUBA 490(alpha) Administrative Practicum (Internship) are required to initiate the preliminary search for internship sites, as well as updating their resume and cover letter.
Guidelines for Administrative Practicum:
- Students and Professors will determine and agree on: (a) a well-defined set of goals and objectives, (b) scheduled meeting times, and (c) section and/or draft due dates before beginning work on the practicum.
- Faculty, student, and site supervisor, must complete the UH West O‘ahu Memorandum of Agreement that includes the functions, objectives, and tasks for the practicum experience. Professor will provide the appropriate forms.
Contact an Advisor
Joseph Mareko (Last Name: A-K)
or Kealohi Perry (Last Name: L-Z)